The Traveling Bookman
A Book by Gbannersauce
A fast-paced adventure, steampunk novel featuring Donovan, a teenage boy who, after receiving a great loss of his town and family, comes out with a killer vengeance and a new found teacher.
© 2012 Gbannersauce
Author's Note
I except any form of help you have to offer. Give your two-cents and I'll be sure to take every comment backed by knowledge into full account when writing future stories/books/poems.
Added on May 24, 2012
Last Updated on May 25, 2012
Tags: adventure, steampunk, steam, punk, war, book, travel, The Traveling Bookman, Danielle Baker, bannersauce
GbannersauceNorth , TX
Hi, I'm Dani, I read, write, laugh, and I sometimes squeak. I hope you enjoy whatever I have to give you and any help is gladly accepted and most deffinitely welcomed with open hugs.
Some stuff to .. more..