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Laila Dolux(Angel-Shapeshifter) Vs. Rai Fron(Demon-Incubus)

Laila Dolux(Angel-Shapeshifter) Vs. Rai Fron(Demon-Incubus)

A Story by RawrAngel

Rai refuses to let Laila be with her beloved lover, whom is a demon, even though Laila was born from darkness in the first place.(Main Race-what kind) but someone else may make an entrance....

Laila stood in the front of the church gazing around the empty house of God, examining every beam that held the roof, every painting that hung on the wall, and every creature that made the house their home. While taking a step, that echoed, a butterfly took flight into the air scared by the noise that boomed like thunder, but no other being was disturbed by her movement, but why would they be? She was unarmed by the looks, wearing nothing more then a black body suit that showed to much cleavage in a holy sanctum, knee high boots that held spikes around the tip and heel, with her platinum hair bundled into a hair tie, her scars over her nose, lip forehead not well concealed by her lose strands of hair. She appeared very well neutral, but as a man, whom wore only black jeans, showing his bulk body with battle scars of his own, hair gelled back, and a twin katana's in each hand, stepped into her view, spinning the swords with a sly grin across his lips making Laila wanted to rip off his face. "Rai...." He chuckled over to Lil Laila seeing her expression toward his grin, but she only held her chin up in response with a sneer look, which only made the demon grin more. "I'm so happy you showed up Laila.." His voice hissed across the church, that had a different effect to the church then her footsteps. A Spider in the dark corner of a beam gently came out of its dark crack in the wall onto its web. Laila wasn't so ease as the spider was toward his voice. It stung her ears as if they were bitten by a snake, but she did not flinch, nor did she move, only scuffed lightly and gently smiled while moving her fingers tenderly against one of her ears. "I don't think i hand a choice with your... goons fetching me like some dog." Laila dragged dog out sarcastically getting a message across to her host, but he seemed to be more amused then concerned about the issue, spinning the swords in his hands as he carried on. "Well.. Angel-Trash like you who don't know their place, must understand... you are stepping onto territory that is not yours my dear." The man stood straight ahead of her now, standing straight, but posed to leap. "Oh? Strange... I thought i was born to a succubus, and a demon lord, but i guess i mistaken my birth parents? Or that factor that his mother whom is also a succubus, accepted me the moment she laid eyes on me? How silly of me the information must have.. slipped my mind." Laila mocked, tapping her chin, and waving her arms in the air lightly giggling to herself, but Rai right away cut her off clinging his swords together, letting the sound of metal clashing ring. "Your marriage to the demon-vampire... is invalid." He cracked his neck. Laila glared holding her arms out to her side cranking her knuckles as she bent them into fists. "I'm sorry to say.. dear Rai... but i don't think you are in any position to make that choice." Laila grinned mockingly to Rai. With a loud roar on Rai's part, he charged at her, swords crossed into an X, but in Laila's eyes a cross, aiming for her  small exposed throat, but Laila ran her hand in front of her quickly before he came, appearing only a Naginata out of no where, taking hold with her other hand, and keeping it where her neck was to meet with the swords, making a clash and sparks of opposite powers clash, as the swords were kept at a distance, with no strain or look of effort upon her expression. Rai narrowed his eyes in annoyance, gritting his teeth, releasing the swords from the naginata, as he jumped away from her back to where he stood before, with his teeth of a demon sticking from his upper lip, as he snarled. "You don't plan to make this easy for me do you?" Rai grumbled. Laila spread her legs apart, placing one foot in front of the other, as she held the naginata in her hands, pointing the blade at him with her own annoyed expression. "I don't plan to make anything easy in this life for filth." Rai glared at her for her response, as he positioned himself as well, swords in hand and eyes glowing red. "Then.. let us begin." Laila's eyes did to glow, but a white aura, as she replied to his challenge. "Lucifer will have to deal with one less demon."

Laila nodded in agreement to his statement, after her comment was made and it marked the beginning of the long battle, as both stared into each others eyes with intense. Rai and Laila both leaped into the air from their spot, meeting each other in the air. Rai made the first sing, thrusting his left sword in a stab, but failed as Laila pushed the weapon aside with her Naginata, only to move her head slightly, dodging a slice from the right sword, having her shoulder cut in the process. Laila wasted no time as both Rai's hands were occupied in middle of attacks quickly letting go of the hilt of the Naginata with her right hand, and landed a punch to his face with her fist, knocking him back the way her came. Laila quickly freed her weapon from the entanglement with his, tossing it like a spear at Rai as she began to descend to the ground, but Rai vanished from sight, avoiding the Naginata and have it land into a beam of the church instead, equaling her weapon stuck, and he unarmed now, but not defensiveness. "Damn it." She mumbled spun herself to land onto the ground on her feet, but in a flash her efforts were in vain, being tackled in the front, in the air she was still in, and body slammed to the ground, leaving a small but effective crater in the tiles. Rai took advantage of his surprise attack, making another stab attack with his right sword, stabbing into her palm that she held to block the attack, splattering blood onto them both from her hand, quickly pushing him up with her waist with her free hand placed above her hand, she made a front flip throwing him off with his free sword, into the near by wall leaving his own crater mark, sword on the ground at his feet. Laila sneered at him pulling the blade of her hand and tossing it along side his other one, shaking her palm to rid of the dripping blood watching Rai growl after landing butt first onto the ground, and lifting his head to watch Laila shape-shift to a half cat human, climbing, and jumping her way to her weapon beam to beam, with claws digging into the wood and marble of the church. With a scuff, Rai quickly regained his strength and air in his lungs, picking up one sword, as he grew his own set of travel. He hunched forward keeping his gaze on Laila of course, but out of his shoulder ripped out large bat like wings, stood out to Laila greatly, as he took off into the air after her. Laila's eyes wide a bit looking to him and her Naginata with a concern look that she might not make it but choosing a difficult choice, leaping from the beam she clung to,  falling fast, but slowly descending upon the one that held her steel. Rai crashed into the beam that she was on making debris and dust fly at her, but small cuts from cut wood didn't seem to keep her, holding her hand out. Suddenly making her efforts worthless, 4 arrows pierced her body, with one in her shoulder, reached out arm side, her cheat and a leg from under neither her knocking her up and off course just enough for her to crash into the beam above where her destination was, but before she could fall and call quite, she dug her right claws into the wood beam, with pain in her face as blood dripped from her wounds, down below to the archer behind it all.  While she pulled what arrows she could out with her left, he glanced down with blurry vision, but she made out someone down there. Gently rubbing her eyes and taking in a deep breath she opened her eyes to below and was shock to what she saw. A women in a body suit much different from her own with no cleavage and covering her neck, held a bow and arrow, aimed at Laila with a look of hate and almost satisfied vengeance. Laila narrowed her eyes and she tossed the arrows aside, spatting blood from her mouth, with a but of discuss. "Staar..." Laila whispered. Rai flew by Laila with a mocking laugh, flapping his wing hard as he got up and personal with her, the wind almost knocking her off the beam a bit, but with quick catch of her left claws, she managed to stay attached on the beam with a bit of strain letting her right arm take a break. "Feeling uneasy Angel-filth?" Rai called out hovering where Staar stood, grinning victoriously while Staar only kept her poker face knowing not to under estimate her. Laila shook her head with a grin in response placing her feet against the wall with her left still clung to the wall, looking like a monkey more then a cat. "Not even." She chuckled back. Staar, in annoyance,  raised her bow quickly, and shot another arrow toward Laila, only to watch in disbelief Laila release from the beam of her claw, and jump off, having the arrow miss her completely, with her falling right down to the Naginata, grabbing the hilt in her grip to stop her sudden from falling, quickly lifting and placing her foot against the wall, and kicking off holding the blade tightly in her grip, pulling it free, and with a flip land on her feet perfectly crouched to the ground, spinning the Naginata above her head with her right arm despite the injury. Rai grumbled, but couldn't hide the impressed look in his eye, closing his wings, landing beside his partner, as Staar began to bite at her lip with a hint of a nervous expression, loading another arrow in her bow. Laila slowly stood straight shifting back into her normal form, with a crack of her neck and spinning her Naginata in her right hand at her side, waiting for someone to do something against her with her eyes shifting from body to body watching closely. Rai watched her eyes carefully, hoping Staar would follow his lead in his quick thinking plan. When Laila's gaze looked toward Staar, Rai quickly threw one of his swords like a shuriken toward her, only to have Laila jump into the air in a back-flip dodging the sword as it flew under her faster then she was, but Staar, appeared above her quicker then Rai threw, and body slammed Laila into the ground much like Rai did from before, swinging the naginata at Staar, but she quickly blocked it only receiving a cut on her cheek. "Gein is out of your reach." Staar snarled, holding up a dagger to Laila's throat with her right, and Laila's hands above her head, with her left, as Laila bleed slightly from her mouth from the impact of the second body slam, making Staar chuckle. "Besides...How could you ever fill my shoes?" Staar mockingly smiled, but Laila's response wasn't defeat as hoped, only anger. Laila's eyes filled into a white blank, ripping her hands free of Staar's grip, to only grip them onto Staar's throat, placing a foot onto her abdomen, thrusting her into the air at the same time she released her neck, with Laila following after her jumping off the ground, and white feathered wings sprouting from her back ripping off the top of her body suit, letting her breast fall from place bouncing about, while her new feathered wings flew her faster then Staar was through the church. Laila quickly grabbed hold of Staar's throat once more, making her smash into the ceiling, that halted them from ascending further on, and snarled in her face with fangs of not a vampire, but that of a wolf it seemed. Staar widen her eyes in agony from lack of air, and the hint of fear from Laila's change of attitude, as Laila quickly threw Staar like a worthless rag doll across the church into Rai interrupting his charge toward them, making them both crash down back to the ground. Staar laid out cold on Rai whom sat up rubbing his head with a groan with eyes shut tight in pain for a moment before looking up at Laila studying her new angelic wings and exposed breast, while Laila flew midair uncaring to where his eyes looked with a growl in her throat as she glared, and spoke with a very pure but angered voice "Your weak demons, is that all you can do? I WILL marry Gein with or without your council approval!" Laila roared with her white wings beating against the wind, as she floated in place. Rai slightly scuffed examining Laila's new found personality, pushing Staar off of him, in order for him to stand. "Tough words... for an angel-filth." He spoke harshly, and began to change himself, with adding to his wings, horns from his head, his eyes burning red, like fire, and his breath was so hot it smoked out of his mouth rather then blew out. Laila gritted her teeth watching him spread his own wings, as he violently took into the air, charging for Laila with bare claws as his weapon of choice. He had shown his true form.. his true demon form. With no fear shown, Laila met him half way as she bared her claws with him. At great speed and force, they passed by each other, swiping their claws once and then stopped a few feet away, backs turned. Laila right away got clawed to the face with his left, while she clawed his chest with her right, before flying past him, and landing feet on the ground sliding to a halt, as she grabbed hold of her Naginata again that laid on the ground from Staar, clashing the hilt with Rai's claws as he bashed into her from the air trying to surprise attack, using all her strength on her right, to push him to the side on his back, pointing the blade of the weapon at the side of his throat, but for only moment before Rai bashing his arm into the Naginata where she had it gripped in her hands, knocking it again out of her grasp, with it knocking her a bit off balance too, as Rai quickly took the time to trip her with his foot, twisting her body with both legs, for her to land face down first, bashing her face against the hard rock floor, painting it with red from her nose, and new cuts on her head. Rai quickly got up, but took his time brushing dust off of his chest and move his body next to her with a grin. "This meeting has been adjourned." His smokey breath hissed, stepping his foot, claws and all onto Laila's back hard, hearing her scream in pain, and couch on her own blood, as he leaned on her, while digging a claw into the wound the arrow made in her shoulder, torturing her like she was doll he had stole from his sister, with amusement loving her screams and cry's as if they were moans from sex. Meanwhile in the ceiling corner of the church, the beautiful white and blue butterfly that flapped around to escape the violence and loud noises that the battle made, fell victim to the web of the black spider that was enjoying the sounds of demonic roars, and blood splattering across the floor. The butterfly flapped its wings to escape the sticky web, but the vibrating of which it made, tempted the spider more, as it made its way toward the beautiful butterfly. Rai smiled wickedly standing up from Laila's back, stepping on the wound he only made worse, and watched her spew blood from her mouth as she tried to scream out in pain. The Spider, ran its legs over the butterfly's wings and knew with it flapping violently it wouldn't be able to wrap it properly for a good meal. Rai roughly moved his foot around, letting her feel his bare feet against her exposed flesh that her wings help with ripping her body suit, painting her blood over it, as grabbed hold of her right wing, keeping his foot on her back, and two hands on the wing. The spider held the Butterfly's free wing in its grasp with its fangs biting into it with a good hold. "Lets see you fly now." Rai whispered. Without any strain at all and at the same time, Rai and the Spider ripped the wings off the prey, right out of their flesh Rai demonically snickered, listening to the ripping sound her flesh and bone made as it separated from her body, and hearing her scream, out in agony, while he tossed to useless feathered wind aside. "Why!? Why would you rip my wing off!? Help me!! Lord help me!! My Lord!!" Laila shouted and called out in a ear pinching pitch, that only made Rai demonically chuckle with his tail on the back swaying side to side in pleasure, watching Laila squirm and cry all at once. "Let this be a lesson for you, and your kind..." Rai removed his foot as markings grew over his tan-ish skin, that marks of a demon that had killed an angel, as he began to walk away from Laila leaving her to die a painful death alone in her own sanctum. "I went easy on you.. and I gave you a merciful death." Laila rolled onto her left side, curling into a ball in her own pool of blood, watching Rai walk away, and her wing now lie on the ground with its own blood, dripping from her once feathers, and bone of the wing. "Heart.. less.. Bastered." She manage to choke out past her pain, making Rai stop in his tracks, turning to face her with a grin. "Am i? I saved you for a life commitment to a demon-vampire... your very blood would make him crave you more, and soon you would have been not a wife.. just food." "Your wrong!" Laila groaned. "He loves me.. he cherishes me." "Yes... for now." Rai began to turn again, but his grin faded, and his eyes widen a bit in concern, as he looked to Laila in shock, and annoyance. "Why you..." Laila breathed heavily and moaned in agony, but she kept going, kept her strength, and as Rai watched, she began to stand up.. "I don't know how you have the strength to stand but it won't safe you." Rai growled taking hold of her own Naginata, watching Laila sway were she stood, blood still pouring from her back, while she breathed heavily, and stared aimlessly. "May God find another place in heaven for ya.. or Lucifer take ya with his own hands.." Rai held the Naginata just as Laila did with it like a spear, throwing it hard and fast toward Laila, and watching it with great anticipation for it to hit her heart, but a dark hand, with sharp edge claws, grabbed hold of the Naginata, by the hilt before it hit his target... Laila. "... Impossible." Rai whispered. Laila's hand looked dark and claws now dripped black, as a dark aura took over her white aura, eating it away like a predator would to a prey. As her wounds began to her, she began to stand normally, with her skin turning into soot, white markings appearing too, with her white hair, that was knocked out of her hair tie long ago, hugged black horns growing out of the top of her skull, and curving to the back and her white eyes, turned green with grey ripples that gave her a more demonic look, then what Rai was used to. She ripped off her body suit,to increase her exposed body to now her entire body now exposed from the bosom of her breath to her hips and thighs, with her boots easily being kicked off to the side like they were a bother to her. Rai's eyes shot open in discovering, she was turning into what she was meant to be born into... a demon. Rai's eyes widen with now what seem to be lack of confidence, watching Laila turn into a different creature, her white feathers shedding off, revealing a bat wing under neither, as she snarled, cracking her neck. "So.. there's no doubt about it. Ya maybe an angel, a child of god, born from the ashes of a hell's fire raised up as an angel and be pure then any women... but the Kasagan woke up the demon heart inside." Laila grinned with a light chuckle. "Indeed, the Kasagan gave me what a form i was should have been born with, but i always had a demon heart Rai." Laila mocked, as she at him roared, vanishing from her spot, leaving Rai to back away looking all around as he made a run for the door to escape what his fate is to be, but the Naginata ran through his chest, quicker then he imagined, as she lifted the weapon with him, and tossed him into the air. Vanishing again, she appeared in the air above him, slamming her fist into where she stabbed him, having a stronger force then even him, that send him flying down into the ground, and making a crater larger and deeper. Rai shook violently, bleeding from his mouth and his wounds, of the stab-wound, a broken leg, cuts from the broken tile on the ground, and throwing up the blood that wasn't dripping out fast enough. Laila stood over him and the crater, with her eyes full of hate and anger, watching Rai's eyes stare at her as they too shook in fear rather then pain, and that alone made Laila slightly smile. "Consider this.." She began to speak. Her voice was no longer pure, gentle, or angelic, now it was sharp, harsh, and demonic. "Your lesson." Laila held her naginata in hand, and spun it, watching Rai try and beg for mercy, but Laila jumped down the crater to him, and began to stab him furiously, with her left that held her blade and clawing him with her right, until he laid still on the floor, and he was colder then his demon blood could be. When she saw Rai's eyes roll to the back of his head, and his body torn from the neck down and waist up, she began to slowly stop and breath softer and easy standing straight looking down at Rai's lifeless body, tossing her blade to the side,  as she did. "As I said before.. Lucifer will lose one more demon." She closed her eyes in a slight prayer for the demon, and began to walk toward the door that Rai was inching to before, her body becoming weaker as she walked. Her appearance of a demon, began to fade, and crumble as he angelic, her real self, came to with each step. Slowly her wing grew feathers again, her dark aura faded, her claws withdraw-ed as her eyes appeared her normal white glow. Though she was back, so were the wounds, and as they appeared they again began to violently leak out blood, making Laila go down, as the waves of pain washed through her body, laying in her blood. She began to think she too will die here, with Rai.. Staar still was knocked out cold laying uselessly where Rai had left her, so she couldn't finish Laila off, but Laila wanted a quicker death then this.. Tears filled her eyes and began to form its own puddle of water at Laila's face, as it mixed in with the blood that pooled around her.. "Love.." a deep voice whispered at Laila's ear. With what strength she had, she turned her head, and body toward the voice, slowly and gently, only to see the one she fought for.. the very man she loved. A smile wide on her face, as her lifeless eyes stared at his scared expression. "Gein.. I did it.. I beat them Gein.. we can.. we can be together now." She forced out. "Shh." Gein gently pressed a finger to her lips, kissing her head. Gently he moved Laila to wrap his jacket around her wound, to stop the bleeding until he got her to a doctor, or healed her himself. "G..Gein." "Angie please... Don't speak." Laila nodded.. smiling at the name he called her.. Laila never told Gein her real name.. only her middle name, Tenshi.. meaning Angel. He called her Tenshi, sometimes Angel, when he was worried, being romantic, or just scared, he would call her Angie. Gein gently picked up the women he loved bridal style, as he spread larger, and greater wings then Rei or Laila had, taking off into the sky, with Laila, whom looked to the church with a sad filled heart.. that it had to come to the death of someone she thought it be a friend... and the make of a enemy to a women she thought of as a sister.. a terrible day indeed, for Laila Dolux.

© 2012 RawrAngel

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Added on February 26, 2012
Last Updated on April 30, 2012



Somewhere over the rainbow, FL

I'm your typical writer, here on this wonderful sight sharing my talent, and here to perfect it. I'm into horror, adventure, romance, and of course your out of the normal tales. I tend to go from good.. more..
