To Forget
It always starts when I'm driving
The feel I've forgotten something incredibly important
I start with the obvious things - wallet, cell phone, keys,
I pat my pockets but the keys aren't there-
I panic, turn on a light, and rummage-
Then I realize - I'm driving, and the keys are in the ignition.
If it's not those things, then what have I forgotten?
I think back - try to remember- then it hits me.
I can't remember us together anymore-
Like a dream you try to save when you wake up-
Killing it in the process, losing more as you try to hold it in your head.
Like a camera with an unfocused lens, I try to keep the images together.
I've lost the embarrassed smile you'd get when I'd brush* your arm-
Or the ways we'd stare each other down with a smile-
The lines are blurring, the colors running together-
Like a still frame in warm water-
Warped, twisted, unrealistic, and unbelievable.
Why should I believe them?
They're just dreams - that's why it's so hard to remember-
It's easy to forget what never happened.