![]() Chapter Six: Essence of FriendshipA Chapter by Alyssa B. Long![]() Frixell is announced guilty! Will Xill and Shiloh help her and acquire a bond of friendship?!![]() Frixell looks up to the eyes of the Light counsel.
Many of the elder men are old, wrinkly, and serious who continue to accuse her
of false charges. She holds her breath
as she gazes to Xill for assistance. However, all he can do is listen and wait
for judgement. Shiloh sits anxiously next to the Great Prince who
sits with great posture. Xill’s chin is up as he looks down to Frixell with his
back standing tall against the chair, his left hand lying on his hip. Shiloh
leans closer to the perpetrator recalling her past memories of her master. “Defendant Frixell Logix!” “Yes?” “We will now commence for two days to determine
whether your claims are true or false. “ “You will be killed by the representative of
Oiorpatra, Shiloh Aldwin, 2nd Lieutenant of the Silver Knights.” “…Great...” Xill stands from his chair slamming the bar enough
to dent it. Shiloh, shocked by the Great Prince’s action, sits there observing
and waiting for the words that will escape from his lips. With a glare the
counsel sweats waiting for Xill’s objection. “I object to these outrageous charges on behalf of
the Crown!” “Your Majesty, a Royal such as yourself should not
be taken by a commoner. Especially by a Zest!” “Should you forget Elder Shymn, THAT I AM A ZEST! Be
killed?! You declare an act of terrorism against the Crown!” “Y-Your majesty please reconsider!” “Silence!” An older wise man with a black cloak stands tall
from the Light counsel. The atmosphere then intensifies as a pocket watch wrapped
around his neck loudly ticks. Xill flinches at the sight and sits back down
confusing both Shiloh and Frixell. “Great Prince Xillian, sit back down!” “I will do no such thing! This commoner has no
weapon training and is not armed! You are charging a possible innocent young
woman with no proof, other than the voice of the people! The Zest have been labeled as monsters for
years! Should she die, I must die as well!” Shiloh clenches on the sim of her skirt shaking
nervously. She breaths in and out as her mind spins. The young lieutenant looks
up seeing the room spin, causing her to be nauseous. The Great Prince places his hand on Shiloh’s
shoulder in attempt to ease her stressful mind. However, the young knight
further panics as she refuses to stand up. Frixell once again looks up to Xill
to see his hand on the knight who seems to be panicking. “Fine!” Frixell yells out in the room. “What?! What do you mean fine?” “I’ll accept these charges; I’ll prove my innocence
through combat!” “Wait Frixell! I the Great Prince, Xillian the
Third, will change the course of these charges! Instead of a fight to the death
I demand Innocence!” “Innocence?” Frixell looks up to the Counsel that Xill is challenging.
Xill places both of his hands on the handle bar that forbids him from interrupting;
however, he continues to sound his voice.
The look of adamant and aggression burns expressively upon The Great
Prince’s face, for he knows there can only be one solution. “Very well,” said the elder man who silent the room. “We will consider the act of Innocence, if Ms. Logix
is truly not guilty.” The elderly men leave the room through another
secret passage way where the walls shine like gems. Frixell gazes into the
wonders of the room as they all leave. She is then greeted by the young Lieutenant.
Frix turns around to see a young woman in silver armor complimented by a one
piece blue-green uniform. Golden emeralds dazzle her eyes as she sees the young
knight standing tall before Frix. “Um… hi?” “Hello Frixell Logix.” The knight speaks in a low voice as if angry with
the situation. Frixell becomes intimidated by her shining appearance to where
she takes a step back from the knight. The silver bracelets and breastplate takes her
for a loop from the thought of fighting a knight, much less a lieutenant. “Erm… am I really supposed to fight… her?” Xill laughs as Frixell points her index finger
towards the knight. Shiloh’s face then turns red from anger as she fights the
urge to smack the idiot in front of her. The Lieutenant shakes her head as she
bows down before Frix. “My name is Shiloh Aldwin. I am the Second
Lieutenant in command of the Silver Knights from her Majesty; Princess Chelsea
Auburn.” “Huh… so are you her nanny as well?” “Pfft...! Frixell watch yourself, Shiloh is known as
the Wind Fortress who won the bloody battle between the North and the South.” “Oh…wow, you’re THAT Shiloh?” “Yes. I was named after my grandfather, Shiloh
Winster, hence the confusion.” Xill pats both of them on the head gently petting
them with a smile. He then notices that Shiloh is four inches taller than
Frixell by eyeing them from head to toe. Xill nods them to the exit as the
three of them walk out the Council of Light. Eerie silence hangs over them as Frixell feels the
glare from Shiloh. Shiloh observes the young perpetrator and Great Prince as
she quickly matches their pace continuing walking behind them. Xill cannot help
but laugh by the two ladies. The three of them are quickly greeted by James
bowing low before the Great Prince. The man looks up to Shiloh and the Great
Prince but ignores Frixell. Frix looks around her feeling unimportant and small;
it only reminds her of how she has lived. “Your Majesty, I see Ms. Aldwin has introduced
herself accordingly?” “Yes, James. There is no need to worry, for Frixell
Logix will commence under Innocence.” “My Lord! Are you sure?” “You keep saying Innocence, but what the heck is
that?!” Frixell uproars in the throne room. Shiloh looks to Frixell mockingly, wondering how
much intelligence the small creature holds. Xill scratches his right cheek
glancing left to right as if debating on the explanation. Frixell taps her foot
as she folds her arms together patiently waiting for a reply. “Well?” Xill sighs as he nearly speaks. However, Shiloh
finally breaks the silence. “The Act of Innocence is a creation made by the God
Aiden and the Goddess Seles. It is an act to where individuals who plead not
guilty must perform their own sacred art with the community of their ruling
kingdom. In other words, you must either sing or dance to the public before the
Great Prince and his people.” “What?!” Frixell places both of her hands on her head wanting
to pull all her hair out. She crouches down to their feet feeling incompetent
and incapable of doing such a task. Xill sighs kneeling down to Frixell panicking
and shaking. The amount of burning fire within the young maiden finally dies
down, reverting her scarlet eyes back to their original colors. Shiloh looks down to Frixell in surprise seeing that
the crimson blood eyes Frixell possesses is now gone. The knight places her
right hand below her chin thinking and observing the maiden’s powers. Envy and
desire soon eludes her mind as she remembers the task Princess Chelsea placed. The lieutenant drops down to meet with Frixell’s
eyes and takes hold of her hands. The shock from the knight’s action causes
Frixell to leap an inch away. Xill watches closely as the sound of clinking
armor moves around. “Or you could do the second option.” “What would that be?” “Fight me.” “Excuse me?!” “I said, f-i-g-h-t m-e.” “I understand what you said, but why?! I never burnt
my village so why do I have to make a scene to prove my innocence?!” “Because you are a Zest.” Prince Xillian breaks Frixell’s complaints only to
force her to look down to the cement marble floor. Shiloh continues holding her
hands to give a small reassurance only to see that it is not working. She lets
go of her hands then stands up drawing her blade and points it to Frixell’s
neck. “W-what?!” “You are a Zest. Would it not be beneficial for you
to prove you are indeed not guilty?” “No it would not! I don’t want to be labeled as a
Zest! I am a human being! I am no different from anyone!” Shiloh slaps Frixell and the sound echoes throughout
the throne room. Xill, taken back from the lieutenant’s actions, then sees Frix
holding her left cheek with burning eyes. Frixell felt out of control wanting
to hurt Shiloh for slapping her, but then breaths in and out. “You are different. Your uniqueness is what’s
causing the Great Prince harm. He stood up for you to be given the chance you
are innocent!” “Well he shouldn’t have…I am better off dead. I have
no fighting experience nor have I learned the art of beauty. I will be
announced guilty no matter what I do! What do you know, anyway? You’re a
knight! I’m just a peasant who does fishing for a living!” “Then this is your time to change all of that.” Xill breaks the fighting by speaking those few
words. The two girls look up to him with mixed emotions, unsure about what will
happen next. The Great Prince urges them to stand so that he can properly see
them, which forces him to see the height difference between Shiloh and Frixell. “Well, time is of the Essence!” “…” “…” Both girls remain silent at the mocking joke Xill
attempted to make them laugh. Shiloh walks by smacking Xill on his left
shoulder. He looks at her winking with his right eye in hopes to make Shiloh
laugh, only to fail by her angry expression. Xill then sighs, shaking his head and instructs them
to follow him. The knight continues to look around her surroundings, feeling
the culture shock by the amount of beautiful flowers surrounding the palace
walls. Frixell, on the hand, twists and twirls her hair out of anxiety. As they continue following him, Shiloh and Frixell
begin to hear the sound of water streaming down somewhere near them. They both carefully
analyze their surroundings as they quickly notice water running down from the
castle walls to the floor to form a lake. The water, pure as a crystal, shines
brilliantly before them as a small waterfall forms down their path. Xill continues to walk ahead, amused by their
amazement as he then points to a giant crescent moon figure made of ice. Shiloh
in a daze gazes upon its beauty and notices many waterfalls coming down near
the sculpture. Frixell wary and steering clear from the titanic art fears that
she might accidentally melt such a precious item. The area around them is covered in flowers with
every kind from roses to lilies; the sight is breathtaking. Each corner of the
room has a waterfall gushing water down from the castle, high ceilings where no
man could reach, and a crusted ruby at the top of the crescent moon shining. “Where are we? This place looks more expensive than
your throne room.” Shiloh smacks Frixell on the back of her head
disappointed by her question. Frixell crouches down in pain annoyed with the
knight. Shiloh then takes out a book from her pouch and begins reading out loud. “This room is Seles’ Chambers.” “Her Chambers? Why does a Goddess have a room when…
well… she’s dead?” “Supposedly this is where Seles granted the power of
the earth when it was nearing its end. The Essence of Earth gave its thanks by
creating a space to where the Goddess may rest.” “Again, she is DEAD. So why?” Shiloh sighs as Xill jumps in to answer her question
by putting his glasses on. “Legend has it that by the time all Seven Zests have
been gathered, they will be instructed to return to this room to be granted by
their true Essence.” “So…wait, there’s seven of us?!” “Ugh… who educated you?” “My parents couldn’t afford the education; I don’t
come from a rich background!” “Then it’s time to bring yourself from their ashes.” Xill then nods extending his hand to Frixell who was
hesitant to accept. She then shakes her
head and grabs his hand to shake it in agreement. Shiloh pats her on the head
as they smile to one another. “This chamber will help us train you, Frixell. So we
have to work hard for the next 24 hours.” “Alright, let’s give this a try.” “What weapon would you like to learn?” “Hmm…” Frixell thinks to herself debating what type of
weapon best represents her. Before she could provide an answer Xill hands her a
sword made of steel. Frixell takes a firm grip onto the blade and lifts it up
into the air. Xill giggles at her stance for her form is incorrect. “Okay…instead of laughing at me why not show me how
to-“ With Frixell’s unbalanced stance she falls down to
the dirt, nearly stabbing Xill. The Great Prince thrown off guard, catches the
blade by the hilt as Shiloh gasps in shock. The blade swings nearly out of
control in the air unable to fight against gravity. The Great Prince sighs, grateful to not be killed
from training. Frixell looks up with her face covered in dirt, feeling the
heavy blockage on her breasts trying to breath. She quickly notices that Xill
feels frighten by Frixell’s actions refusing to hand the blade over to her. “Your Highness, it would be wise to hand the trainee
a wooden blade… instead of metal!” “I-I didn’t think Frix was THAT clumsy!” Frixell puffs her cheeks out as they turn pink.
Shiloh and Xill begin to laugh at the small girl in fire garments. She then sits
down folding her arms waiting for them to stop laughing. “We apologize, I haven’t laughed like that in
years!” “Why Shiloh?” “Well… when I was younger I met a wonderful person.
She was my teacher and…well, life happens. I prefer not to talk about it.” “O-okay…” Xill looks at both of them. He then grabs another
weapon from his stock in hopes that Frixell will learn. He walks out of the center of the chamber then
turns right to open a door full of various weapons. A lance with a harpoon-like
weapon catches his eye, and with a quick step he grabs the weapon. “Perhaps a demonstration will help Frixell determine
what weapon shall be her partner.” Shiloh turns around hearing Xill’s offer then nods
to him. She draws her winged sword emitting wind essence around her armor. Xill’s lance begins to glow like the shining
sun nearly blinding himself and the two girls. “A fight between The Wind Fortress and the Great
Prince..?” Frixell takes a step back in awe watching the two
carefully hold their weapons, taking a step forward. Xill swings his lance in grace giving no opening for
Shiloh to attack. Shiloh then takes hold on a sword nearby the training section
to where she lunges her attack. The Prince smiles as he continues to swing his
weapon from side to side deflecting the Knight’s blows. Frixell’s heart beats rapidly to the beat of their
weapons resonating in vibration. Each blow only peeks her interest in the art
of battle. During the first blows,
Shiloh concentrates on her defense and lets her muscles settle into the rhythm
of swordplay. “Is that all you got, your
Great Prince?” “Heh. You will regret
asking that.” Xill then slashes
backhanded in a return blow. Shiloh thrusts her blade vertically and caught it
before it cut her in half. Shiloh effortlessly swings her blade horizontally
towards the Prince who continues to counter with his lance. Shiloh's weapon
slips past Xill’s defenses and aims toward his throat. Xill dodges, laughing as
if having a marvelous time. “Shiloh, are not enjoying
this?” Shiloh takes a step
back activating her defensive technique. She lifts the tip of the blade across
her chest waiting for Xill to strike her. However, to her observation, the
Great Prince has yet to break out in sweat. He continues walking towards her
with his lance. “Do not assume such
things, your Highness. I am the Wind Fortress and I will not lose in a spar.” The Knight then
crouches down, increasing her defense deflecting each blow the Prince thrusts
towards her chest, foot, and thighs. Shiloh panics, unable
to decide if she should counter right this moment or continue being defensive.
Xill then jumps into the air slamming onto the ground near Shiloh. The Knight
becomes frozen in fear as the Great Prince penetrates her famous defense maneuver. Frixell with her mouth
hanging down causes Xill to laugh in joy. Shiloh with her wide eyes unable to
comprehend the actions place before her. The Great Prince then bows shaking
hands with the Knight as they both smile. “It is true. Your
defense is truly a trophy to be claimed.” “But you were able to
pierce through the wind.” “I enjoyed your
strategic maneuvers; you are truly a strong Knight. Princess Chelsea must be
proud.” “…Yes… So Frixell, did
you learn anything from our battle?” “Well… I think so… It
looked like you two were also getting to know each other. Not just fighting.” The young maiden pauses
then thinks to herself. Her cheeks flush in pink rose admiring two strong and
confident people before her. “YOU TWO LOOKED SO
AMAZING! IT WAS A SPECTACULAR BRAWL! P-Please teach me to fight like that as
well!” Shiloh smiles warmly
towards their young pupil. The Knight’s clinking armor radiates in grace before
Frixell’s eyes. Frixell then finds herself admiring the beauty, grace, and
diligence Shiloh displays. “Great Prince… Your
technique. Isn’t that the Sun’s Swing?” “Oh that? Yes, it’s a
technique passed down from every Light descendant. My brother and I have yet to
master this difficult arte.” “Umm…You keep
mentioning your brother ever since your knights sent me here. Where is he
exactly?” “I apologize. That
information is unknown to me. I do not know where he is.” “O-oh I’m sorry I
didn’t mean-“ “Hahaha! It is quite
alright! Well I am glad you learned something although it looks like the sun
has set. We should get ready for bed.” “As you say, your
Highness.” Shiloh leaves the room. As Frixell prepares to
leave the crystalized room Xill holds onto her shoulder stopping her. She turns
around to gaze upon the Prince’s face and sees his glistening silver eyes. So
much purity and honesty upon his eyes, Frixell feels withdrawn from his gaze. “Frix, thank you for
treating me like a ‘friend’.” “Huh?” “Hahaha! You are truly
a rare peasant. You only see me as a regular individual, and I thank you for
that.” “Oh, that’s what you
meant. Well I mean, you and Shiloh are my friends. I know I shouldn’t be so
trusting…But, there’s something about the two of you that just makes me want to
trust you…” Xill embraces her
tightly in his arms feeling thankful and appreciated. He then pets her on the
head and releases her. Frixell then politely
bows receiving a punch on the shoulder by Xill. She laughs then quickly runs
after Shiloh in the dark tunnel. Xill sighs to himself re-arranging all the
weapons in the room. Frixell stops in her
track and sees the beautiful clear sky. A beautiful wave of auroras stream down
the sky like the sun shining upon the ocean’s wonders. She then gasps in awe,
jumping and feeling happy. She turns her head left and right searching for
Shiloh hoping to get to know her more. Frixell runs back and
forth unable to locate Shiloh until a gust of wind breezes through her as if
sending a signal to Shiloh’s location. She then notices the Knight on top of a
tower tall as the sky. Frixell shakes in fear pondering if she should climb up. She hesitates, feeling
the sweat of her palms, and searches within herself to find the courage to
climb a 10-foot-tall stone tower. Her admiration for Shiloh continues to grow
which she then decides to climb the tower. Step by step, she struggles with her
slippery fingers and the cold breeze creates more fear of being knocked off the
tower. Shiloh sits down calmly
and enjoys the scenery as she writes notes about each stars’ characteristics.
Frixell continues to struggle climbing up the tower, finally yelling. “Heey!”
Shiloh pauses then looks down to see Frixell pathetically climbing the tower. “What are you doing?” “Umm… I want to get to
know you better!” “What a stupid attempt…you’re
going to get yourself killed!” “Don’t worry, I can do
this!” Frixell continues to
break out in sweat as she further analyzes the steps to climb. She places her
right foot higher to lift herself up, however, the rock breaks as she loses
balance. She then holds onto the top rocks with her hands slowly raising up. “You’re an idiot!” Frixell loses her
breath as she begins to gasp for oxygen. She starts to shake, wavering on her
grip keeping her alive. Shiloh jumps up from her position then extends her arm
to Frixell. “Grab my hand!” “No way! I’ll fall!” “You stubborn Flame!
GRAB MY HAND!” “FINE!” The howling wind
increase as Shiloh reaches over to Frixell, the damsel in distress leaping
towards the Knight clasping their hands together. With the aid of the wind
Shiloh is able to carry Frixell safely in her arms checking for any strenuous
wounds on the small maiden. “You okay?” “Yes…um thank you. Can
you please put me down now?” “Oh uhh…sorry.” Shiloh puts Frixell
down next to her then continues studying the stars above them. The small girl
looks to the Knight questioning why she has an interest in stars. She then
takes a quick glace to the stars above. There twinkling in
multiple colors the auroras spread across the midnight blue sky. Shiloh brings
out a small telescope from her pouch and peers to the eye of the sky. She
continues scribbling notes as she watches the unstill movements of the stars. “So… are you an Alchemist?” “Huh? No, I’m a knight.
I am just fond of stars.” “Huuh… well tonight is
beautiful… Did you know this was going to happen?” “No. My master told me
that today the sky would be bathed in colors of glimmer and light.” “Is your Master a
knight too?” “Yes, why are you
asking so many questions?” “Well… XIll said I am
his friend and well…If I am to know more about you and him, I’d like for us to
be friends by first, uhh, getting to know both of you.” “I see. Well my Master
is a knight… She is actually the First Lieutenant of the Silver Knights.” “Wow she must be strong
to be the first.” “Yes, she is.” “…” “…” “Shh, it’s starting!” Shiloh’s eyes brighten
up as numerous stars slice through the sky. The
light of the moon illuminates the stars causing them to glow ever so nicely. The
two girls are touched. Their eyes transfixed, gazing in awe at the spectacular
sight above them. The knight and maiden are engulfed, almost paralyzed by its
vastness, its intangible beauty. A mist escapes from the moon
creating a silver aurora throughout the cosmos of the stars. The sight brings
tears to Frixell’s eyes. Lovingly her heart feels warm and light, happy to see
beauty in this cruel world. She turns her head to Shiloh astonished by her hand
being held in the Knight’s hand. “I’m sorry. Although I think of you
as a friend… I must complete my mission.” “W-what? What do you mean?!” Shiloh thrusts the dagger deeply
into Frixell’s neck to knock her out. The Knight’s essence symbol glows in
emerald like her eyes as shards of sadness roll down the Knight’s cheeks. The
maiden collapses feeling the blood traveling down her neck as Shiloh catches
her. “I’m sorry… friend…” © 2016 Alyssa B. Long
Author's Note
1 Review Added on May 10, 2016 Last Updated on May 10, 2016 Author![]() Alyssa B. LongAboutJust a girl dreaming to write for a JRPG game one day. Please keep in mind all of the characters in my stories are mine! I will sue, if taken for credit. All of my characters are designed by me an.. more..Writing