There I stand in the midst of my elders.
She who I wish to speak is no where to be found
I find what I hold dear amongst the Selders
My mind racing not as to what makes the sound
But rather the voice behind the mask
Nothing more complicated then doing nothing
Unto a disagreeable task
My conscience cares not what consequence it brings
So much as I am not merely standing around
That which is feared in the miscommunication
Timingley set forth by my friend the Haitian
Although we see timelessly a pattern of events
Nothing will prepare you for that which represents
For those among us shall turn and where will
She who I wish to speak lie
But rather in the confines of my mind
What better prison for plans to be set forth
Then the mind to fulfill it’s worth
And while standing tends to bring it all home
All will be wrong but the Church of Rome
And when it comes time to say goodbye
We all know that one will still cry
And so the day wares away
There is nothing left to say