Gone now at last springs sobbing sky
and the misty shrouds of morn',
gone now drear grey and barren days
and the silent waking dawn,
as summer rouses from her sleep
and paints the world anew,
serenaded by an avian choir
'neath a cloudless sky of blue.
Oh how this life a better place
with colour, warmth and song,
so Gaia please this season grant
license to linger on.
A wonderful poem for the birth of Summer. I do love Spring. My garden is alive and well. I adore the days of Spring and Summer. Seeing the new life being born. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
I'm glad you liked this wee rhyming piece Coyote. Thank you for passing by :)
Simple words indeed .. balderdash sir you just made a most amazing poem out of summer .. more than worthy of the full marks accorded .. just broke a nail tryin to accord more but she's not havin any of it .. All Good Things to you n yours Gee .. N
Posted 8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Good morning, all good in MK. thanks.
Thanks for dropping in Neville, always appreciated :)
Summer does hold a charm about it. The green of the trees, the smell of newly cut grass, flowers and blossoms, butterflies, the warmth of the sun (when it's not too hot ) :)
Your words describe the birth of a new summer so well and in such a poetic style I reread it several times slow. Why pass up beautiful words like this.
Your words are beautifully laid and offered, Gee. You undoubtedly speak for trillion who find this time of year a season of magic: bright colour, sweet sounds - and new adventures into a world fresh with extra growth and residence. Here, after rather a lot of rain (to say the least!) there seem to be even more greens than ever., Early flowers have been and gone, now others are budding, ready and waiting for their turn on the stage! Life is so much happier with all the colours, sounds and warmth. Our season has been recorded forever in your lovely words:
' the silent waking dawn,
as summer rouses from her sleep
and paints the world anew,
serenaded by an avian choir
'neath a cloudless sky of blue.'
Inhaling, sighing. Thank you for adding to this morning's just fading a bright dawn.
Bestest to you and your darlings. Enjoy the week
Posted 9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Good morning and thank you. Will.read you under the blazing Cyprus sun...Off today😎
9 Months Ago
Oh thanks for that, tis raining like crazy here and was sposed to be dry-ish and warm!!! read moreOh thanks for that, tis raining like crazy here and was sposed to be dry-ish and warm!!!
Hope you and your lovely ladies have a great time. Must tell me how Cyprus is.. not been but been told its different from other places.
Dear Gee
I think we all wish the summer to linger on...our moods are light and airy...sunlight, long days, stunning dusk... and the warmth we all feel makes us alive....too bad autumn comes and the days get shorter; but we must enjoy the leaves and their stunning colors of gold, red, orange as they slowly drift to the earth....
lovely words, and vivid images
Warmly, B
A prayer to Gaia that she might delight us with a glorious and long summer.
Yes, life is uplifting when we feel comfortable and beauty is everywhere after the cold drab days that are so depressing to the soul...
A lovely pleasing write Gee...
Devoted family man and lover of life.
Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:)