Sometimes I read folk not critiquing but criticising that which is offered up by us mere mortals
It's ugly is the way you write
they say once words are read,
you'll have them turning in their graves
those scribes now long since dead,
for what you give up to the eye
lacks substance, depth and class
would have a master wield his cane
to smart you 'cross your arse,
so go away and hone your skills
read Dickinson, Frost and Poe
write quatrains short with easy rhyme
on a subject that you know,
and when you think you have the skills
penning words to please the heart
return, we'll read and criticise
and again tear your work apart.
i often myself why i write. well, it is for me, but nowadays i think more and more about the audience. i want to express something, but that expression should please them to hear it. i love stories, but i also want the reader to share that joy. so i've become more self-conscious but i feel i've grown as an artist.
sorry for that tangent that didn't even talk about your work, but that's what reading it made me think.
It would be wonderful if all we wrote was taken for the beauty in which it was intended. I am pleased when others tell me how much they liked my writing. BUT!! I write for me. The feelings I have, the sights that I see or express are welcome to all, but they are mine. I share them with whoever chooses to read them.
TYake care - Dave
Well penned indeed, and as you say, there is a big difference betwixt critique and criticism. Sometimes the difference is deliberate, other times, the words spill simply from literary ignorance.
Either way, it happens a lot; but matters not, as in truth, 'tis generally only the delusional, (you know, those that consider themselves grand masters of poetry,) who tend to practice such an unpleasant pastime.
Really enjoyed this read of yours dear Gee.... Yes, many do criticise which is so sad... Helping with constructive words, I feel is good, when a poet asks for help... but one needs to be super careful in how they send their message because all poets have sensitive hearts...
I must say that I admire anyone with the courage to put their writing in a public forum. But, also, we must be open to honest and helpful discourse if we intend to improve our craft. Pointing out typos, errors in syntax, grammar and logical progression in a work or works is beneficial to the author or authors. I revise, rewrite, proofread and edit my own works sometimes a half dozen times or more before I'm satisfied that it's a fit offering for public display. That said, I also believe we can offer help and guidance without being a complete a*s about it. I'm always grateful to those who point out a typo I may have missed or a lack in the clarity of my presentations because it gives me an opportunity to improve the work. (This is just great) doesn't do very much in the way of helping anyone towards improving and that's one of the reasons I'm here; not only to help others if I can, but to learn from others and have a sounding board for my meager offerings. None of us are perfect but I believe we should strive constantly to improve our works if we can AND improve our natures daily. But the only person we should EVER try to be (better than) is the person we were, yesterday. Thank you for the thought invoking write.
Such great work in words I could not have said better. As a "poet" myself, I aim put myself out there in words that feel come from within hoping to reach out to another soul that may seem alone in this world, only to realise they aren't. Yet I am perplexed by others who see my work in another way, both in good and bad. This writing really resonates with me. Thank you for sharing.
it shouldn't be about pleasing the heart but merely from the heart. usually masters of any arts are not fully appreciated until they are dead. your words are very poignant and real.
Art truly is subjective. Whether admired for its simplicity or complexity the true value is the place in each person's heart it finds a home in. It's difficult as artists to be so revealing in the sharing of ourselves in each piece we create. We cast out into the sea of humanity our hopes and aspirations wishing our work will touch one soul or all who are willing to open themselves up to it. As a writer I often find it difficult being critical of the work of others because I know the amount of sacrifice and love each of us put into our art. But at the same time I am appreciative of the criticism received by my fellow creatives. Because it starts a dialogue to understanding and improving ones love for the gift in writing they have achieved. I can't thank this amazing community enough for reading my work and taking the time to share a conversation with me on it. As I believe many here feel the same. Much like the eyes; art is also a window to the soul. I enjoyed this thoughtful read, Gee. As always thank you for sharing.
Posted 6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Thank you for your popping in and leaving your thoughts, it is much appreciated Carlos
A write that needs to be said. Even famous have their critics. Like young sprouts each poet needs nurturance and care. All have something to say and to squash something you don't understand and think is a weed may have turned out to be a towering tree in the future. Melville's Moby Dick was not understood when first published and went unrecognized for many years. So nicely said is the message in this poem
Devoted family man and lover of life.
Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:)