Snapshot of a busker

Snapshot of a busker

A Poem by Gee

Playing to nobody

It ain't much but it's somethin' I thought, tossing two coins into his hat.
The fella nodded, continuing in song.

"Where do you go to my lovely,
when you're alone in your bed"

A mother and daughter stopped,
the mother exchanging smiles with the busker.

" c'mon mum" the young girl said whist tugging on her mother's hand.
" You said we could got to maccy dees "

They turned on their heels.

" Have a nice day " hollered the busker,
" b***h " this barely audible.

"Tell me the thoughts that surround you
I want to look inside your head, yes I do"

A heavily pregnant lady and bag laden fella briefly paused,
" give 'im some money Tel, bless 'im,
looks like he could do wiv a good feed"

"Are you takin' the piss Rach, he's shite.
C'mon doll, we'll be 'ere all day uvver wise"

" Wankers" fell from the buskers mouth as they wandered off.
I chuckled, they didn't hear.

" I've seen all your qualifications
you got from the Sorbonne"

"Oy Marge come 'ere, this fellas playin' yer fav'rite.
Quick, uvver wise he'll be done"

Marge hurried over to Reg.

" Ahh, he's good ain't he. Give him a fiver Reg "

" A FIVER, you 'avin' a larf. I only paid free quid to go an' see Tom Jones "

Marge chuckled, " that was back in 1974 ya silly ol' sod.
Give 'im a fiver ya tight so and so"

Marge winked at the busker.

" 'Kin 'ell. There ya go son, that's me avin' a couple of pints less tonight. Cheers"

The busker smiled, winked at Marge.

" I know where you go to my lovely
when you're alone in your bed
I know the thoughts that surround you
'cause I can look inside your head."

Marge clapped enthusiastically, " More.... more... "

"C'mon you dozy cow, you'll be frowin' ya drawers at 'im next.
He'll be able ta use 'em to cover his car in the winta.."

Marge slapped his back

" Ya cheeky git " she said as they walked off.

As I turned away I could here the strains of " Morning has broken " starting..

© 2017 Gee

Author's Note

Self indulgent piffle

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Thanks > I wuz wiv ye
Don't know was I with you or the busker
Yes I know as an ex craft fair trader "Oo you have some nice stuff - Thanks for showing us"
'its nor for show it foe sale < B------- stupid sods'

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Cheers, welcome to Wc. Hope you rnjoy

7 Years Ago

Wild Rose

7 Years Ago

Thanks This is the first review >> Just put one line on my first item

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21 Reviews
Added on October 7, 2017
Last Updated on October 12, 2017



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..


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