There are no new year resolutions made
as the "made" broken, and quickly, in all years past,
so quickly that the echoes of "Aulde Lang Syne"
still heard, faint, as the sky lit brilliantly,
a thousand explosions birthing a myriad
and more of colours that take away the breath,
bring out the inner child from even the most cynical,
wide eyed, open mouthed adults regressed, briefly,
but regressed all the same,
back to a time before life's burdens known...
Instead, but without self imposed resolve
I will try to place grief, this to long held,
(although I know not for certain what length of elapsed time
is time enough when grieving)
into a quiet, peaceful corner of my mind,
this corner to be visited less often than daily
as is, and has been the case these past four plus years.
I reassure myself, as reassurance needed, that this okay,
will never diminish my love for those now passed,
will not lessen the missing, now, or ever...
With this written, my load lightened, mind unburdened
I pause, look out at a cold, grey day,
"this will be a good year" I tell myself, "a good year"
I smile, we'll see...
You have captured New Year's Eve superbly and how it brings out the longing within us for someone who is missing from our circle or who has crossed over to Spirit. For me, it is the loneliest day of the year because everybody I ever knew, loved and lost to death slip into my mind, tears fall and I grieve for them all over again. New Year's Resolutions are never kept and they rarely last for any length of time, just the same as happened at Lent and we were confident we could give up sweets and give the money instead to 'The black babies who needed it in Africa!" Grief is a very l-o-n-g road to walk and each of us must walk it alone, nobody else can do it for us. We keep our loved ones in our thoughts, our hearts and our prayers and one day in the not too distant future we will meet them all again and what a celebration that will be, Gee. Until then, they would like us to get on with our lives as they walk with us on our journey through life and to live our lives fully is their greatest joy. Thank you for sharing this very insightful, meaningful poem whom so many will be able to identify with, Gee. Blessings your way always...
Posted 8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Thank you Marie. Never have been, never will be a fan of New years eve celebrations and the pointles.. read moreThank you Marie. Never have been, never will be a fan of New years eve celebrations and the pointless resolutions folk make
Grief cannot be denied, except at the risk of the denier. That said, there is a proper limit to everything, a point beyond which continuation of a practice is a detriment. Having paid your best respects to the departed, I can think of no better resolution than that of giving grief its proper place in your life.
it will be if you truly resolve. the majority of people who join a gym stop going after a couple of months but there are always exceptions and those who buck the trend ... :)
It is okay to keep that grieving space intact to visit every now and then but maybe slowly, inconspicuously redecorate it with the memories of those gone and fill it with love each time you visit. Indeed, they will never be forgotten and the feelings won't diminish, but like I am sure someone has said a time or two, wouldn't they want you to have a good year? Have a good year my friend, we all deserve one every now and then.
New Year's and resolutions? Go through the day with feelings of MUST be positive, spread joy and all that stuff.. do so, best I can, then.. spend the next week wondering what if.. of the past. Perhaps resolutions are rather like a top-tilted look at one's faults? Does one really want to admit them when thinking time about the reason we/I cry at times, missing time spent with or sharing plans or planning shares. Your second stanza deeply shared, Gee. ' .. and more, of colours that take away the breath, - bring out the inner child from even the most cynical, - wide eyed, open mouthed adults regressed, briefly,- < happens
Your writing is at the top of a ginormous oak here, my friend.. it has everything sincere and more.. thank you.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
My writing has never been at the top of a sapling so atop a ginormous oak tree will have my crayons .. read moreMy writing has never been at the top of a sapling so atop a ginormous oak tree will have my crayons positively dizzy. Was active a nice change to pen something a wee bit different.
Thank you kindly for a lovely, kind review, approval from my peers is always sought even if secretly:))
Hope you are well m'dear
Top of the tree you are, sir.. ask your darlings. The know the theme of your thoughts, they know a .. read moreTop of the tree you are, sir.. ask your darlings. The know the theme of your thoughts, they know a good read . You so often demote yourself.. stop it.. this is the year of the Gee!
1 Year Ago
" this is the year of the Gee" now that has me smiling. I wish :)
A very good idea Gee; as I have none!! Going back to your grieving space less and less is a noble thing to do... and so helpful to your psyche.....the typical songs at holidays seem far off now.... until next year when the same people will sing and party, while others will reflect.....
nice piece. Happy New Year!
Warmly, B
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Happy New year Betty, hope you are all well.
Thanks for dropping by :)
1 Year Ago
You're welcome Gee, and Happy New Year... to all good things
Warmly, B
"this will be a good year" I tell myself, "a good year". Yeah. No resolutions for myself this year, but hopefully a better approach to people. Nice write. ~Jim
Hi dear Gee, as your caring heart ❤️ does so much magic as you are. I wish a wonderful life with family and everyone. Love your family for they do give back. Keep the momentum and enjoy every second as before, everything will be fine! A happy new year!
No resolutions here either Gee. In fact I have just poured out another vino. I am having s slobs day. Still in dressing gown and slippers. Mind you I have applied the perfume (Christmas present) . Today is a day of reflection. Quiet reflection. Missing those II would love to talk to and wondering what the hell 2024 will bring.
Images of Hilda Ogden spring to mind:))
Enjoy the quiet reflection and vino.
Thanks fo.. read moreImages of Hilda Ogden spring to mind:))
Enjoy the quiet reflection and vino.
Thanks for dropping in.
Happy new year
1 Year Ago
How dare you! No curlers on my flowing locks :)) or a scarf tied round my head wartime style. Ruby r.. read moreHow dare you! No curlers on my flowing locks :)) or a scarf tied round my head wartime style. Ruby red dressing gown, matching slippers 😀
Yes a day of quiet reflection. You know Hilda, what a character and when she burst into song, hands went over ears. Now that is ME.
your words are heartfelt..truth
within the lines of this well written
poem .finding that "peaceful corner "
of the mind .becomes hard when grieving
I can relate to that feeling..
Nice work..
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Hi Fran Marie, thank you.
I hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break.
Happy New year
Devoted family man and lover of life.
Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:)