Beautifully done and quite meaningful to this Yank on this Independence Day holiday. Thank you.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Hope you enjoy the break and thank you. I watched the news showing many a young man repatriated. So,.. read moreHope you enjoy the break and thank you. I watched the news showing many a young man repatriated. So, so sad
What a sad but exquisite tribute to yet another dead soldier.
'Behind the slowly moving hearse
the family walked heads high,
for though the war had claimed his life
to them he'd never die.'
Your posts vary from extreme craziness to such deeply moving words, and for me, the latter are the finest. Your heart ticks pretty loudly here, perhaps silently begging readers never to forget. Believe me, they won't. Must not. Should not.
Have written similar cos living not far from Wootton Bassett, have driven over to stand tribute for the many hearses slowly passing through the village after repatriation to their home country. The streets have always been lined with people of old ages, all backgrounds and faiths. Heartbreaking,
'in military terms a man of war, - to the family still their boy. '
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you Emma. So sad watching the fallen repatriated, but uplifting at the same time watching peop.. read moreThank you Emma. So sad watching the fallen repatriated, but uplifting at the same time watching people from all walks of life and religions come together to pay their respect.
7 Years Ago
It is.. I once read or heard or whatever that every war that's ever been or is is a rehearsal for th.. read moreIt is.. I once read or heard or whatever that every war that's ever been or is is a rehearsal for the final one. Food for thought.
7 Years Ago
Hopefully I will not be called upon to play my part.....
I have been to many Military funerals. Three were long time friends.
"Forever young this soldier,
forever young,now free,
his life laid down for mankinds sake,
for justice ,Liberty.......... "
The above lines are spoken and become less valuable when a dead friend and soldiers is at his final place. Wars keep a-coming and peace is rarely spoken. I was part of organizing the Fort Hood Vietnam Vets. Was a sad and destine place with 2000 Vietnam vets. Most homeless and confused. I'm tire of war and I do not my children to be like me. Knowing no real peace in my lifetime for our world. I pray daily. No more useless wars. Thank you Gee for sharing the powerful poetry.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
They'll keep coming as long as man has greed, ego and religion. Thank you Coyote
8 Years Ago
You are right. War had become part of this world. Acceptable without question.
you captured the sadness, love and respect that comes with those killed in action so well. "life laid down for mankinds sake, for justice, liberty.." these lines are saturated with so many controversies.. but you break it away and keep it about the man, son, brother.. loved it.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Cheers,I appreciate you reading and your kind comments.Thanks
Devoted family man and lover of life.
Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:)