In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye

A Poem by Gee

Will be 3 years in August since Debs passed away.

In the blink of an eye three years have passed.
Life for those of us left behind to mourn your passing
moves on, albeit with your memory ever present
and the pain of missing you dulled but not gone.
When we meet, we, the mourners cum celebrants,
toast you, will always do so until we too are gone
to become ghosts and memories remembered by clinking glasses
and laughter filled stories.
Your shoes, far to big to be filled by another,
are now worn by his "companion" your polar opposite,
an uninvited imposter who makes little or no effort to integrate
thus alienating herself and at the same time,
bit by bit, isolating him, removing him from "the friend group" which saddens,
but not as much as him allowing this to happen.
They, the ladies in the know, say he is lonely,
cannot be on his own, needs company,
but is what we perceive as bad company better than loneliness,
I guess only he can answer that unasked question but never will
as her "suitability"only ever discussed in their absence.

We miss you, your smile, personality, infectious sense of fun,
the way you filled a room, regaled all with drink sodden tales.
We miss you greatly and perhaps if we continue to compare,
even if subconsciously, no other will ever be allowed in.

© 2024 Gee

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We all have those exceptional people that we encounter in life and they can not be replaced in our hearts once the person has departed this earth. We do however have room to allows others in and while it may not be the exceptional and unforgettable; they may enhance our lives but one never knows if we don’t try.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Months Ago

Thanks for dropping in PB
Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

You are welcome
Philip Gaber

4 Weeks Ago

Mmmm. "an uninvited imposter who makes little or no effort to integrate
thus alienating herse.. read more


Good morning Gee,
Yes,it is me...back to writing and reviewing...I have had a rather challenging year.
I wish I knew who Deb was? Did she leave a husband?... is that part of your story? Is he now remarried or with someone?...If so how horrible of this person to remove him from the friend group... I am sure he is lonely after losing her but to separate him from friends is not okay... And, again I do not know the story... I do see that her passing has really affected you and I am so sorry for that.
I know that as time goes by memories of great friends ~ loved ones grows less and less...We remember them when something occurs that brings the memory of them back. I know that pretty much everyday I think of my mother...Perhaps I am in the garden or cooking...and she pops back into my mind. I also have memories of several good friends that have died over the years...These memories are not as strong... They pop up at unexpected times..
Take care,

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

I am sorry.... So sorry. At this point maybe, everyone knows best for ourselves. Yet, let our knowing not defile precious memories of the deceased. It is painful.

Your words reminds me how short and precious life is...not necessarily for ourselves but those that will miss us the most.

Just know you live their remaining lives. And this poem is her voice.

Posted 4 Weeks Ago

I remember reading your words and crying on the spot. Had loved and lost too many to list, the pain scars and almost poisons Self for a while.. the loss of a precious special person near dilutes something inside that never quite returns. Missing is what is sweet sorrow and never retrieving hurts like hell But, you have made.. created.. beauty out of a tragedy, dear sir - for self, your darlings and all who knew Deb. There is a poem - will find it for you, if I may.. has helped me/birth family/friends.

I Am Standing Upon The Seashore
Beautiful poem by Henry Van Dyke, sometimes attributed to Victor Hugo

Posted 4 Weeks Ago

This lovely tribute to your friend is tinged with a different kind of thought that often surfaces in such situations. Hard to know for sure without actually having known in person the people you talk about, but your words perfectly convey the mixture of emotion that churns in the mind and which fashioned these words.

Poetic beauty said that 'we do however have room to allow others in,' sometimes, as i personally know to be true, that is easier said than done.

Beccy. X

Posted 1 Month Ago


1 Month Ago

So much easier said than done when the person in question is everything Deb wasn't.
Thank you.. read more
As we get older and live long enough, we must learn how to cope with friends and loved ones who pass on before us. This beautiful write in memory of your dear one touched my heart in a big way. Dealing with the empty feelings and the love they leave behind is immeasurable. I love each and every line. This one in particular stands out to me…”to become ghosts and memories remembered by clinking glasses
and laughter filled stories.” It’s a perfect way to describe how we can be remembered. I hope writing this helped ease you pain somehow. I know writing often works that way for me. Thank you for sharing!

Posted 1 Month Ago


1 Month Ago

Thank you Dara. Will be there years on 13 August, my wife's birthday, since Debs passed away. Still .. read more
Jeez... I am not sure any poetic justification on my part could somehow make this... Lighter than it is...
Because it is heavy, and it is hard to read. It is every bit as dark as it is brimming with the possibility of moving forward.
But at what cost.

""and memories remembered by clinking glasses
and laughter filled stories.
Your shoes, far to big to be filled by another,
are now worn by his "companion" your polar opposite,
an uninvited imposter who makes little or no effort to integrate""

Full-tilt goodness, you make a human want to write better, yet my god you make a human not want to feel that pain...

Which is the aspect of crucible deigned fitting for writers...
How close to madness can you go, to return perspective to those imbibers who can not fathom such depths.
Woe is the ones who never return...
Writers graves litter the deep.
Respectfully, thank you for creating such impactful writing out of your pain, it takes a special breed.

Posted 1 Month Ago


1 Month Ago

Thanks for taking the time to both read and comment, very much appreciated

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25 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 23, 2024
Last Updated on June 30, 2024
Tags: Love, pain, missing



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

Gone now... Gone now...

A Poem by Gee

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