Chapter Five: William's Adventures

Chapter Five: William's Adventures

A Chapter by Alyssa B. Long

The sun's eclipse soon reveals himself! what does he mean by trafficking?


In the cold winter night where the stars cease to exist, a young man with hair shining likes the sun watching in silence. He camouflages around the corners of the burnt wood, plants, and rocks to carefully secure the location. He sets his marvelous blue eyes towards the distance to see a ravage man guarding women to prevent them from escaping.

His small stature increases his speed as he leaps and jumps on the rocks to gain a better view of the situation. His height is 5’4 and weighs about 140 pounds with light muscles. His short blond hair resembles close to Great Prince Xillian, however, he holds his own individuality.

The women cowering in fear are unable to think logically how to get out of the sandy desert.  Many dangers lie in the desert William knows that one must not disturb its vulnerability. From his pouch William takes a chocolate malted milk ball then begins to eat it to his delight a smile grows across his face.

William sneaks around the campsite as the heat soon creeps up to him. His sweat then strolls down his vanilla skin to cool him down. He takes his sleeves to wipe his sweat off then a dog with a purple royal collar approaches him in delight.

“Good boy Henry! What did you find out?”

The black and white furry wolf-like creature nudges at his chin alerting him of the amount of barbarians in the surrounding camp. William smiles petting Henry playfully, as the beast rolls over to expose his belly to William. William couldn’t help but giggle at his loyal companion; however, it was time to get serious.

The blue crystal like horns around Henry’s head helps his defense against swords and lances. His two-tail wags at the present of his master. Light-blue crystals around his tail spikes closely related to dragon scales. Henry’s long and sharp nails are strong as a Harpies claw, which many fear to approach this beautiful creature.

Beneath the moonlight William swiftly takes a stealthy position, with quick movements he steps around in silence to evade the bandits. The sky of lapis lazuli brings excitement to William as he prepares to ambush the men.

The women sniveling in tears, wanting to be saved as they back away from the hungry men. William shakes his head in thought that he has to save damsels in this bitter cold night. As the women are frightened by the darkness of the night and the bandits all they can do is pray for a savior.

The campsite was nothing more than a small fort created by the bandits; many women lay on the sand decomposing as their flesh continues fester the area.  The putrescent brings ill to William’s nose to see the multiple dead corpses around the surviving damsels.


Three damsels are covered in bruises and all seem to have black eyes. Some have a few broken limbs as they struggle to sit against the wooden pole that brings false safety.  Their eyes red from crying countless nights unable to return to their families.


Henry snarls at the tainted smells of the desert sand yet feels pensive. The mixture of the two difficult emotions brings William to re-think his strategy on how to rescue the imprisoned women.  He looks up above the rock to see a campfire as one of the bandits communicates with the rest of the group through smoke signals.

William gulps down his nervousness as he continues walking around the desert sand. Henry bites onto his leg to watch out for traps. He smiles at the beast thanking him with loving pets on his head.

Williams feels the rough sand as he sinks into its embrace. The barren wasteland is slowly taking a toll on William’s stamina which forces him to lay low against the cool pillar. His small stature begins to rest against the shadow of the pillar as he breaths in and out.

Henry leans on his left side to keep William in check with his body temperature.  He then smirks as he places his left hand on the hilt of his rapier.  The swirling excitement rising inside of him begins to build up inside his soul.

“Henry… it’s time to hunt..!”

A crescent moon symbol appears from William’s forehead as he leaps from his hiding place. He draws his sword stabbing its silver blade through a man’s throat. The young bandit gags on his blood as he attempts to turn around.

Williams laughs in the darkness withdrawing his sword to stab into the man’s body with multiple swings.  The body then falls in pieces like a meatball rats then score the area feeding upon the newly fresh food. Many of the bandits then come surrounding William as his blade trickles down the blood of its victim.

“Who are you?! DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE?!”

“I’m quite aware of who you are. You are all Bandits harboring innocent women and conduct human trafficking with the Oiorpatra kingdom. You’re known for selling women, men, and especially little boys.” William laughs as he points his blade towards the ruffians.


The bandit draws on his sword engaging in battle with William, however, the young man is too fast that he dodges the swings of the bandit’s axe. Many of the ruffians launch their attack with swords, axes, and throwing knives.

William keeps his grin as he evades all of their attacks in unison with Henry. The malice in the air only grows stronger as he feels the hatred from the Barbarians. His silver sword glimmers in the moonlight guiding him to fight to his fullest potential.

Anger and anguish fill the eyes of the man before William as with each strike slams into the sand. The sweat becomes too overwhelming for the men as they continue to fight with effort. William on the other hand continues to fight with speed and dexterity swinging his sword to defend, trusts, and counter.

Henry howls echoing his loud voice ringing the ears of the ruffians, their eyesight soon blinded by the man’s best friend. His fur spikes up as saliva drops from his sharp silver teeth. His eyes grow bigger as he fixes his gaze on his prey.

The men around him soon cower in fear by Henry’s transformation, the kind and loving companion soon became territorial over William.

William jumps from the sand as he throws the sand into their eyes causing them pain and confusion. Henry then takes his attack position standing on his four legs digging his black nails into the sand beneath them.  Howling wind soon give both William and Henry a warning of a tornado coming their way.

The taste of the dessert sand tasting foul and murky soon forces the ruffians to retreat; William on the other hand refuses to let them go. As they face their backs to William he takes a chance stabbing through the meat bag that holds the evil men. Six slices towards all their backs forcing them to drop to their knees.

Antagonizing screams escape from their breath as they continue to feel the stinging pain of William’s blade. He then soon trusts his sword into their necks splattering blood upon the sand. The women stare at William in fear unsure of who to trust anymore.

He continues stabbing them like a chief preparing sashimi, their bones breaking in pieces by the brutal strength William displays. Their bodies feeling colder by each strike Henry then takes a bite onto William’s cape to signal to stop. The soulless bodies drop motionless to his feet, he inhales then exhales to calm himself.

“I’m sorry Henry.”

He crouches down petting Henry as he lovingly snuggles against his master’s hand. He turns his head around to the captured women debating to talk to William. He then snickers before them as he shakes his head in disappointment Henry growling at the old, wrinkling, and shaking women.

“No disguise can fool me wenches! I know what you are up too… and quite frankly I’m too tired to put up with this. It is humid, I am exhausted and starving!”

“W-what are you talking about?!” The woman in the middle cries out as she takes hold on the younger girls.   

“I am Prince William Vaughn Light the First! I know when a Witch like you is around. Now take of your falsely disguise and surrender those girls to me!”

William points his silver blade towards the Witch as the innocent smile then melts into an evil grin. Wrinkles around her face begins to appear as the fair white skin drops off her face revealing a disgusting sight unfit for cowards to see.

Her long nails rips through her skin as the girls struggle from her grip. Her mouth widens and opens with dagger like teeth that hangs down her mouth. Saliva and nauseous gas eludes the area where William stands in a defensive maneuver.

Her oil like blond hair disintegrates in flames as her bold head enlarges with blue veins surrounding her entire body. The delicate skin that guards the veins and bones soon collapses as well. The Witch finally takes off her mask.

“Ahh… Only Royals and Brave soldiers can meet with such ugliness. How do you do it?”

William sarcastically bows down to the Witch as she growls with acid saliva. William backflips to dodge the acid as Henry stays put by his Master. William launches himself towards the evil foul creature as it throws the two girls at him to prevent harm to itself.

“Running… How pathetic!”

The two girls land on William on in his arms and the other on his back. As he struggles to reach for the weapon he drops the girls cling onto him for hope. Henry leaps from William’s side digging his bare teeth onto the green flesh of the Witch.

The Witch screams in horrific agony as Henry continues to bite deeper into the Witch’s veins.  The sharpen fangs takes a toll on the monster’s stamina.  William gently places one girl down by the sand as the other holds his sword.

The second maiden with tan skin and golden hair tosses his sword in the air hoping William will catch it. William jumps from the burning sand reaching up to his silver blade gleaming with the twinkling stars.  The edge of the blade lands in his left hand as blood streams down.

He shakes his head in pain attempting to ignore the stupidity women have today. William flips his sword upward as his hand grabs to its hilt. He runs up towards the Witch biting Henry trying to break the young wolf-like creature.

However, the blue crystals around Henry’s face makes injuries light to any harm that befalls the pet. Henry’s ice blue eyes sting the Witch’s arm as icicles begin to grow throughout her body. The Witch panics as she throws Henry away from her.

The ice grows bigger and heavier dropping massive weight to her body. Her veins soon infuse with the ice like frostbite only destroying her from the inside. The Witch vomits out crystals from her belly infused with acid only to weaken to the element.

William nods to Henry as he watches the Witch slowly turn into an ice sculpture. William then walks up to the Witch bowing his head in prayer.

“O Foul Soul that has corrupted thee… Let thy release thee spirit in the name of Light. What horrors befall me I shall accept in dignity for I honor the Light’s name…”

After his prayer William shatters the ice sculpture with his sword.  The screams of befallen souls surrounding the Witch escape from the pure crystals. William looks up to the sky in envy of the freedom he has granted to those that were killed by the Witch.

“I don’t know where the two of you will go, nor do I frankly care. If you want to live in regret feel free to die in the desert sand. I’m going to keep moving south. If you want to repay me go to Castle Light and share my name. The Great Prince Xill shall give his compensation.”

“T-thank you Young Prince of Light!” The two women bow down as the young man continues to his destination.

“Ahh… D****t Henry I’m starving… Where should… I mean it’s sand, sand, sand, and wait… MORE SAND! I should have charged those women for community service!”

Henry shakes his head as if to disagree with his Master. However, he smiles to him which causes William to pet him on the head. William continues walking as he fights more Pirates, Ruthless men, and Barbarians involved with human trafficking.

His cape slowly dyes in blood from the numerous amounts of battles and maidens he saves. Like before he simply ignores them and give instructions on how to better themselves in life. Williams continues sighing as the moon descends down.

The sun shines like a diamond before William’s eyes as it rises from the East. He then stumbles to a small villages where lively citizens cheer and drink. William then snickers at the thought of his brother.

“So even this sun brings joy to others…?”

Henry tugs on William’s cloak as if annoyed by his self-loathing. He then laughs then tickles his adorable dog by petting his entire tummy.  A large man tall as a tower overcasts over William watching him pet his dog.

“Can I help you, good sir?”

“You have an adorable puppy.”

“Erm, thank you. You wouldn’t happen to know where a tavern might be?”

“Oooh!~ You should stay at the Moon Tavern!”

“I beg your pardon… Moon Tavern?”

“Yes! It’s one of the most popular and well enriching taverns across Oiorpatra kingdom!”

“I see… are you a local?”

“Ohoho! Yes I am. I’m also the PORUD OWNER of the Moon Tavern!”

He slams a fist into his chest as if to show his achievements to William. His stomach then begins to growl as he last eaten all of the chocolate from his pouch. The man roars in laughter as he begins pushing William towards his inn.

“A-alright I guess I have no choice…”

Williams continues his tour as he is forced to the Moon tavern. Many ethnic races from all kingdoms joined in a beer fest. Many cheering in laughter as they spray each other with urine and alcoholic beverages. William disgusted by the display, but finds fun and humor in the festivities.

Henry hopping around William happy to see many lively people enjoying each other’s company. Many dancing around in circles, women bustling their charms to customers, and men wrestling to see who is the strongest among them. Vendors screaming out prizes from food stalls to jewelry.

The villagers dancing around seem to be basking in the sun with thrills of excitement. Many of the people are bargaining and haggling merchants, while others are rejoicing in the festivities. William looks around as he continues walking down the path.

Rose flags surround around the buildings with the Royal Oiorpatra symbol embedded in yellow emeralds. Many locals’ playing card games, betting against which fighter will kill whom, and the rest enjoying basking in the sun.

The noise of the festival soon reduces as William approaches an old tavern. Music being played by trumpets, harps, and ukuleles ring his ears. Henry happily strolls along walking to the symphony of the orchestra.

“Okay.. This is it?”

William looks up as he pauses. The building before him is made out of gray stone covered in cobwebs. The door to the entrance is made of wood falling apart by the gently touch of each customer.

“Should I even..?”

William sighs then shakes his head. He looks to Henry for advice, however, his faithful companion barges through the door busting it down to pieces.

“Uhhh… I-I can pay for that…”


The large man laughs loudly against William’s ear which forces him to cover them up. His huge biceps and long neck seems to intimidate many locals around him, however, William stands there amused by his joy. William then shrugs off the ill intuition he feels inside and continues to walk to the tavern.

“So… this is what a tavern looks like..” William speaks out in joy and excitement with a spark in his eyes.

Many locals and tourists shaking hands, throwing food across their tables, Henry jumping up and down to catch the food flying in the air, men and women dancing in erotic ways then sends discomfort and alienation to the young Prince. William shakes his head then joins Henry to the party. Many smell like manure but William did not care for he is enjoying the true wonders of living.

Many greet William with warmth and hospitality which is identical to many families. The culture of the establishment is arousing to foreigners who visit. The Moon Tavern is truly a wonderful place with eccentric locals.

William then takes a sit next to the bar swinging the chair in circles with a mug in his hand. Not hung over, but not sober either. The Young Prince is truly enjoying life that his family could not fulfill.

A local woman with beautiful golden locks with unruly bangs and scarlet eyes joins William. The young maiden wears revealing clothing close to match with Princess Chelsea’s wardrobe.  The Young Prince sneers in disgust for he holds hatred towards Princess Chelsea; he decides to humor the woman.

“May I help you?” He asks as he drinks Sweet Valour.

“You look like you’re from the Light Kingdom!”

“So? I’m sure many from the Light Kingdom has visited this Tavern.”

“Ooh, yes. However, they weren’t glamourous like you boy.”


“Yes, you should be drinking milk not alcohol you’re too young.”

“Pardon my rudeness, but ma’am I am 18 years of age.”

“Oh beg my pardon boy! You look so adorable I’d eat you right up!” She places her right hand on his cheek.


“Is there anything I can do to make your stay more pleasurable?”


“My word!”

“I’m doing fine without the comforts of a woman’s touch, thank you.”

“Aww, couldn’t you at least humor me? I’m bored!”

“Well that’s not my problem. I’ve done enough community service for one week, thank you.”

“Please?~” The woman begs cutely as she holds onto his left knee.

William sighs then follows the woman to the back of the tavern where the locals could not see or hear. William whistles as Henry hides in the shadows watching his master. The Young Prince scratches his right cheek waiting for the woman.

“Welcome to Oiorpatra Young Prince!”


The floor beneath William soon collapses like a trap door causing him to fall. Henry leaps from the shadows to join him, but the door above the Young Prince closes before Henry could reach him. William then falls onto a stack of hay as he hears his back popping.

“Ugh, I should have known…”

Darkness soon eludes William’s sight as he looks around only to hear screams of other young men within the closed walls. The walls move around as he tries to escape only to see that flies surround the walls with the smell of blood. Many of the men screaming in agony begging for mercy and bribing the women to be free.

“So… this is where the trafficking all starts?”

Skeleton bones being eaten by moldy rats as big as William’s feet. The hairy creatures crawling around the titles of the floor take quick glances their next dinner. Their gnaw teeth sends concern to William, however, fear does not move him.

The young woman who lures William speaks in the abyss.

“Yes Young Prince of Light, this is where Princess Chelsea collects her cattle.”


“That’s it?! No emotion or retort?!”

“Should I be emotional?”

The woman’s face turns red from anger and disappointment then soon shakes her head in laughter. She then fingers her hair in front of William only to annoy him further. He stands on his feet preparing to fight the maiden.

Henry at the top clawing the floor doing his best to reach to his young master. The sounds of clashing metal rings in his ears causing them to twitch back and forth. Henry then digs his claws further into the wooden floor providing a small amount of light to William.

With swift movement William triple jumps evading the erotic woman’s attacks. William throws a dagger towards her direction only to see that he graces her skin. The woman laughs at his attempt to kill her pointing a dagger to his neck.

“It’s over Youngling. I will now sell your to her Majesty and obtain gold to the highest quality!”

“Oh I know I’m worth more than that!”

“You cocky like roach!”

Sparks of ember escape her blade as she attempts to blind the Prince. He then barely dodges the attack by the nick of his hair. He wraps himself in his clock then throws ten daggers towards her direction only to deflect them all.

“Looks like I have to work a lot harder to escape.”

“What makes you think you can escape my grasp?”

“B***h please, I can escape any building.”

“You cocky Royal!”

William pulls out five daggers from his clock as the metal slashes onto the fresh fair skin of the maiden. He expects her to scream only she laughs mockingly pointing her sword at him. She runs to the Young Prince like a wild animal dodging and countering every move he makes.

The Young Prince is puzzled by her actions as no human can move swiftly like a cheetah.  Her ruby like eyes soon erode the young maiden’s eyes revealing monstrosity. William soon whistles in awe by her true appearance.

Snot drips from her nose as it grows larger in size, the fair skin white covering her entire body turns into a moly green that makes the room smell like death.  Her body soon burns from the inside as the outside looks like 30 degree burns.

“You’re ugly.”

“You- YOU! Like your brother only want what your eyes DESIRE TO SEE!”

“Sorry I’m not my brother.”

Henry breaks through the wood with his claws launching himself to the Witch. He bites deep into her blood veins pouring out green blood. The Witch twists and turns trying to remove the beast from her neck.

“Good job, Henry.”

William draws his sword from its sheath then takes his left foot forward and his right foot back. He lifts his sword directly in line to his enemy, with one step he stabs the beast’s face. William feels the breaking bones shattering by his silver blade as the Witch gags.

William thrusts his sword deeper into its brain causing the Witch to scream in agony. Henry releases his grip onto the monster jumping behind his master. The light above the Young Prince sizzle his blade in a white golden light.

The Young Prince withdraws his blade then slices through the Witch’s neck. The head drops to the floor release a foul odor; William quickly covers his face with his clock. As the head combustion William says his prayer.

“O Foul Soul that has corrupted thee… Let thy release thee spirit in the name of Light. What horrors befall me I shall accept in dignity for I honor the Light’s name…”

Silence eludes the room as William unlocks the shackles and locks from the doors. He then frees all of the young boys and men that were held against their will. The Young Prince quickly escapes into the shadows with Henry continuing his adventures once more.

© 2016 Alyssa B. Long

Author's Note

Alyssa B. Long
Sorry for grammar! I will fix it later X_X

Character's theme song:

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Added on March 15, 2016
Last Updated on May 30, 2016


Alyssa B. Long
Alyssa B. Long

Just a girl dreaming to write for a JRPG game one day. Please keep in mind all of the characters in my stories are mine! I will sue, if taken for credit. All of my characters are designed by me an.. more..
