Pessimism during Big BangA Poem by GauravNo one was really happy on God's action
"Dense it is...not now"
hence He paved the way to Life through blast, Gave us the footprint of growth that we never needed.... "Why is this distance?" 'on floating space was my mass was i ready to love? was i not safe in dense before? when He created me i cried for help, am i to be 'flawless creation'? unknown to even a tiny cell... "Why build life?" anger rooted in your Action when you said "Boom" i took away burning soul who push me to anger everyday... "When you stop?" don't make me anymore just build Nature 'cause it never cries, stop being the Creator feel the awkwardness of creation...
© 2016 Gaurav
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StatsAuthorGauravNew Delhi, IndiaAbouta believer in hope and a seeker of knowledge, i want to devote this life to literature, music and self-discovery. more..Writing