Did they bake you a cake?

Did they bake you a cake?

A Poem by Gee

On 04/12/24 will be the the 6th birthday of mums not celebrated, more remembered quietly.

I watched in silence as you opened your presents,
each one a struggle, your arthritic fingers trembling
as they searched for an opening between taped edges.
Gifts, once unwrapped, were given a cursory glance, put to one side,
if clothes these neatly folded.
Envelopes were then handed to you ready openend,
the card half exposed making it easier for you,
this "our" way on your birthday and mother's day.
Each and every word then read aloud,
a hint of excitement, joy, tinging your voice if a rhyming verse found,
this always and ever your favourite style of greeting, message.
When done you settled back in your recliner
clasping a lukewarm, half cup of tea,
this lifted shakily to your thin, cracked lips to sip.
As you did this a question played on my mind,
but not wanting to disturb, distract you, this not asked.
So I have spent the morning wondering,
wondering as to whether or not the angels baked you a cake...

© 2024 Gee

Author's Note

Sad :((

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They would have done Gee, but not to her liking.
The opening of the gifts and cards brought back memories of my own mum, taking more time folding the paper neatly, than she gave to the gifts. But they always love those cards and smile, even if they dont want to.
Im sure they have all learned how to make tea to her liking too, you don't mess about with a mothers tea.
Beautiful words Gee.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you Lorry. Hope you're warmer than I am :(
most likely cake, ice cream, balloons and lots of rhyming cards with this poem being her favorite of all.... sorry for your loss Gee, their passing always leaves a hole in our hearts...

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you kindly Red
Loved this Gee it brought me some tears and memories your description of your mum sitting sipping her lukewarm tea after opening her presents I pictured my mum as she did this too watching us all on Xmas morning In my case but yours her birthday xx
My mum died five years ago so sorry for your loss and yes I’m sure she had a birthday cake xx and did miss her daughter she’s always with you x

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you kindly Julie
Of course the angels baked your mum a cake Gee. I have that on special authority :) Good morning to you on a sad day. Anniversaries are so damn hard aren't they? Sorry for your understandable sadness.


Posted 5 Years Ago

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

More like wellie boots today Gee. Rivers are flooding again. Thames as well as the Kennet. Yes, ther.. read more

5 Years Ago

Thanks Christine. Keeping busy.
Take care
Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Busy helps and time softens. Takes the edge off the rawness. Take care.
i imagine they did...probably the best cake she ever had...and her only regret would be that she was not still here to share it with you.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you Jacob.
Hope all is well your side of the pond :))

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25 Reviews
Added on January 18, 2020
Last Updated on December 1, 2024
Tags: Love, mum, birthday



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

I wonder... I wonder...

A Poem by Gee

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