Dipping a toe in the solemn, been a while. If any ideas to improve feel free, I'm always willing to learn. Thank you
2nd stanza to be changed perhaps
Flags are flagstones, slabs of stone
My Review
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Definitely the most original & interesting way I've ever seen anyone describe a funeral. I love that you didn't use anything cliché, even tho this is a commonly written scenario. Each line is well-crafted to show us the progression of ceremony & grief, yet so many unique ways of expressing this: "amazing grace thru oaken beams soared high" (great sensory description) . . . "lost love they gently laid, twelve shoes they bowed" . . . so well described.
I really lived this piece, and yes, it's deep and dark in a way...and I am all about dark poetry, lol.
I think, if it were me, I'd go with flagstones, as opposed to flags...I'd also add a ? after the word 'Why'.
The only reason I'd add the ?, is that it's a visual cue to the brain that emphasizes the question...sort of driving it home...and I think in this context that is the feel you want to generate...that deep, soul-wrenching cry..."Why?" I loved the flow in this poem...it was slow and solemn and measured...which is exactly the mood you want. I personally liked the "oaken" choice...and my favorite line was: that echoed cold/off stone and ancient glass,
Great imagery. Nice job!
Brilliant,Gee.I just wonder if you might change "oaken" as it is a little cliched? What do you think? Oak is not right for the metre.How about" old oak beams".I love it.You have produced a beautiful set of images ,all the metre is perfect.I only criticise because usually people like it and that's why we are here.I love all of your poems that I have read so far.You are skilled and full of feeling.
Intake it as a suggestion not criticism, and will consider your option. Thank you for your very kin.. read moreIntake it as a suggestion not criticism, and will consider your option. Thank you for your very kind words
8 Years Ago
I take......
8 Years Ago
Thank you.I am glad you are happy for suggestions.
... 'grief seared the cheeks ~ washed broken hearts ~ that questioned only "Why" '
Memories flew after reading this a second time. First off, i wanted to cry.
This is more than a touching and visual piece. Tis hard to analyse your emotion, the tension of the .. i suppose, ritual of such an event. There are poems and tales that i call 'beautiful sadness.' This is one of them, made memorable by your gentle but specific language.
Devoted family man and lover of life.
Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:)