Brutal, and to the point. Your words cut through all artificial affectations of society and present an unadulterated view.
"Emancipation of dessication
finds ironic salvation
in a momentary elation
then an empty husk"
Brilliant. Prople sell themselves (figuratively and sometimes literally) for this momentary elation, not thinking about the void it leaves afterward.
I'm usually not a reader who indulges herself in poems about sex or lust, especially in a "forceful" or "brutal" way like other reviewers have noted, but I was exploring your work as a newcomer and decided to read it. It's quite intriguing the way you present both sides of the situation and discuss all the emotion of sex, because let's face it - there is no separating the two. But with my subjective view out of the way, the poem had beautiful flow and was so well written. It's easy to understand even for readers who aren't familiar with poetry. There is something that compels you to keep reading. Imagery - phenomenal. Rhythm - on point. Word choice - pristine. You have quite a talent my friend; please keep writing.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
You do me great honour with such unabashed words. Thank you very much indeed. Readers (and writers) .. read moreYou do me great honour with such unabashed words. Thank you very much indeed. Readers (and writers) such as you are what makes the point of writing truly worthwhile.
9 Years Ago
Unabashed is my specialty, my fellow writer and reader. The pleasure is all mine.
The way you write your poems is absolutely spellbinding. The sense of urgency in this poem is evident; it felt hot and rushed and continuously reading it from start to finish has its own form of ecstasy. I'm not lying; my heartbeat sped up as I immersed myself in the reading of this poem. I actually felt tired. And that is the sort of thing that I look for when I read a poem; the thrill and the concentrated emotion that words bring in a well-written poem is like a drug of its own. Wonderful, wonderful work.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Your review produces its own form of ecstasy. I will now be drugged for a while. Thank you, my frien.. read moreYour review produces its own form of ecstasy. I will now be drugged for a while. Thank you, my friend.
Well, it certainly wasn't meant to be romantic but I'm glad you found a sensual interpretation in so.. read moreWell, it certainly wasn't meant to be romantic but I'm glad you found a sensual interpretation in something so brutal. Thank you .
9 Years Ago
passion as in "desire" :p
9 Years Ago
Yeah, that's absolutely right. I was just surprised you found it "sensual". No criticism intended. ;.. read moreYeah, that's absolutely right. I was just surprised you found it "sensual". No criticism intended. ;p
Such a struggle, filled with guilt and no small measure of repulsion, between the lust of sex and a deeper, purer love. I find I must separate the two. They are not to be confused. Each is what it is and has its place without need of apologies. I have ravenous hunger for food at times as well, and terrible need for drink or sleep. These are what they are. Hunger does not degrade food. Thirst does not degrade water, and lust does not degrade your partner as a person. If properly appreciated, sex simply embellishes true love by increasing pleasure and sharing. But I understand this struggle. It is a common one and often we let the lust dominate and when that happens, the love is cheapened.
This was an interesting read that contained a very tangible struggle that was gripping.
Very best regards,
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you, and I much appreciate the erudite analysis. It is a subjective poem in many ways, but man.. read moreThank you, and I much appreciate the erudite analysis. It is a subjective poem in many ways, but many people would say that the love and sex are not separate - this is something which I have long disagreed with, essentially. This poem is a polemic of that view.
Thank you!
The passion behind your words has always left me in awe dear friend, each word rolls into the next with effortless grace, always a pleasure to read you xoxo
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you, PS! It's good to hear from you again. You are always appreciative. And it's a relief to s.. read moreThank you, PS! It's good to hear from you again. You are always appreciative. And it's a relief to see a little activity from someone...!
12 Years Ago
Most welcome love and its good to read you again, hope all is well? :) xo
love your talent for having the sound of each word bouncing off each other like notes of a song and yet without a structured rhyme of any sort.. a worthy meaning with a nice and free flowing like pieces of a musical puzzle..
raw, intense, real, and fresh..
some pretty impressive scribblin here my friend..
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
My thanks, fellow wordsmith. Good to hear from you again. Silence begins to break.
12 Years Ago
and good to read you again my friend.. time is finally allowing me more free time to peruse and squi.. read moreand good to read you again my friend.. time is finally allowing me more free time to peruse and squiggle.. :)
by Haz
I draw them with lines of reflections through their steps
enough space between them
for your space.. more..