![]() Gate Lords PrologueA Chapter by Ricardy Ricot Time slowed. And Legba felt at peace. He
had just opened the First Gate. He was acutely aware of his surroundings, of
the slightest breeze on his skin. He could taste the dryness in the air. The
tiniest of noises sounded like ruckus to his ears. And his eyes bore sharply
through the enveloping darkness, making sense of the mural details of the
hallway. The guards were already catching up with
him. Six men armed with spears and wearing breastplates were running down the
hallway, coming right at him and yelling. In the darkness, Legba smiled. Six
were perhaps a bit too much for him in his current weakened condition. But he
had to get rid of them. They would get in the way of his search. “Surrender now,” said a gruff voice “and
you might live to see another day”. Legba chuckled. “You are the ones who
should leave me alone if you value your life. My purpose here is no concern of
yours,” he said. “Such insolence!” replied the same person
in that gruff voice. He was probably their officer. “Seize him at once!” And so the guards advanced on him. Since
the alley didn’t offer enough space, they came down by two, spears first. Legba felt like just standing there and
doing nothing. He felt like just waiting, waiting, and waiting forever. It was
such a bother to defend himself, such a bother to dodge the incoming attack.
But he took a grip on himself. That was the trouble with opening the First
Gate. While greatly enhancing the senses, it also created a sense a detachment
from reality in the one who opened it, making him feel weary of everything,
even of life. Some people had even died of starvation that way, finding it too
troublesome to even feed themselves. It was a useful but dangerous power. For Legba’s enhanced vision, the guards
were progressing in slow motion. He suddenly leaped forward, unsheathing his
sword as he went and slashing at the neck of the closest guard. He fell on the
floor, gasping for breath, not quite realizing what had happened. Red stained
his golden breastplate. Legba
continued his deadly advance, not even giving his opponents the time to be
startled. He was slashing at necks, at arms, at legs, at any open skin he could
find, and dodging spear points. The guards couldn’t move their spears at ease
in such a restricted space, which put Legba at an advantage. One he was fully
using. In the end, he was the only one left
standing, and his sword was dripping wet from blood. They didn’t give him as
much of a challenge as he had expected. Pathetic. Legba could clearly feel its presence now.
What he was looking for. Before, it was just a faint existence, now he almost
felt it pulsing, calling for him. Maybe it was awakened by the freshly spilled
blood. He couldn’t understand why Amokh had chosen
this god forsaken temple, in this wretched corner of Vallanya to hide it.
Didn’t he realize how much more powerful it would make him, how strongly it
would establish his authorities over the other gods? True that Amokh ruled over
the gods, but he couldn’t stop them from squabbling and waging wars against
each others. He himself had to suppress rebellions aimed at dethroning him
along the years. Yet, with this, certainly no god would dare dispute his
sovereignty. Legba burst into the priests’ quarters.
They were awake. They started yelling at him, but when they saw his crimson
sword, they hastily retreated. He paid them no mind. He could still feel the object of his
search pulling at him, but lower this time, as if coming from below ground. He
could see no trap door on the floor. He did not have the time nor the patience
to find a path. So, he opened the Second Gate. A considerable amount of strength rushed
through his arms and legs, filling them. He hasn’t felt so powerful in a very
long time. The Second Gate bestowed enormous strength and stamina when opened.
Few people have ever reached that stage. Few could even open the first Gate.
Yet, he knew he couldn’t sustain opening the Second Gate for more than a few
minutes. It was too risky. He quickly stomped on the ground and as expected, it
gave way. He fell into a large empty room. By cracking, the ground had produced
a massive cloud of dust and he started sneezing. He always hated dust. He
immediately let the Second Gate close itself. The room he fell into was rather large and
circular with walls seemingly cut from stone. There was no door that he could
see. Probably one was hidden in the wall and would only open at the activation
of the right mechanism. Torches hung from the walls and shed their light over a
crudely made stone altar placed at the center. On top of that altar, laid a
sword with a bare and slightly curved dark blade. The hilt was silver without
any decoration. Exactly what Legba came looking for tonight. The pulse he was feeling all this time came
directly from that odd-looking sword. That was probably the most powerful
weapon in the entire world. LightCaster it was called. Rumors had it that it
was forged by the first god to walk the surface of the world, Ammonra the
GateKeeper himself, many millennia ago. Now that he was up close, Legba could
feel a formidable amount of evil and hatred emanating from the sword. It was
akin to a bottomless pit of evil. So much evil that it was suffocating. And
Legba was trying hard not to succumb to it. He
moved his hand to seize LightCaster and he felt the power. Enough power to lay
waste to cities, to topple kingdoms and even threaten the gods on their
thrones. Certainly with this much power, he would have the right to rule. “You don’t want to touch that thing, young
man,” came a voice behind him. There, stood an old man dressed in a long
free flowing grey robe. His scalp was bald and his chin was closely shaved. The
grand-priest most likely. Legba didn’t see him coming, nor did he hear him. And
he could have sworn he wasn’t in the room earlier. Maybe he was another Gate
user and came down the same way as Legba. Or perhaps there really was a hidden
door somewhere around. “Who are you, old man?” asked Legba. “My name is Fra. And I am grand-priest in
this temple dedicated to Ammonra. But who I am is of no matter. What matters is
that you desecrated this place tonight and came to steal what Emperor Amokh
himself gave us for safekeeping many generations ago.” “Oh. Ammonra is it? He died eons ago. I’m
sure he wouldn’t mind my little adventure here tonight.” “You blaspheme, child! It is true that Our
Lord died saving us from the shadows. Nevertheless he still watches over his
children. He still lives inside us, among us and continues protecting us every
day. This is how strong his love for us is.” Legba couldn’t decide if he felt puzzled or
if he just felt like chuckling. He hated theology. A bunch of nonsense,
according to him. He never really paid much attention to religious doctrines. “But I digress,” continued the priest. “The
matter at hand stays that this sword is way too dangerous and that you don’t
have the slightest idea what you are meddling with.” “LightCaster” “What?” “LightCaster. It’s name is LightCaster.”
Legba was motioning to the sword on the altar. “How? How did you learn this name? The gods
themselves took care to erase all records of its existence! They went to great
length to make it as if it was never forged! Who are you?” As he was talking, the priest’s expression
started to change. His confidence was fading. And fear replaced it. Legba
grinned but did not answer him. “As a servant of Lords Ammonra and Amokh,”
continued the grand-priest when he saw he would get no response, “it is my duty
to prevent this weapon from falling into the wrong hands, even at the cost of
my own life. Its propensity for destruction is way too formidable. So, young
stranger, prepare yourself. Tonight, you draw your last breath!” And he opened
the Second Gate. Not at all impressed, Legba reached and seized LightCaster. © 2012 Ricardy RicotReviews
StatsAuthor![]() Ricardy RicotAboutHi, I am Ricardy Ricot and this year, I've decided to seriously become a writer. I recently finished a high fantasy novel titled Gate Lords: The Rise of Legba that I plan to release to the public in a.. more..Writing