Chapter 1:

Chapter 1:

A Chapter by JustAnotherGirl

Silightly explicit, Chapter 1 in DGW.hope you enjoy. Review, share, message me feedback. Please and thanks!

I gasped, Trinity giggled, The dryer whirred, water splashed against the tile flooring. 
"WHAT. THE. HELL?!" I said, venom dripping off every single word, as I shot my best glare at Marcus.
I was in my laundry room with my best friend of all time Trinity and her boyfriend Marcus. Trinity was perched atop the washing machine, Marcus was standing in front of her, leaning against it with a now empty glass in his hand. I was standing in front of the window, gazing out at the road, and now, soaking wet. 
"I told you that was coming if you kept worrying about Tucker. He will be here. His mom probably made him take his little sister somewhere on the way here. You know how she is, but more importantly, you know how HE is Rayleigh. You know as well as I do that he would NEVER flake out on you. Especially not on your anniversary, when he planned all of this."
  As much as I hated admitting it, Marcus had a point. It was our aniversary, as well as his and Trinities. To the day. One year. We were having a joined dinner at my house, as planned by Tuck. I refused to let Marcus know that he had a point so I just rolled my eyes and stormed out of the room as Trinity slid onto his back and they followed.
"What the... Ray what happened to you?" My mother asked, pausing in her frenzied bee-line around the kitchen as she ran her fingers over my soping red ringlets. I glared and pointed at Marcus as I picked up a towel and dried my face. Marcus tried to hide his amused grin and tried to look remorseful and ashamed, failing epcially.
"Someone, please, tell me why that DOESN'T suprise me AT ALL?" My mom said, chuckling a little. "Now Ray," She started as I returned from cleaning up the mess in the laundry room. "Money is... you know where. Spare key is in the flower pot under the dirt, as always. You know the code to your fathers gun safe, hasn't changed in years. The number you call in case of emergency is still 9-1-1..."
"Mother, please. I'm 16. I know the drill."
"I'll be out really late, maybe even over night, so don't wait up."
"Yeah mom, we've been over that too."
"You know mine and your fathers cell phone numbers..."
"MOM! GO HAVE FUN! I'll be fine. I always am."
"I know you are sweety. This is just the first time you'll be alone over night. I can't help but worry. Cut a mommy some slack." She said, pulling me in for a hug and disreguarding my soaking wetness against her silk evening dress. She kissed my forhead.
"You kids be good now." She said kissing Trinity's forehead as well, and placing a hand on Marcus' shoulder. "Try not to torture my daughter to much, ok?" He laughed and nodded.  She walked out with her purse.
"Um, her keys?" Trinity said, pointing. 
I nodded. "Give her a sec."
We heard her car door open, shut, and open again. She walked back into the kitchen and walked around, trying not to give away the fact that she was looking for something.
"So, umm.." She started as she casually shuffled a stack of papers.
"Mom." I said and tossed her the keys. She smiled in relief, blew a kiss, and left.
I drummed my fingers on the counter and bit my nails. Marcus went over and filled another glass of water. 
"Then chill Ray!" 
"Well, it's 7:30! We were going to start at 7!"
"Calm down Ray-bear." Trinity said, hopping on the counter and rubbing my back. "Tucker loves you. It'll all be ok. He wouldn't just stand you up on your year annaversary."
I sighed. I knew she was right.
"Maybe... maybe we should start... without him?" Marcus suggested lightly, cautiously. 
Trinity hugged me, and I rolled my eyes with a sigh and a mumble whatever. I served the dinner and sat down to eat a candle lit dinner, alone.
Tucker showed up as we were finishing dessert with a bouquet of white roses, my favorites. 
"Hey guys." He said quietly, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry I'm late." I glared up at him. "Ray, I..."
"Save it Tucker." I said harshly, slamming my fork down, and pushing my chair out. I stompped up the stairs and slammed the door behind me. I laid in my bed on my stomach with my face buried in my pillow and let the tears I'd been holding back since we started dinner fall.
About five minutes later there was a soft tap on my door. When i didn't say anything I heard the door open slowly. 
"Ray?" He said my name in a whisper. I rolled onto my side, with my back facing him and the door. "Baby." He said sitting on my bed and setting the roses, now in a vase, on my bedside table. "I know you're mad." He placed a hand on my shoulder and i shrugged it off. He let it fall and sigh.
"Mad doesn't really describe what I'm feeling right now Tucker. The one night, our most important night so far, is the night you choose to screw me over.  I looked like an idiot down there. Happy anniversary to you too." I said, tears falling all over again.
He ran his fingers through my hair and rolled me over so I was laying on my back. He wiped my tears away and kissed me gently on my cheek. He whisperd in my ear, "Baby, I know. I'm so sorry. Please. Forgive me." He kissed my cheek again. I looked into his eyes and he met my gaze, I could see the remorse in his eyes, which seemed to go so much deeper than just being late to dinner. 
I sighed and ran my fingers through his soft brown hair, which was on the long side and hung just above his amazing, mesmerizing, green eyes. I ran my fingers down his perfect, tanned face down to his shoulder. He was wearing a white button-up, he knew I loved it when he wore white, shirt with the top three buttons undone and black jeans. I reached my arms out, and he leaned over, pulling me into his arms and holding me there. He pulled back and I kissed him softly.
"You know I can never stay mad at you." I whisperd. He gave me my favorite smile, a cute side smile that gave you a glimpse of his perfect, dazzling white, teeth. His trade mark smile. He kissed me again, pulling me in closer.
That's when it happened.
My door flew open, causing me to jump and Tucker to tighten his grip around my waist protectively. Marcus stood in the door way, fear in his eyes. 
"Marcus? You okay?" Tucker asked, loosening his grip slightly. He shook his head no.
"What happend?" I asked.
It took him a minute to answer, and when he did it was one word, and a mere whisper. "Trinity."
"Where is she?" He shook his head and Tucker and I stood up. Everything was chaotic from there.  We all rushed around the house trying to find flash lights and went out into the yard and woods around my house. Marcus said he went to the bathroom and when he got back, she was gone. He looked in the yard, her car was still there but there had been no sign of her. We split up and all looked around, promising to meet back at my house in 20 minutes, with or without Trinity.
No luck.
We met up empty handed, besides her scarf that Marcus found clinging to a tree branch. We were standing in the back yard, planning our next move when we heard it.
A blood curdling scream.
We all froze. Suddenly it was chaos again. I pulled out my cell phone as Marcus tried bolting into the woods and Tucker fought him back into the house. I called the police and went into the house to sit in the living room with the guys.
I sat next to Marcus and rubbed his back comfortingly. He looked at me.. and the look on his face... in his eyes... the look I will never forget... His striking blue eyes filled with tears and worry. His face pale. His black hair touseld and falling into his eyes. He collapsed into my arms in quiet sobs and I held him there, telling him it would be alright as Tucker smoothed my hair softly and we gave eachother a look of pure fear. Our eyes asking the unspoken question...
"Will it really?"
The police showed up ten minutes later, followed by my parents, and then Trinitys. We all went out and seached the woods again only to have the same outcome. No luck. Trinitys face was all over the news for months. No one knew anything. It was like she had just.. disappeared.
Into thin air.
Without a trace.
"Can you please answer my question?"
"Umm... What?"
"Can you get your head out of the clouds and pay attention?"
"Yes Mr. Leigh."
"Thank you! Now, can anyone tell me..." I spaced out as a folded piece of paper hit my desk. I unfolded it carefully and read:
You okay baby? You're out of it today. Happy two year anniersary!
I smiled a little and replied:
Yeah, I'm okay. Happy anniversary to you too. Just thinking about Trinity. One year today...
Tucker glanced at me and gave me a small smile, blowing me a kiss. I smiled back and pretended to catch it. He winked, and I could tell I was blushing. The bell rang and I put all my stuff away, walked up to Tucker and intwined our fingers. He squeezed my hand softly. I leaned my head on his shoulder and we walked out to the parking lot. He walked me over to my car and kissed my forehead softly.
"We still on tonight baby? Dinner at my place, and a movie after?" 
"But of course my love." I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.
"Don't pull a Tucker and be late okay?" 
I laughed remebering last year and nodded. He kissed me and walked to his car.  I got in my black BMW Convertable and put the top down. The song Mr. Brightside came on and I turned the volume up and left the school parking lot, waving to Tucker as I passed, and sliding my gucci sunglasses onto my face, feeling the sun and warm spring breeze on my face. 
I pulled up in my driveway to find my mom's car gone. I put the top up and headed inside, finding a note on the counter.
Went to lunch with dad. Hope you had a good day, stay strong. We love you. Have fun with Tuck at dinner tonight. Not sure when we will be home. Don't wait up.
I sighed and poured myself a glass of pepsi, took an apple, and went up to my room. We had converted the attic into a bedroom so I could have more space, and privacy. It was complete with a balcony, walk-in closet, and master bathroom. I opend the door and dropped my backpack, taking in my impeccably clean room.
The walls were a soft blue with white plush carpeting. I had a king sized bed, with a white and blue goose feather comforter spread over it and extremely soft blue blanket draped across the bottom. The french doors that led to my balcony were white and the curtians were blue. I had huge floor to ceiling bay windows, with a window seat in them. With a white plush cushion and blue curtains and a book case below it. My desk was white with a blue laptop, and lamp on it. It had all of my friends signatures across it. My vintage vanity was the same white with signatures. There was a plasma screen TV on my wall complete with a Wii and dozens, nearly hundreds, of blu ray DVDs. I had a  full length mirror on one wall. That wall was also coverd in pictures. Pictures of EVERYTHING. Me with friends, me with Tucker, family, pets, memories. Mostly me and friends, and me and Tuck. I ran my finger over one that had been taken the day before Trinity had gone missing. 
It was a group shot and me, Trinity, Tucker, and Marcus. Trinity and I are sitting on swings with the guys behind us. Trinity had her head tilted to the left. Her brown hair cascading out to the side, perfectly straight. She was smiling brilliantly, showing her pefect teeth. Her blue eyes were sparking. Her flowey pink baby doll top was blowing slightly in the wind. Her legs, clad in white skinny jeans, were crossed and her black heels were off to the side. Her perfectly pink, manicured toes were squishing into the sand. 
Marcus was gazing down at her, with no expression on his face other than pure happiness and love. His face from the night Trinity left. So sad, hurt, confused, popped into my mind. Marcus had moved a month before school started, and that was the last I'd seen of him, although we kept in touch. I sighed and switched my focus to another picture.
This one was of Tucker and I. I'm gazing up at him, with the cheesiest smile on my face.
My aubrun red, slightly orange hair was falling in my prefect, natural, trademark ringlettes. My blue eyes were sparkling, and I was obviously laughing. Tuck is kissing my forhead and looking up into the camera. His green eyes look amused. His brown hair was falling to the side in a very Justin Bieberish style. This was taken a month ago. 
I ran my hand through my hair and sighed, finishing my pepsi. I went into my bathroom and turned on the bathtub. I plugged my iPod in and turned the volume up, and switched the setting so the music was coming through the speakers in my bathroom. I poured some strawberries and champagne scented bubble bath into the tub and lit my lavender scented candles that were on my  counter and the edge of my juczzi bathtub. I undressed slowly, leaving a trail and sank into the warm water, turning it off with my toes. The song Colorado Sunrise came on and I closed my eyes. Memories flodded back into my mind and i squeezed my eyes shut tighter. I pushed my head under the water to drown out Trinitys favorite song.
I sat in the bath for about an hour, until the sun started going down. I got out and wrapped my robe around my body. I drained the water and walked into my bedroom in slippers and a bathrobe. I turned my iPod off and grabbed the remote, turning my TV on. I walked over to my closet and opened the door, sighing as I examined my wardrobe. I was examining my tops as i heard something that made me freeze on the TV.
"One year ago today tragedy struck Livingston Montana. The disappearence of young Trinity Nicole Young. Officials say they are still working on this investigation, but there are really no leads. They refuse to give up until they have reached a conclusion. If you have any information, please, call Livingston PD." I stood, gaping at the TV as they showed a picture slideshow of Trinity.  I switched the channel to Say Yes To The Dress and walked back to my closet. I shook my head and went through my clothes again.
I settled on wearing a pretty, strapless, knee-length dress. It had a dark purple boddess, the band below it was a lavender colored satin. The skirt is white silk with lavender mesh material with prints of lavenders on it, with olive green satin ballette flats with cirtine gems on it that match my hair match my hair. I wore my neckelace that had a silver chain that went down to my stomach that had purple and pale cirtine gems hanging from it. My earrings were peridot. I was wearing silver bangles on my wrists. My hair was down, flowing down to my lower back, all naturally curly. I slipped on a green wrap and looked at myself in the mirror. I smoothed the skirt as my cell phone rang.
"Hey baby."
"I'm on my way right now I swear."
"Just makin sure. Love you."
"Love you too babe."
I hung up the phone and grabbed my purse and keys. I left my mom a note not to wait up, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and left. 
I got to Tuckers house right on time. I rang the doorbell and his eyes widened as he took me in. I smiled seductively and placed my hand on the side of his face, kissing him softly. He was wearing a gray button up top and black pants, he looked unusually sexy. He led me inside and sat me at a candle lit table for two with a red velvet table clothe.
"Dinner is served." He said with a smile and a wink. I smiled back.
"I love you Tucker."
He took my hand and said softly "I love you too Rayleigh."
We ate and talked about everything that you can think of. We finished dessert and he stood up. I stood as well, and he pushed me gently into the chair again. "Wait here." He said, kissing me on the cheek.
He came back down with a black jewelry box. I smiled. He handed it to me and I took the lid off, loosing my breath and looking up at him. He smiled down at me from behind my chair, his eyes sparkling. 
"Do you like it?" He said gently.
I gazed down at the neckelace. It was a diamond heart with a purple gem in the middle. I nodded as tears filled my eyes. He pulled my hair aside, and took my neckelace off, replacing it with his and kissing the back of my neck softly, giving me chills. I stood up and hugged him around the neck. 
He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me, giggling, up  the stairs. He laid me on his bed and kissed me softly. I went to the bathroom and made a spur of the moment deicision.
I opened his bathroom door in front of me and stood in the doorway, legs crossed, left arm wrapped around my waist, right hand on the door frame beside me. I had shed my new dress and was now practically nude.
I had on only a strapless leopard print bra with black lace edges and matching cheeky panties. I bit my recently glossed bottom lip, nervous. Tucker was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching what sounded like ESPN. As the door swung open wider behind me and the light hit him, he turned. He looked at me, back at the TV, and then his head whipped back around toward me. I’d never seen someone look as shocked as he did while doing a double take.
“Ray,” He sounded cautious, “What are you doing?”
“Shh, Baby.” I strutted over, swinging my hips, and placed my index and middle fingers on his lips. I leaned close and put my forehead against his. “Kiss me Tucker.”
He complied, though he was surprised. I deepened it, and he, always rational, pulled back. “What are you doing Ray?”
“We’ve been together for two years Tucker. I want you to touch me. I want you. I want all of you.” I kissed him again, and I felt his reluctance. His hands stayed on my neck, and it frustrated me. I wanted them to go other places.
“Ray,” He groaned in between my furious kisses. “I can’t Rayleigh.”
“Yes you can!” I was grinding myself on his lap, and I could feel how badly he wanted to. “Just let it go Tucker!” I said, pushing him back onto his bed. I pulled his shirt off, thanking god he was wearing a button up, and kissed down his lovely abs. He pulled my face back up to his, and I thought I was finally getting what I wanted.
He held my face above his and I fought the urge to make a face at him, like a small child. “Rayleigh. I’m telling you that I can’t do this. I really can’t.”
I deflated. I felt what I had been afraid of- rejection. I pulled away before the traitor tears could spill onto his face or chest. But I couldn’t stop the sniffling when I got up.
I heard him hurry to get up off the bed, encasing me in his strong, tan arms. “Ray…”
It wasn’t the apology I was looking for, nor was his tone regretful- for anything but making me cry. “No, Tucker. It’s done.”
I felt his lips kiss away my tears. They touched my own. He suddenly swept me up into his arms, placing my hands around his neck and using his to unhook my bra. It fell to the ground, past my legs, which were wrapped around his waist. He pinned me against the bathroom door and ducked his head, kissing my breasts and making me moan with pleasure. One of his hands squeezed my butt through my underwear.
He came back up to my mouth and I kissed him hungrily. Suddenly, he dropped me and pushed me into the bathroom. The carpet in front of his sink got in the way when I tripped over it, and the door wouldn’t shut all the way. I saw him lean up against it, sealing me in.
I heard his door bang open and an obviously female voice talking and sobbing hysterically about something. In an effort to hear better, I leaned up against his door, just as he moved away from it. I fell, topless, out of the bathroom and onto my face.
The two got quiet as I laid there, face down, processing what had just happend. I lifted my head slowly and shook my red ringletts out of my face. There, standing in all her beautiful black haird, green eyed, slim beauty was...
"TRINITY?!" I gasped out, sitting up quickly only to remember my nakedness and cover myself with my arm.
"RAYLEIGH?!" she said, just as shocked, beautiful eyes widening.
"S**t!" Tuck exclaimed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Tucker!" We said it at the same time, me angrily, Trinity accusingly. Tucker ran a hand over his face and fell back onto his bed as Trinity crossed her arms, and I glared at her. 
What was happening?

© 2011 JustAnotherGirl

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Added on September 26, 2011
Last Updated on October 2, 2011
Tags: suspence, suprise



Flagstaff, AZ

I'm 15.. and a half. I'm crazy, outgoing, sweet, and hilarious. I am the life of the parts. Life is my drug. My friends are my everything. I am a brilliant brunette with MANY blonde moments. I am in l.. more..

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A Story by JustAnotherGirl

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A Chapter by JustAnotherGirl