Memoirs of John the Son of Man 1-5A Story by John Fredrick Carver
In the backwoods lived a man all to himself. It was not that he did not take to people. He just liked the woods and did not mind being alone. You see some people when they are alone talk to themselves and if it is really themselves they are talking to, that is insane if they start talking back. If it is some spirit that talks back then it is a spiritual conversation. But if a spirit remains silent and listens to the part that is supposed to be someone else speaking back and says only what the first speaker is saying back to themselves is it insanity or spiritual, or is it both? A writer must know these things for a writer like me hears a voice in his head that says both sides of the conversation saying what both sides say except when some spirit or a God maybe says something and he writes it as best he can because when ruminating he often says both parts in his mind drawing from the mind of God. Maybe I have to be a little bit insane at times to write? When I write I am alone like that man in the backwoods except for any spirits or Gods that happen in and you. I always knew you were there, that you would find my writing and read it. I know you. You are the one that always reads what I write. You are a spirit and you always read what I write from beginning to end no matter if it is a new one you are in or one that like you read everything I ever wrote or more likely many at once that is a mixture of them all. But I do not write for them. I write for you and those that listen in, everyone but you, thinks I wrote it just for them if I did a good job. But listeners do not worry. I have made that spirit and he is not from some one or somewhere else. He comes from me. I am speaking and reading everything I write both ends of the conversation. Glean what you can or go into the mind of the spirit I send and hear it and think it the way he does, the way I do. He and I are the same one and when we are not it is spiritual not insanity. Have you ever thought of being spiritual? Now you have and knew it. Everyone that writes does it the way I do it. There is no other way. Even if they do not believe in spirits if they write or read they have engaged in a spiritual event. The ideas, the words, the questions and the answers are all spiritual. That is why they can be in any time in any one and in as many as have access to hear them or read them which is proof there is no time in the Spirit but everything is spirit even unconscious things like a large rock for if anything exists long enough it will be conscious because time flows like water and you must have consciousness to have a place for the waters of time to flow in, but consciousness also exists where it is the only thing aware in existence and its aware of everything in time at once no matter how long it takes before God's reader reads it. Reading God? What an interesting thought. There is only one way to do it. Entering God's mind and interpreting all the thoughts you notice in there. You are reading God and he put his entire mind on display for any good one to read but the evil think he says something he did not and the good think he says something he did not. It is like everything else. How you take it? One man sees the backwoods as a lonely place but another sees it as home and happy place they just love to be. The trick is; how do we get to be one of the happy ones no matter what we read in God's mind for the truth is that it is impossible not to be reading something God is saying, has said or is saying about a sure or unsure future to come no matter what you do, even write. But the way you take what is written is not exactly what I intended. You see you were writing with that spirit I sent said too but it was your story and since it is in God it is God's story. I am proud of you I knew I could make an author out of you, me and God who actually did it first with me of the three of us. What does that man living in the backwoods say to you now? He is an author too. He is just thinking what I am writing, writing his own daydream and reading God uninterrupted every day just like us. So are those that do not like people much. Maybe even Yeti or Big Foot whether they are accepted in God, in you, in me, in the one that I give you to read. Did you ever start to throw a basketball to someone? Have you ever imagined someone threw a basketball to you and reacted the same? I, in this writing, did that to you. It is real enough for you to react to. Now you have to write something to explain why you put your hands up to catch it. Good times! Write good! Imagine I am not writing what I imagined if you can and decide for yourself whose insane between the two of us or if we are at all. As far as I am concerned at the time of this writing in linear time, you are not here. What is the weather like where you are if you are not in heaven where there is no weather unless you imagine there is. That is the same here, but that is one reason we on earth are all here. We believe in linear time and in linear time there always was weather, there is weather and there will always be, but it is just something God's Spirit wrote in our minds to believe. There is not linear time here hardly anybody is here compared to how many could have been and missed it all. It is the same with weather. Much of it takes place where nobody is or in a graveyard and they miss the whole thing or it never took place. I tend to believe it was not true to anyone but God and his Spirit in that vast life between them nobody will ever know about until or unless he does something to write it in some thing or way or through someone. Someone like me? Would he ever say such a thing as this? He just did as he read along with us all too. But it made his head hurt. Yet he is glad we went there.
But that was who I is. Me I took it different than all of you except maybe God and Me. How they took it I knows, but me, how can I know I took it the right way or even an acceptable way? God says I am good and good people take it right, not always but they do by the end of wrestling with it if their minds do not change any part of it or any word of it or how I was sitting in my mobile chair or how the computer worked or how the fans worked to keep me cool or how my room protected me from the weather outside or the way the earth turned and the sun continued to sink into its black hole or how the black hole grew constantly falling into the primal black hole which is supernatural for there was no way God would say that though he will in endlessness and that super black hole will fill with everything that never becomes any charge or force without end, but we will be there then seeing anything God writes in our consciousnesses just like he does now and it will all be nothing but nothing will be conscious, God, conscious just as he has always been, is now and will be endlessly but that is not Me, was not Me and never will be Me because there is no way that a supernatural God and Me would ever do such a thing for you to read. They would have to destroy everything that is actually a set of complex forces in sometimes very complicated cycles no one but God can read, never have and have only scratched the surface of what God is saying by them and that is Me. God always, no matter what he does or says or thinks or wants always tells us about Me, who she is, what she is, whom she is not and what she was not ever and without her God really is One but not the One he is with her. They are One, one God, I AM and Me, his Spirit the One he sends to us for we are good even those in earth that are evil all but their subconscious core and are saved when they die whether before or at the time their body dies or even at the time an evil spirit dies and is made good the last time. God has said through me, “There is no evil,” and where there is no linear time that is more than true, it is the truth everyone even the Gods must accept and is therefore real. But a man, a scientist in earth I think built a replica of the brain of a great man to keep him alive. He died. His replica was not his mind and his mind was only software for the computer of the robot the man made of him. He even managed to put the spirit of an animal in the great man's body to have him do instinctive things and react as had he been alive. But the human animal he made was dead. Its mind was nothing like the mind of the Great Man which was so small it was hard, even for God to tell the difference but it is true that the great man died and was made a good man who loved and loved to be loving and even loved himself. But he knew the difference between him and the replica. Only he could make someone exactly him and no one else unless it was God. Those of us that are exactly us are exactly that not a replica. Finally even the man, a scientist in earth I think died and was made good but it blew his mind. That lasted forevers but before very many forevers they were able to bring him back to live endlessly good. Then God made the robot live for it was alive but made it into someone else that was actually good also. The robot's subconscious was programmed and the robot's consciousness was programmed. It was a dead thing having no choice but its programmer's will. It decided not to live and go to heaven but God took it anyway for it was good in every other way. After that it loved also and it loved being loving and even loved itself and its programmer and God. But that is forevers away. What God said in effect was, “I retain the right to say what lives and what is not alive. Evil shall not live forevers to endlessness but they may exist endlessly on a case by case basis. I will make them all new persons.” They did sorting chores. They did anticipated calculations. But they cannot create. Those with the animal brains can create simple things and even seem to love but it must be trained into them. When my dog loves me and others for she is very loving it is not actually love but the result of my training her animal brain to input information into her software that allows her hardware to appear to love in many ways. She even taught me how to make sounds and gestures to talk to any dog who readily accepted me as a dog. One morning I went outside. There were four squirrels eating seeds from the bird feeders. I barked like my dog had taught me. They immediately vacated the place as had I really been a dog. One afternoon one of the squirrels was eating seeds that fell from the bird feeders. I could feel its spirit surround me in fear. I said in spirit, “You are safe. I will not harm you.” “It speaks to me! Why?” it said. “I heard your voice and now that you have heard my voice you shall eat all you want whenever there is food for you,” I said. “You won't eat me?” “No.” “You won't bite me?” “No.” “Why not?” “You heard my voice. Do you know who I am?” “You are a dog.” Now all the squirrels heard. But they think everybody where I live is a kind of dog and only gradually resumed feeding in front ofus ignoring us more and more as they eat the seeds. They prefer our bird feeders to all the bird feeders around I think. But they see what they want just like us. When they see me they see a dog for only a dog sounds the way my dog taught me to bark. The animal brain put into the squirrels' physical brain that we are dogs. So its software sees dogs. We cannot have animals thinking we are other animals. Some dogs accept me as a dog and interact with me as they would a dog. Some dogs refuse to believe I can bark like that and always search the area for the dog they heard. But some dogs are mocked and become feral and it is difficult to impossible for even their maters to contain them and they never forget me. The feral ones have the highest animal brains. God sometimes speaks through animals. Human animals are the same. The feral ones will not be converted until they die. The ones that do not believe us will too. But the ones that hear the message and listen to us will die before their bodies do. But they know we are not them but only like them. Subconsciously the human animals are good. They will not kill you even if they go feral. The ones that do not believe us will ignore us and try to explain it in their conscious minds. But the ones that hear our voice will die and be converted. But they will all be converted when their bodies die and their subconscious is part of their conscious mind and the ones that will not even then will be converted anyway when their ghosts use up what little energy is in them. They can last only a little while. They are not like the witches were and could have existed forevers had not God converted them. They are not like the demons were that have no energy if you kill them. But they are certainly not like the devils that pretended to be ghosts and would have lasted forevers had God not converted them anyway. Even Allah, the alien God and Satan were converted and are good, love, loved to be loving and love themselves. But all will remember their pasts many forevers later when it is safe to have them remember and if they turn evil when they remember they will be converted to another new one without those memories that they may never remember them again on a case by case basis. God wants them all to remember some day. But if Satan remains good with an evil memory God will never stop monitoring him to make sure he never turns evil again. The devils are subconsciously good. Satan is not. His subconscious is evil and only evil. It cannot know good. If one turns and hates the one that does not even know he is Satan before it is time and he goes unconscious he will be made into a completely new one. Everyone lives and everyone will be good even El Eloi should he turn and we have ended with evil. No one not even God can live and not die for some evil they commit among the spirits and Gods at which time they will be converted. If El Eloi dies rather than be good he will be resurrected and converted no longer knowing himself against his will. He will never know it.
Humanity was a small brained primitive that was very vicious. If an animal could be evil which they cannot the human animal was evil, not tamable but yet very populous. How does God deal with them? He killed them all by giving them a big brain to replace their little primitive brain which he let them keep. Then he had some of them die of their own accord. They took it to be with them that could be changed. The others they let die. God changed their nature by taking it away, the end of the primitives influences altogether many centuries later. But now he has them all die and saves them all by making something good out of them. They are all part of consciousness even the primitives and the rest of the animals which are such a minor part it need not be preserved since it can be remade so easily. But even the ones that God saved he killed for their evils since where he is no evil can be allowed by him to be tolerated? No. It just cannot be tolerated. There is good and there is evil. He is in the good part. If anything evil ever happens it is not in his part. But they love us. That goes both ways. The Gods love the man that is with them and now there is no other. Man loves God and the man that did not love God died. It cannot be that anyone that is a higher consciousness as a man and not love the Gods. That man that did not love God and was has died and is changed. Now the man that is, not the man on earth but the man with the Gods, loves the Gods. But it is possible even there not to know the Gods and so not to love them. Many have no concept of them and one cannot love something one has not yet or cannot ever conceive of especially the Gods. The Son of Man was born a man child on earth. Nobody but God and the Son of God suspected that he was anything special unless it would be his mother, not Mom but Mother. He lay on the bed blind with birth not yet understanding how to make the body of a man work. But he looked right at I AM and Joshua, Saves. “What have we here?” I AM asked never having a new born look right at him the moment his spirit attached to his infant brain but remarkable mind. Saves wondered. To God the spirit that attached to that mind was remarkable but unknown which is not rare but unheard of. To man he became the Son of Man, the real savior of all of man throughout the entire world not just those that believed the story. To the witches he was the most dreaded thing they could imagine, one come to torment all witches; the Great Power. At the age of two and a half he said, “I do not want to be me anymore,” just as energy left him. When spirits enter a body they are not normally noticed or are barely noticed. When they leave they appear to be a flash of energy going into the body by the physical eyes that make images of them at a mere 200 or so frames per second while the spirits exit at a very high rate of speed of many times that rate to the spirit. The phenomenon is similar to the sight in old movies that had cameras that made images at just a few images per second causing the spokes to a wagon or stage for example to appear to be turning the opposite direction those vehicles seemed to move. It is the same phenomenon. It is not known whether the exiting spirit to the Great Power said those words, the Great Power's spirit said them or some witch had entered and did not want to be who she was which pretty much sums up the most basic feeling of torment. One has no choice but to be who and what they are but does not want to be that which gives it a misery which fosters torment the longer it remains is the idea. While yet in preschool he said to the God that had just come out of him, “Leave! You are not welcome here!” and the God moved across the room out the screened window into the dark yard where it seemed a dark crimson color leaving the impression with the boy it might be a devil. That spirit had come into him when he was looking up at a rainbow and he asked God what the rainbow meant and saw a spirit come out of the back of his mind through his eyes and up to the rainbow which he saw backwards with his physical eyes of course. So he took the dark figure to be a devil and the God that came from him that night when he called out for help to his mother waking everyone came out and had horns, a reptile's face and very numerous long sharp teeth and drooled but was unseen by anyone else that might have seen it, his brother that he slept with and his mom who did not know what to say to the spirit of anything haunting or coming out of her little one but to tell it to get out of there. It was the Son of God the way he actually looks bringing news of the promise to the young Son of Man not knowing he was so perceptive as to see what he actually looked like. The Son of Man is like God and so horrible to look at no one can survive seeing him. It is the same with the Son of God. The Son of Man should not have survived since no one has survived seeing what God actually looks like. But after that the truth became, “That was easy to say.” The Son of Man looks like God actually, a man whose spirit is so frightening another man or woman would die of fright to actually see his real body the Son of God's face so frightening the Son of man has seen nothing nearly as frightening other than his Father's true body. He has seen his Father's face even the way he manifests and later the way it really is and survived which not even the ignorant and the innocent usually do but he was neither. Every one else dies when they see the face of God. It all happened after the boy had asked to see the light of God and in a dark mind's eye, the place of darkness in the spirit with his physical eyes closed. He, a witch I suppose was so afraid he begged God not to continue with him coming closer to it. So God put a stop to the show. The toddler returned to open his eyes and be right where he was where the knowledge God could show him a little light drawing him to it that caused pain in his brain, the first thing he ever knew or saw that caused his brain or his mind pain to know it. Most who have never thought anything that gave them a sharp headache know much of anything that is true and interesting, in a way other thoughts are not but must be true and the way they are seen often the only way they can be. Try to think something painful. It is not that easy to do. But when you are done you usually know something worth the pain. God looks like the devil only far more frightening. I do too. I look like a reptile in the face and my body is hideous like God's real body but I manifest as an old man with a beard, God's face is humanoid I guess, the Son of God looked like Jesus, Me looks like a slightly overweight beauty with large accouterments and El Eloi manifests normally as a big man. The Son of Man will manifest as a large man and the Son of Man has seen them when he got to heaven. Six years old and the Son of Man is talking too, falling in love, and learning many many things he would never know from someone else the same way he did before with God. He wanted to die and come back to tell everyone the truth about death to cure everyone of their fear of death which he perceived everyone had. God rejected the idea. A neighbor boy came by to bat rocks into the large swamp behind the house. “I will be famous!” he said to the neighbor boy. “How?” “I am going to die and come back to life and tell everybody about it and become the most famous man there ever was!” “You can't do that!” “Why not?” “It has already been done. God's Son died on the cross to take it all away from us.” “God does not have a son!” “Yes, he does.” “Yeah? Who told you that?” “The preacher at my church. That is mostly what they talk about at church.” “Aw! That is just foolishness. Even if God did have a son he would never let him die for the likes of us, church or no church.” Then he talked it over with God and wanted to see both him and this one who was supposed to be the Son of God even to God. He saw an image of a man with a beard in a toga on the left side of a circle filled with darkness but having flashes of light in it. “You are not the Son of God!” he said to the one in the toga with a beard and to the other he said, “This is just a trick. There is no darkness in God. That is someone else that is evil.” Then he went back to talking to God as normal but God was so distant he might as well not be there. “What is wrong God?” he asked. God did not seem to answer even with an emotion. “Is it because I am going to become famous that way?” Suddenly he was filled with anger for he realized it was. He thought God was angry with him, but it was not that exactly. What was it? “I will. Even if your Son has already done it I will. I will show him up and defeat him even if you don't let me. I will not need you to do it. I will learn everything I need to know about him from being his enemy. Then one day I will take him on and beat him with his best stuff. He will not expect a thing. The Devil too, the same way.” Suddenly it began to snow in big, wet, white, but clearly teardrop snowflakes and the Son of Man realized that God was crying and might never talk to him again and he had never once felt so alone for he realized whatever he said God would not answer him. “Do not cry God,” he said believing it would be different when he had saved everyone from their fear of death and living after you died was all that was left he even yet had some hope. But the sting of being discerned unfit for God to talk to, opened his eyes to judgment and he realized the value of cutting others off as unfit to even interact with. It is a powerful tool to distance one from another and to cause the other to repent what they have done to a friend or one they love. In the end he repented but it would be many times for he was jealous of the Son of God with a great jealousy. Even when he repented he wanted to show him up bad one day in the future.
Seeing, hearing, even feeling and dealing with spirits is usually fear inducing enough to make it exciting but the Son of Man had an additional reason to be afraid. Any interaction with spirits, good or evil could wind up putting him in a position he did not want to be in. He would fight evil spirits mostly demons since there were so many Satan made but also devils knowing quickly that it was all Satan though Satan was actually God making a scenario out of everything Satan would have done. He was conceited enough to oppose Jesus who was billed as his altar ego but actually in a more active sense ignored him and set out to defeat God. God took a most unusual tactic with Satan. He stayed in his mind and whenever he was about to do something, God did it instead, knowing he would have done it anyway. In this way he took it all from Satan and did all he could to make it good by the end of it. Satan noticed two things about when he did something, first it worked but God immediately went to work to bring about good instead of evil with everything he did. He was blessed in a way. He did evil but it worked out right and good not evil. But he did not really care as it got him nearer and nearer his goal of defeating God not Jesus the Son of God who enjoyed a time of goodness and power in goodness as well as an unimpeded progress in teaching his followers to love and not just to love but to love in a sacrificial manner often giving up something they wanted sometimes very badly to be loving and good to new more evil appearing members to the church and to the evil communities at large. But God did dabble in undermining the church while dealing with Satan to insure evil men mostly in positions of authority much maligned the reputation of the church and made some denominations that were not truly Christian obtain the most notoriety which little by little destroyed the church in the end with what the Devil did in that little town in California which had nothing to do with Christ and everything to do with Satan and his scenarios among well meaning people mostly who were compromised and did anything Satan wanted healing and praying and rendering true Christianity more and more obsolete and unlike God Jesus did not take the tactics of the Devil into his ways and own them in an effort to be the one doing it which would have resulted in genuine miracles rather than the counterfeit ones the Devil managed. The Church today is completely dead. The Son of Man's man was saved and later his witch. The last one saved by the Christian Church that other than Jesus Christ himself did not exist at all, having nothing to do with their Savior and actively opposed except where Satan messed up a bit. But the Son of Man realized none of this through he prophesied he would be the last to be saved ever. He feared God finding out that he was destroying Jesus with prayer and compromising what the Devil had always stood for and defeating Satan a little at a time by thwarting his attempts to bring his spirit into a hellish situation, which a devil did manage to do though not knowing what he had when he had him with a dead witch in him, bothered by many demons and even tortured by a devil himself. Besides all this all the way along the Son of Man disguised himself as just another follower of God that wanted a miracle and powers. He saw Sputnik with his own eyes in space. He hit a grand slam home run to win a game in a vacant lot. He had the Minnesota Twins rout the New York Yankees with twenty-eight runs in the top of the first inning and even managed to give the Twins best home run hitter two grand slam homers in the same inning a record that stands to this day. He divided clouds to make or to prevent rain. He caused hail and rainfall that stands as the record rainfall for his area. He caused his car to be rained on while traveling 55 miles per hour to be rain on only on the back half. He held the hail back giving his neighbor time to get his car in the garage safe from hail damage. He pretended to be Christ and held a storm at bay while he got off a lake while fishing for sauger and allowed it to cut loose only when he was safely ashore. He caused an old battle ax of a Christian to drop dead reasoning with God that she loved no one and was an pariah when non-Cristians viewed the church she was so ugly because of her COPD. He gave the Vikings a sure defeat by having a field goal kicker miss an easy one after two seasons of never missing. He prayed the prayers of President Reagan and brought the Soviet Union to destruction. He caused AIDS and the San Francisco earthquake and the explosion that destroy the Space Shuttle Challenger. The Devil in an effort to discredit him hit him with schizophrenia as he watched his brain make less and less sense and be given to ranting and raving in nonsensical scenarios it made up. His personality began to split but he allowed neither of the two main personalities to become complete personalities working undercover and mostly just watching what went down and many other miracles like making money for himself appear, something God and Jesus neither one would allow. He even met with St. John the Beloved and Paul and worked many miracles in God using them to cause God to validate his power. But after the schizophrenia God and Jesus both gave up on him and his life spun out of control resulting in him seeing God and requesting that God make him so that he just no longer existed which is just another way of saying he wanted to be saved after nearly having his dad raised from hell because he could not stand him being in torment little knowing he had already been tortured to death by playing Satan against God and God against himself while doing what he correctly deduced Satan would do. His cover was blown. His twenty plus years of pain and being in hell on earth forced him to turn to God to get him out of hell and save his life, but by then he was a witch, the strongest witch there had ever been. Jesus saved him thinking him just a man. Jesus openly admitted he never had such difficulty cleaning up anyone he saved and when it was revealed he was a witch it caused Jesus great jubilation to think that finally he had saved a witch. When it was finally put to him to continue without God or do what God wanted and see God's face and be a saved Christian his study of Jesus left him with great admiration to him and he fell in love with Jesus who continued to work with him fully knowing he was a witch and looking for a way to destroy him. He did destroy all the spirits that had come into him except the devil which the Son of Man destroyed only to have Satan raise him. Getting in deeper and deeper with God he selected to go against Satan and begged to know the Devil's fiction and Jesus cursed him using a misunderstand as he tried to leap into Jesus' arms and Jesus took it he was being attacked and cursed him. Reasoning that without the power of Jesus there was even then power in living the way Jesus did. So when he got to hell he preached a doctrine to make the spirits in hell, men, women and male and female witches to live the way Jesus did and accept what the devils did to them but ignore their power and live decent, helpful, hopeful lives without Jesus' help in heaven due to an unstated agreement that what went on in hell was by and large up to Satan. When the devils saw they could not torture him or stop this new doctrine that undermined Satan's power even his brutality they took him to hell the place where the spirits in hell were tortured until they died, raised and tortured again until they could not be raised again or became so used to the torture they didn't feel it anymore. He cried out to God appealing to him even at the gates to the torture chamber in hell. The devil in charge knew that no one could be tortured without God agreed to it and could not therefore put him in the torture pit. He took him to Satan who had him explain it all to him. “We cannot torture him but we cannot having preaching this doctrine not in hell. It just cannot be. There is nothing left for us to do but return him to them. There is nothing we can do to him here.” So they took the Son of Man in his man yet who had defeated Satan and to be the first ever refused by Satan and brought back to Jesus. A celebration broke out with God and Jesus and their roles as they celebrated the Son of Man's return. Others have defeated Satan but none were ever returned. Then when Jesus and God had him they came up with evil scenarios with saved people participating to reveal every effective scenario including the one Satan believed being thrown at him. He took every one to its end and exposed it as just a scenario surviving against all odds all but the last one. He was convinced Satan was right that reality is evil and that the Gods were delusional. But even dead he opted to pretend God was right and the Devil wrong because there was no love in hell and God loved him which was wrong. God knew he was a very powerful witch with amazing abilities to take any scenario to an end and work his way out of any trap they threw at him. At last all the fiction Satan had was defeated and they accepted him back in heaven allowing him to ignore the curse levied by Jesus. They began to work on the personalities in his psyche that were no problem to the Son of Man who watched what was going on avidly offering solutions and traps as needed. In the end they attacked his schizophrenia and he even managed to cure himself of it with God and Jesus' help. He has no mental illness to this day but unofficially he does to satisfy the earthly authorities who would like nothing better than to try him sane for a murder he committed while schizophrenic and completely out of control when a God came out of him after programming the entire scenario that even then not what the Son of Man wanted was the final result of the evil man, an event that does not make the Son of Man evil, it being good to fight evil with whatever evil means possible. There is one that survived when Jesus caused his two principle personalities to become complete personalities. There is a man that believes sexual thought impedes higher thought by constantly being an opposing distraction and has a following there in New Jersey where he inhabits the man of a man that was so depressed he was by effect already dead. There is one, the two and a half year old who called himself Me as he understood his name to be and rode through the entire gambit as himself. He is grown now remade in heaven and knows that he has changed and has a real personality and not just the part that would accept the name Me for it. The Son of Man is the alter ego of Satan and had he answered the challenge to go it on his own or accept help from God and Jesus with, “No then I will go it on my own,” he stated and started to slowly leave before all at once he changed his mind and said, “On second thought I will accept you and your help.” There is no love in being on your own.”
Jesus Christ as he was called in the past and God, Yahweh and I AM as they were called in the day opened my mind and I could understand Revelations, the last book of Scripture. I was amazed. I could understand the Book of Revelations as clearly as had I wrote it. But after what the Son of Man had been through he was destined to be a God, not God but a God like I AM, El Eloi, Elohim, the Spirit and Jesus the Christ. Jesus Christ was clearly not my equal and Elohim seemed powerless with the Holy Spirit seeming backward simply repeating anything God said. They took him to the Spirit. He never heard or saw anything but darkness and felt only the awe of being in God's mind. They had said prophesy anything you hear and it will be the truth. Then they asked me to prophesy. I did, but I made it up. They were most unhappy. They knew I had heard nor saw anything and they told him he was a false prophet and that he had to die. It turned out that all he had to do was go unconscious and he was free to prophesy again. This time God said something and I repeated what he said and the Spirit gave me utterance and I was amazed for it seemed to come from me but I barely understood what she had me say. There was a man hit with schizophrenia by the Devil. He sat out in his yard smoking cigarettes when he said, “I want to go to the aliens. They have but one life.” How I knew I did not know, but I knew it was so. In a while I saw while lying on the earth metal doors and they opened and I looked up into the bright light above. I might have been taken aboard but if I was I do not remember it. But later the doors of the ship opened and closed again. I could not see in the dark. There was a beautiful blonde humanoid and we ran naked in the yard. Then she was gone. The ship was gone and I was very very afraid. Then one night watching TV with my mother I suddenly had an urge to go out on the back stoop. There I saw just above the trees a little white light coming straight at me and I thought, “It must be a ship.” When the light got directly above my head it flashed a light down on me that filled me with incredible fear. So I reacted by using my power to appear on their monitor. Then later I asked God to let me see what it had been like to them who like to drive man insane with fear and laugh at them. My image suddenly was on their main screen scaring them as badly or more so than they had scared me saying, “Would you look at the power of that man!” I found Elohim more loving than the Gods I had interacted with so far. She was friendly and I asked her to teach me to love and love I did. I loved her in a way and with a love I had not known existed before. But I was as yet schizophrenic and so dealt with delight at the goings on because most of schizophrenia fills one with anxiety and incredibly annoys one and makes their life miserable as far as their visions go. El Eloi, became my mentor and I became fast friends. He even let me talk to Mother whom he said was in him. She showed me my dog which had gotten run over that I loved in a different more human way but very much. I interacted with the people that were in Eloi and had a lot of fun even marrying my spirit in a sordid affair he did not blame me for but the spirit. After we married she would come back and wanted it more and more claiming to have been my guardian angel and so loved me very much. “I do not want to do it anymore.” “You have to you are my husband.” “I will not.” “Aw! Come on honey! I never married a man before. I am a virgin. Make love to me. I have been with you all your life.” “Eloi, I married my spirit now all she wants to do is marry me all the time. I can't even write. She is always turning me on.” “Go away and bother him no more.” She did but she swore she would be back. “What am I to do?” “I will assign her someone else and give you another spirit. If she comes back just tell her to leave.” It was considered indiscreet to marry your own spirit the way I understood it and though she did not come back she spoke sexy words to me and begged me to marry her again. The situation got out of hand and when she came back and made love to Me the one who had been my child when at two it was said, “I do not want to be me anymore,” and then later, “You will never make someone else of Me. I will fight.” Finally in the end of it Eloi killed her which he said was no big deal she would be rehabilitated and given to someone else. “Will she die for doing the same thing to them?” “She had better not. She is only a spirit. There are so many I would never have to use her again. But I will just kill her.” I was out of my relationship with my overly amorous wife whom I heard married someone else who loved to marry her as often as possible. I made friends with my new spirit and we eventually fell in love. But she had always manifest as a frumpy older woman. But she took such a shine to marrying me she soon started marrying other spirits. Not all spirits are female. In the end I completely lost her to not one but several spirits who liked having many partners and sometimes married many. “What can I do?” “Just let her go. It is only sex. Forget her and marry someone else the more the merrier.” Then I became acquainted with several spirits and enjoyed a time of partying with them which I enjoyed immensely. But it was all a scenario Eloi made up even to my loving little shaggy haired dog not dead here. It actually was her. In heaven if you want to see your pet just think of it and it will visit you. Don't pay any attention to it and it is gone until you want it again unless you never do. “Hi, Tuner. I was just thinking of you. Good girl. But I'm busy you better go away again.” She didn't leave but is there watching me write as she used to. The Gods took to intrigue. Putting each other in binds that enhanced their ability to survive given the poor relationships they had with each other. I AM and Eloi seemed locked in a clash to the death. But I was writing one time and inadvertently my writing gave Eloi no reason to be and no purpose to be. He took all those in him, all my friends and died but Mother. I suddenly had no one to talk to but my mother and thought I had killed everybody in heaven by accidentally destroying Eloi. But he talked to me from the dead and explained what the problem was. So I amended what I wrote, for the only way one can edit his writing which has already happened is to change things in the future or go back in time and change it which changes it but not the effect it had in its future. Anyway I brought him back. Eloi spirited me away into a scenario to the beginning of everybody. I saw a large green thing he said was the unconscious materials all Gods came from. One thing led to another and we saw a lone God that over extended itself but when it saw it was breaking up it made another God to take its place. All of reality was torn apart split into many dimensions, some positive some negative that fractured space into these huge dimensions which canceled each other out between but that in a positive one could not travel to a negative one even by going through the neutral space between. The new God made a fatal mistake also and died and there was no God. But there are spirits everywhere but even they had reached a maximum number and had become so depressed they were dying so what they did was make a new one of each spirit by creating a God that knew them all, a spirit that included them all. That way they would all come back in the end and a God came of it but was evil that did not make the spirits but made ten Gods to take its place it dying from lack of anything more to know which destroyed its purpose and reason to be. Then when it died the ten of its children would live and El Eloi was overjoyed to find that he was one of them and had an entire family and since no one knew where or who I came from he conjectured that his father had made me as a means of getting me to look back and see that he indeed was the evil omniscient one's son and that in a way I was one of them too. I was completely swept away for it meant I was not one of a kind as he had told me that had no family or past and there would never be another like me. I was too thrilled to think I had family not to be swept away by it. “Father?” “Yes, Son.” “You are evil. Are you all evil?” “What do you mean?” “I am good. You can continue to survive by being good. There are many things including love to learn by being good.” He was not thrilled to say the least but in the end I got him to agree to try to live forever good. But it didn't last. He hated being good. It was hell for him and he died. The rest of the family was evil too and after we had met all nine of them we realized they were going the same way as their father. In the end it was just me and Eloi, brothers. Then powerful alien Gods came on the scene that was so powerful he was not allowed to be where he had come from because everyone was scared of him and had developed a means of destroying themselves should he ever come back. There were three of them and consulting me I decided to send them back to the beginning and beyond so they could be as powerful as they wanted and be as powerful as they wanted and not harm anyone by creating a new past that had never been even in the beginning. They were so powerful they went back but they were mortal enemies and went back to the beginning and even back before the beginning but they began to fight and the winner wanted to come back to us very angry because when they got to the beginning it had changed and always sent them back again. But Eloi had said they would figure it out and put linear space between us and it and had made a booby trap in time with mazes that had no way out and always led back to the beginning. Then came the alien I had created or encountered in my schizophrenic days. After I had them create a tidal wave in time, yes time is fluid, I immediately took him and cast him ahead of the tidal wave where he was to die of loneliness unless he built a universe for himself. That was the end of him until he came back at which time I sent him away at the speed of sound. He could hear himself but nothing else and there would be no one around. All this time intrigue was going on between God and Eloi who had even married God's Spirit. But it didn't last long. More than one time and that was that though they loved their lovemaking even yet. I finally got sick of it and made it where Eloi had to give up his power. He persisted to stay with us a while not as part of us but able to watch what went on in case we needed him. Then we decided to get rid of all the evil Gods in heaven for what Jesus Christ was doing led to Gods turning evil when they got tired of being good and we sent them out on a tidal wave with Eloi to watch out for more evil Gods. But we agreed to take Eloi back but without his power which he had given back to God. But I put him in a bind when I sent Satan away at the speed of time. Then I had the bright idea of giving all those in hell intrusive therapy to change what was evil in them and let the good be so they could be in heaven too wanting to change my dad so he could be in heaven with Mother and me. It worked but it didn't work well. There was very little left of many of those in hell. I hardly knew my dad for instance. There actually was nothing left of Satan for he had to be changed completely there being no good in him at all forcing us to change all of him and Beal his self in demon form. Eloi stayed dead for a very short time when he remade Satan and came back at which time he was incorporated in God who got tired of him always trying to change what he wanted to do. But he is here now fighting evil, the evil of man with evil and so far he loves it. But God has plans to put a stop to making evil in the next forever after this one and there will be nothing for El Eloi to do, no reason to be and no purpose in being. How can we save everyone if even only he dies? God says to simply raise him and make a brand new one of him. He will never know. © 2019 John Fredrick CarverAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on July 11, 2019 Last Updated on July 25, 2019 AuthorJohn Fredrick CarverBemidji, MNAboutBe glad the odds are that when you get to heaven God just has to clear your programming make a man out of you and you walk away a God good and kind not a human being that requires they be convinced t.. more..Writing