The colour of love

The colour of love

A Poem by Gee

Domestic abuse

Look at you you poor ol' thing
does it hurt, do they sting,
is it love that paints your skin
that draws those colours from within.

Will you when he begs and pleads,
forgiveness sought on bended knees,
tell him that you understand
'twas fermented malt that raised his hand.

And of course you know he'll never again,
(until of course he does it again)
so the roses wrapped in week old news
will ease the pain of every bruise.

These fading 'til none there to see
unblemished skin, scarred memory,
fears shared with self, reflected back,
of when not if, his next attack

© 2019 Gee

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Most of the time (at least in the part of world I live in) it isn't the alcohol influencing the abuse, but rather this senseless want of power and superiority which men feel over women. I do think verbal abuse is highlighted a little less though than physical abuse 'cause the former does have heavier implications on the psyche of one being abused.
A powerful subject and the way you wrote touched my heart.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Nothing raises my hackles more than a fella bullying a lady, you wanna give them a slap.
Than.. read more
next to child abuse, this is the worst..spousal abuse. And it is especially bad when the person abused thinks he or she deserves it. "the roses wrapped in week old news" is an apt line...the sorries get really old and fabricated after awhile...because the bruises are going to return...not sure the ones inside ever leave.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Couldn't agree more. Treat all women with the same respect you would afford your mum. Can't go far w.. read more
A brutal expose of the psychological struggle abused women put up with set in a flowing and poignant poem Gee.
Tis not only men who are abusers as I know to my cost, broken windows, hit on the head with chairs, thrown babies and no alcohol involved, rather severe mental disorder!

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Aye, both sexes can cop it. Sorry to read of your own experience John.
Thanks for commenting
John Alexander McFadyen

6 Years Ago

A long time ago Gee and she turned out to be schizophrenic. Lots of water under the bridge now. Did .. read more

6 Years Ago

Hi John, will have a butchers in a wee while
Hard hitting. Many years ago I lived with a man who would lash out because he couldn't handle his drink. You never forget those sickening onslaughts. He did me a favour, he found someone else. Domestic abuse sucks, it can leave scars and mistrust that last for years. It happens all the time and that's why we need shelters for those suffering domestic abuse. Men as well as women are at the receiving end. Uncomfortable to read, but so well conveyed Gee.


Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Sorry to read you suffered Christine.There are far to many bullies out there. Best not be turning up.. read more
Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

All good Gee, just a slice of life well behind me now. Hope all is good with you.
And we still have the cheek to think we put the human in humanity. I saw a lot of this unspoken love growing up, from visiting friends and seeing glimpses into what I thought was just another example of how insane grown ups were.
Now that I am an insane grown up (is there any other kind), I still see it from time to time, and realise the silence on this subject for what it is, shame.
Do we ask? Do we dare mention? It is always sad to realise I am a coward at these times.
Maybe one day, we will have enough guts to speak out and give this human rights abuse its own hashtag.
Powerful and sobering write Gee. Respect.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

My next door neighbour is a total gob shite when he's had a drink, giving his wife dogs abuse. My wi.. read more

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25 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 20, 2019
Last Updated on December 7, 2019
Tags: Drink, abuse, loyalty



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

I wonder... I wonder...

A Poem by Gee

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