Did they bake you a cake?

Did they bake you a cake?

A Poem by Gee

On 04/12/24 will be the the 6th birthday of mums not celebrated, more remembered quietly.

I watched in silence as you opened your presents,
each one a struggle, your arthritic fingers trembling
as they searched for an opening between taped edges.
Gifts, once unwrapped, were given a cursory glance, put to one side,
if clothes these neatly folded.
Envelopes were then handed to you ready openend,
the card half exposed making it easier for you,
this "our" way on your birthday and mother's day.
Each and every word then read aloud,
a hint of excitement, joy, tinging your voice if a rhyming verse found,
this always and ever your favourite style of greeting, message.
When done you settled back in your recliner
clasping a lukewarm, half cup of tea,
this lifted shakily to your thin, cracked lips to sip.
As you did this a question played on my mind,
but not wanting to disturb, distract you, this not asked.
So I have spent the morning wondering,
wondering as to whether or not the angels baked you a cake...

© 2024 Gee

Author's Note

Sad :((

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Yes... nothing sadder than watching as they wither away, that and seeing the signs in ourselves.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Aye, we are all heading that way.

A sad piece here dear Gee
but I'm just betting they did
bake that cake..an Angel.
Cake for your mother sounds
like an angel in your lovely
descriptive voice..albeit sad
this is beautifully penned with love

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

It would be nice to think so :)
Good morning, hope all is well with you Fran Marie.
Th.. read more
as sad an event as losing your mum is, you have produced a profoundly beautiful piece of writing. Being able to put your thoughts down when feeling desperately miserable would take an effort that would overcome most children.

My mum is 95 now, suffers from dementia and most days doesn't know who we are ... still though, she's mum.
Sorry for your loss Gee. Take care friend.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Hi Ted, sorry to read of your mum's condition.
Thank you for your kind words
Yes, so very sad Gee. I know those fragile times when traditions foster comfort and peace. Your story of this time, “our way”, touched my heart deeply. Life is tentative, we know the other side is showing itself more clearly day by day. I have experienced these times, and you bring them back with tenderness and grace. Thank you.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Hi Annette, thank you for reading and understanding :)
Hope you and yours are well.
This is tough, Gee, but your ending brings a little lift as there is the hope of continuance and more happy celebrations in a place where the difficulties of life no longer burden.

I understand the sadness and the watching of loved ones as they age and we know this or that holiday may be the last. But, you seemed to treasure your moments with her, and wherever she is, she still feels that and still goes on loving and being loved.

Hard days, but well-expressed sentiment. All my best to you.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank You Eilis, I very much appreciate your kind words :)
I was in the hospital for father and mother. On the same floor. Once received a peace-maker and once a mini heart attack. Father 93 and mother 83. I agree. Watching our parent, grandparent get old. Hard for us. I did like the poem. We must return the concern and love to the people who were kind to us.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

In general I think folk have become so self absorbed, selfish, they make little or no time for their.. read more
Coyote Poetry

5 Years Ago

Mother is okay. Father left us. Thank you dear friend for reading and the comment.
certainly a tear jerker
Getting old is such a wonderful thing
Hopefully, Sam's version is the real thing

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Lets hope so Dave.
I like to think that in Heaven, they have something even more glorious than cake, and it's ever-lasting. Yes, the poem paints a sad picture, but I believe there may be a happy new beginning for her.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Let's hope so Sam.
Thankfully for dropping in.
Hope all is well stateside
Sadder than sad your words, dear Gee, but oh so beautiful.

We still gently celebrate our little mum's birthday.. but laugh a little cos she wrapped our hearts in eternal laughter. Rest assured, there are special birthday angels in heaven who k now exactly how it should be - all wrapped in Summer sea blue

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Sound idyllic :))
Just the anniversary of her clog popping on the 09/04 then all " firsts " d.. read more

5 Years Ago

Of c ourse missed her.. she was y our sun. Still is, Gee, always will be.. Keeps s afe her war.. read more
This is a profound slice of humanity and it puts me to shame. I am so unsentimental, I can't remember details from anyone's birthday ever in my life, even tho I attended hundreds. I am in awe of how you come up with the most heartfelt details which show your own compassionate nature to a high level. It's becuz I'm a tough old bird that I appreciate your tenderness all the more (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Hi Margie, it's the "missing" and inner sadness that find the words I think. Saying that, there have.. read more

5 Years Ago

I finished! 300 pgs in 6 weeks (which still amazes me when just a year ago, I could hardly remember .. read more

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25 Reviews
Added on January 18, 2020
Last Updated on December 1, 2024
Tags: Love, mum, birthday



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

I wonder... I wonder...

A Poem by Gee

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