![]() General HeartsA Chapter by Garry.M![]() The book is a valentines gift to the people in love.It also speaks a message to the non believers in love telling them that love exists,and people are.![]()
The book is a valentines gift to the people in
love.It also speaks a message to the non believers in love telling them
that love exists,and people are.
GENERAL HEARTS by Garry Mulati “Have you ever been in love? Have you ever found love? Have you ever lost love? to me loves like a job” The cupid Gala thought to himself as he spread his wings, flying across the streets of Ambervall .Once he flew to the middle of the town, He removed his golden notebook, turning on the first page he smiled to himself “February 12th gala, one more day, just one more day” he closed the book and continued flying, searching for a good position to begin his part of his job. Around the same time deep within the town of Ambervall Jesse Noreen was glad to be through with his part time job. He removed a glass sapphire from his bag. The glass sapphire had a cherry flower in it .The cherry blossom was very rare especially in Ambervall so it might have taken Jesse a lot of money to buy it. ”She’s going to love it “Jesse thought to himself wiping a smudge of dust from the sapphire. A couple blocks away from jesses position MaryAnn Wilbert was pacing up and down in excitement. She just couldn’t hold it, the anxiety was too much. She jumped on her bed and quickly took her phone too check her messages, one of them was from Jesse and the other from Charlie (a class mate who had a crush on MaryAnn).”Ann” a soft voice called from downstairs then followed by a loud knock on the door! “Come in “Maryann welcomed in her big sister Joana .Joanna was a tall slender twenty three year old, she had long ebony hair that matched perfectly with her dark blue eyes. She was a university student and had come back to Ambervall for the holiday or so she calls it. ”Seriously Ann you’re shaking the whole house watts up? “She curiously asked. “Todays the day he’s coming to propose to me “Ann blushed “.Aw, Ann not one of your many boyfriends “Joanna was tired of Ann’s behaviorism it was as if Maryann fell in love with every guy that told her she was pretty .Recently Joanna had seen Her getting close with two guys one being Jesse and the other Charlie Opkid. “So who’s coming to propose Charlie or Jesse “she curiously asked. “You will see “Ann replied. Dating Jesse was her secret the two have never publicized their love but on that day, they were willing to tell everyone. MaryAnn went quickly to the showers to prepare herself for jesses visit. Jesse was a couple of blocks away from Maryann’s apartment. It was on a Wednesday night just one more day and the world would be celebrating Valentine’s Day! Moreover, on that night Jesse was prepared to ask MaryAnn out, on that day jesses was prepared to confess his love for her. On valentines eve, Gala had now positioned himself the bird view was just magnificent. “Hugh the smell of lovers, Gala stretched his wings preparing himself for the heart delivery, “this job never gets old “he remembered of the previous year’s valentine and had a feeling that this year things were going to be interesting. My names angel Gala and my job is to deliver the General Hearts “.The General Heart was a bond used to strengthen lovers making their love so powerful that nothing could break them apart. It is what humans call True love. Gala thought of his job not noticing the pillars of thick cloud forming behind him. He opened his Golden notebook to check the other events that needed his intervention, Easters eve, global events, Christmas eve , all the days that promoted love Gala would come to the world to deliver the hearts to all lovers so that their day can run smoothly without any blunder or fall downs. He closed the book and placed it inside his robe ready to begin his delivery.
Jesse had now reached at Maryann’s apartment. He let out a breath and knocked on her door. ”Yeah, am coming “Joanna shouted, in an instant the door swung open. “OH, hey Joanna…”before Jesse uttered Joanna quickly replied. “You are looking for Ann right? She is waiting for you by the balcony “Joanna pointed.’ Thanks Joanna” Jesse then walked towards their backyard. “No sweat Jesse, no sweat” Joanna got back to her music closing the door shut. Once Jesse was at the backyard, he patiently waited for Ann but she was not showing up. He removed his phone and quickly texted MaryAnn. “It’s one cold night you know “he sent the text. A couple of seconds later Ann replied “I know Jesse but you’ll need to persuade me first”. Jesse giggled, “How about this if you don’t come out I’ll simply leave having not given you a gift you will love “Jesse sent the message .MaryAnn quickly replied “That’s convincing Jesse…but won’t be enough to let me out of my room LOL” Ann replied leaving Jesse with a giggle. “How about if I shout your name then “Jesse shouted projecting his voice so loudly that Maryann heard him. His phone suddenly vibrated “That’s just crazy Jesse” MaryAnn texted. “MARRYANN! Jesse shouted there was a deep silence followed by rapid movements in marries Ann’s room, I WANT TO TALK TO YOU MARYANN! (Maryann then shouted back in excitement “WHAT!”)…I LOVE YOU! “Jesse concluded. Then the door swung open and Maryann was soon leaning on the balcony. No matter how many times Jesse had seen MaryAnn the felling was strong with every glance her beauty was just breath taking. “So Maryann could you allow me to tell you what the other guys have already told you “Jesse winked.” Silly you Jesse, MaryAnn blushed, only for tonight I permit you”. She ran her hand through her long blonde hair. Her eyes were glistening with anxiety. “You look gorgeous Maryann” Jesse complemented.” Silly you Jesse, but thank you “Ann blushed as she giggled. “What’s so funny?” Jesse asked. “It’s your look today you’ve really out done yourself tonight Jesse” Maryann told Jesse who tightened a loose button. “Todays the big day I should look proper in front of my girl “Jesse addressed Ann who smiled back at him. MaryAnn loved Jesse she was waiting for his proposal with a lot of excitement. After Gala was contented with his position, he stretched out his hand and out came a golden arrow shimmering with a silvery glow. He took out an arrow and placed it at the bow, he slowly pulled it and took a deep breath, “its show time “he released the arrow and it instantly bursts into a colorful spectrum of light! The scene was breath taking. It was all too magical. He took out another arrow ready to shoot it when the dark heavy cloud clapped a tremendous amount of thunder at Gala! The sudden blow caused serious damage to his body. Gala was uneasy and before he knew it he was falling off the sky unconsciously. Jesse and Maryann Wilbert were still flirting Jesse concisely waiting for the right moment to unveil his undying love towards Ann .MaryAnn was all too exited but since she wasn’t the one proposing she let Jesse do his thing and went with the flow. “MaryAnn ever since I meet you four months ago you have showed me….” “The light Jesse you have taught me on how to be myself and appreciate others and for that I thank you” Maryann finished jesses probable say. At that, time is when Galas body slammed the floor! And it was that moment when the Cupid fell that all love became hate.” please Jesse get to the point “MaryAnn spilled it out towards jesses her smile wider than ever. “Maryann I love you “Jesse went on his knees and stretched out his hand. “will you be my girlfriend Ann I promise to always be there to be your shield to be the vessel that holds your tears Ann please I ask you now to let me in and I swear to God I’ll take care of you” Jesse looked into Maryann’s eyes waiting for a yes but the reaction was rather unexpected. MaryAnn grimaced. “Jesse what the f**k is you doing in my back yard? She retorted. “I am here to propose Maryann I love you “Jesse repeated assuming that Maryann was playing him. Maryann got mad “what the…..you what!... Jesse, she breathed in deeply I do not frieking love you get a life ewe! “MaryAnn glared at Jesse who was still oblivious of what had happened. “Cut it out Maryann I know you l….”before Jesse uttered MaryAnn interrupted ”shut up! Okay Jesse! Just shut the hell up! I do not know who misinformed you but I don’t love you I don’t even like you “MaryAnn told Jesse.” please Ann listen to your self your taking this too far “Jesse tried coaxing Maryann but she was too angry to listen. “Far…far!... what Jesse! Must I spell it to you, I don’t love or like you, could you just go…scar face “ Jesse was smitten by those words, it was either he heard it wrong or it was his imagination he could not believe that Maryann insulted him. All because of his scar, Jesse was a tall seventeen year old skinny body dark haired very good-looking, but the only thing that robbed him off his looks was his giant scar that ran down his left palm all the way down his eye to his cheek.it was for that mark that everyone treated him differently. ”something must have happened, he whispered to himself, this cannot be the marry Ann I know…but what. What” jesses eyes became watery he couldn’t hide it any longer the stab of rejection, especially from a girl of your dreams, a girl whose never insulted you ever, he wearily climbed up Maryann’s balcony ready to give her the glass sapphire which he was sure it could mount sense into Maryann. MaryAnn always had a deep crush for flowers, and the moment Jesse realized that, he had been taking part time jobs to get enough money to import the flower from japan . The cherry blossom was Ann’s favorite it reminded her of her mom although rare Jesse sacrificed himself to buy Ann a present that he saw it fit, she would love it or even freak by the glance of its beauty. Once Jesse was at MaryAnn’s position one hand was holding the balcony rail while the other one took out the Glass sapphire “MaryAnn look at this Maryann” Jesse gave Ann the glass sapphire as his eyes were drained in balancing tears, Maryann who was still confused looked at Jesse with no emotion but disappointment. ”Now tell me you don’t love me “Jesse whispered. “Jesse….”Maryann whispered clinging on the glass sapphire. “Yes my love “Jesse replied in a quivery voice hoping that his gift had bought sense into her. “You might as well eat a dick for all I care” Maryann then rammed the glass sapphire in jesses face shattering it! Sending Jesse of her balcony and he was on the floor with a thud! “And the next time you even dare say disgusting things to me I swear am calling the cops get it.I love Charlie Jesse, it has always been him” Maryann then went back to her apartment! Jesse could not wake up something greater than fatigue pinned him and his bleeding face to the floor, rejection. “Why…Jesse cried to himself….tonight we were supposed to be as one so why” He pulled himself up and dragged himself off the Wilbert’s backyard. From heaven Jesse was now holing a funeral why did Ann suddenly reject him he looked at his palm, painted in blood, Maryann’s scornful words ran through his mind. There was no point in living Jesse thought. MaryAnn was everything Jesse wanted, she was everything he needed, she so far was all the things he always wanted to be, but he suddenly meant nothing to her, and he did not know why? Why there was not any point in living he staggered and dragged himself to the dumpsite where he would die, rot and nobody could ever find him. The stench of rotten foodstuffs and scavenged street dogs was just the place Jesse entered. Once he was in, He looked for an abandoned area and tied a rope in one of the tow trucks. He then thought about his life preparing himself for the afterlife. Gala was unconscious but slowly regained conscious because of the strong stench the dumpsite exhumed. His vision was blurry and he started seeing an object hanging on a rope. When Gala was back to his senses he saw Jesse tied onto a rope. “Don’t kill yourself “Gala spawned from the earth! That had mounted on him when he had knocked out. That sudden gesture startled Jesse and he slipped of the rock that supported him and was now struggling to let him loose! Jesse gasped for air but it was impossible! “I am sososososo sorry!” Gala panicked! He quickly thought fast and took a piece of broken glass from the ground .Gala then cut the rope freeing Jesse from the clutches of death! Jesse tightly griped his throat, gasping for air as gala lectured him “You stupid human what on earth were you thinking, committing suicide like that, humans…you never learn do you there is more to it in life. You just do not kill yourself after being shaken up by a petty situation! There is a person who is desperate in need d of that life you wanted to throw away so you must take responsibility…………”before gala finished Jesse interrupted. “But what’s the point in living if the one you solely trusted has suddenly rejected you” Jesse wailed. Gala then had a hunch “wait you can see me? He asked” “Of course I can see you! You retarded dush” Jesse continued sobbing gala paced looking for a mirror to prove jesses words, “dear lord am human “He gasped his wings angelic glow shimmering bow and arrow everything gone. He sat and thought hard,”lemmie see first it was the clouds then…..”Before gala thought, any further Jesse was back on another rope! Strangling him! “What the hells wrong with you gala cut the rope again. “Leave me alone you retarded dush, not even you can help me now …how could she just hate me from the blues how! “Jesse cursed. That’s when it hit Gala!”Hey human what’s your name?” Gala asked pulling out his golden notebook and saw jesses name with Maryann Wilbert. The two were clearly meant to be after they acquired their heart but it seemed that something happened and their General Heart switched with the wrong person. “No this can’t be!”gala flipped through the other pages and noticed that all the general hearts had switched to the wrong people! “This is bad “he thought of the after math if Jesse was too killing himself what about the others. “This...this is the work of Shakel!”Gala thought .Shakel was the cupid before Gala but was overthrown .ShakeL used the power of the heart the opposite way feeding himself with the negative power. This couldn’t go on and immediately Gala finished graduation from The Hearts(heaven) he used his power to seal Shakel away from existence that’s how he became the angel of love” and because people in the 21st century have stopped believing in love his power grew stronger “Gala thought. ”Retarded dush what the hell are you saying? Jesse asked. “I know how you fell Jesse Okwod you and Maryann were meant to be….”Gala boldly told Jesse. “Wait... how did you know our names? “Jesse asked in a low tone confused. “Because my friend I am the person who delivers true love,” Gala then threw his book toward Jesse and told him of his part of the story; Jesse flipped page by page his eyes widened in disbelief! The book was a record of everything concerning love valentines and the rest, As Gala told Jesse of his story, Jesse stopped at a specific page. The page was of him and MaryAnn. “He’s really telling me the truth he’s really an angel of love…”Jesse thought looking at the details of him and Ann his heart slowly sunk. ”….and i only have one day to fix this blunder! If I don’t and valentine’s day reaches all this confusion will lead to a strong mood of hate freeing Shakel !And the moment Shakel is freed, love as we all know it will cease to exist! “Gala told Jesse who by then had cooled off after knowing what had happened. Gala then sat beside Jesse he was hopeless what could he possibly do at his current self he was a mere human.” ‘If you are truly an angel why can I see you? “Jesse asked. “One rule about angels is that a human should never see you the consequence of that is death….Hugh! Gala noticed that he did not die even after revealing his identity to Jesse! He was one lucky person. In an instant Gala had an idea ”What if I help you get back with Maryann” Gala thought of doing one deed before the world fell.” That is impossible Maryann completely hates me! ’Jesse told Gala. Gala on the other side pooped another plan ”Bingo! If she truly hates you and that hate turns to love beating all odds then maybe your love can generate a general hart that I will use to boost back my power!” Gala told Jesse. Although Galas plan made sense jesses hopes were still down. “The problem is how gala? how will you make her fall in love with me?” Jesse asked. “Don’t worry my friend for now she claims to hate you but I know that deep down her heart there is a part of you inside her!” “we just need to push till that part shows up… not to worry you have me… I have studied love as if it was a book I’ll show you how you will get Ann, back trust me “Gala told Jesse. “And in return our love will jumpstart you own power…am beginning to see the sense in it “Jesse told Gala. “Exactly that, so there is still hope for this year’s valentine don’t worry Jesse “Gala assured Jesse. By then Jesse felt a lot better. Jesse then got on his feet and shook Galas hand the plan was bulletproof. Galas stomach suddenly hurled and an uneasy mood stuck him…..In an Instant Jesse was seeing the man wobble in dizziness! ”Gala! “He shouted trying to help gala maintain his balance, “I don’t feel good “Gala whispered. Soon Gala was on the floor! ”B*****d passed out, “Jesse whispered carrying gala walking out of the dumping site towards his apartment. Back at the Wilbert’s apartment Joanna saw it funny for Maryann to be sound asleep as if the recent ruckus meant nothing to her. Something was wrong and she had to ask. “What just happened MaryAnn? “She asked. “Why did you blow him off like that?” “Forget about Jesse Joanna he’s just desperate I have never loved him not even for a minute am with Charlie” Maryann replied tucking herself inside the bed. Joanna sighed in disappointment as she closed the door she whispered. “You can reject him now marryann but I honesty you two were something…good night “Joanna then shut MaryAnn’s door. With only having 24 hrs to get the two back together and regain his power Gala and Jesse have to beat all odds to save not only jesses love story but the whole world as they know it.The fate of valentine and love depends on these two.Thats The end of chapter one email me at [email protected] the next chapter of General Hearts. This will be a Romanic story you would not want to miss. General Hearts by Garry Mulati. © 2014 Garry.M |
Added on April 21, 2014 Last Updated on April 21, 2014 Author![]() Garry.MNairobi, Metropolytant, KenyaAboutI am very intrested in writing especialy creative writers who write stories with crazy unpredictable story lines.So far i have 14 books and will release one in my acount soon.lf you are that person wh.. more..Writing