Chapter Three; Lighting the Flame with Xill and Frixell

Chapter Three; Lighting the Flame with Xill and Frixell

A Chapter by Alyssa B. Long

Xill and Frixell.... WHAT?!


After the judgment Prince Xillian gave Frixell she is sent to imprisonment under the chambers of the Light castle. A Platinum Knight continues to hold onto her arm as her hands cuff in chains bruising her skin. They both continue down the path from the Throne room seeing the beautiful decorations inside the castle.

The castle is spacious with various cultural items that seems to date back from the Ancient Zest. Frixell in awe by her new surroundings at the same time feeling remorse towards the Crown and his loyal subjects. She holds her breath then exhales in an attempt effort to quell her anger.

Unusual artifacts from the Oiorpata Kingdom of women symbolizing in power and peace. Frixell tilts her head at the artifacts wondering why Prince Xill has a large painting of Princess Chelsea. Soon the world spins in Frixell's mind.

She didn't want anything to do with Prince Xill or know anything more about him. She is giving up on her freedom since she is falsely accused. However, the troubling thought that she continues to question is, why did her father sell her out?

Frixell soon grows furiously at the thought causing her to self-inflict herself with the biding chains. She bites her lips as blood streams down her mouth and her eyes continue to spark flames. The burning sensation she feels in her heart is nothing more but betrayal and guilt.

To the Knight's surprise he sees the spade on Frixell's right hand glowing bloody red. Sparks of ember ignite in her hands. The Knight slams her on the floor slapping her with his sword.

“No magic, you Zest!” He unsheathes his sword pointing the silver blade at the young woman.

“I thought Prince Xill told you to imprison me not kill me...” Frixell remarks sarcastically seeing the confusion and annoyance in the Knight's face.

The angry Knight sheathes his sword lifting her up the ground as he then kicks her to move faster. The two of them continues to proceed down the halls to see the castle walls quickly changing. The beautiful marble stones from the throne room and the hall quickly changes to concrete.

The darkness soon fools Frixell's footing as she stumbles in the abyss. Not a shed of light touches the room and the smell of rotting flesh enters Frixell's nostrils as she tastes the expired meat. She then vomits against the wall unable to hold her stomach from the unbearable smell.

There the knight takes a hold on her hair as they throw her into a cold cell. The air thickness ceasing her breath as she holds herself. Soon the knight leaves her alone in the cell hoping the young maiden will die in an hour.

“Heh, good riddance! Most people squeal after being thrown in this cell for about an hour. Knowing you you'd be dead in approximately an hour from now... Hahahahaha! Welcome to the Light Kingdom Zest of Spade!”


Frixell holds onto the bars reaching towards the Knight, but the Knight slices a stone carving on the wall with his sword to show his power. Frixell then slides down from the poles as she drowns herself in tears swearing that everything she's done is all her fault.

“F-father... why? I thought I did everything right? I thought I was a good I'm at a cell imprisoned for a crime I did not commit...”

Frixell continues crying feeling her heart drowning in despair. She yowls in pain wishing for everything to go away. She hiccups from her excessive crying only to soon wait for death.

Soon Frixell wipes her tears away feeling the pain rising in her stomach. Her fingers growing more numb by the minute and her legs aching. Nothing is going well for her only to feel the anguish of pain spreading all over her body.

Her throat getting inflammation from her constant crying. The lump in her throat continues to grow unable to keep herself under control. Her ruby eyes soon revert back to her original blue and green color eyes.

“I'm going to die here... Alone in the darkness... There's nothing left for me... I don't care anymore... If this is how it will end then, please.. Mother Seles... End my life for I have been betrayed one too many times..”

The cold only grows stronger in Frixell's cell soon her tears turn into pain. Her eyes fatigue from her crying. Unable to keep herself warm due to her clothes ripping she draws her Essence of Flame in hopes of keeping her warm.

The enchanting flames surrounding her whole body soon heats herself up. However, no matter how much healing her flames can purify it cannot ease the pain that resides in her heart. Frixell then recalls the Knight's words.

“An hour...? So they expect me to die in here chamber for 60 minutes? If I hold on a little longer...will they listen to my words?”

A spark of hope lights Frixell's heart as she draws more from her essence. Her flames soon wrap around her body like a snake taking hold defensively to ensure that she stays alive. Her eyes grow brightly red as she concentrates on keeping her body warm.

“Crying will solve nothing... Just do something about it... Isn't that right Father..?”

She closes her eyes feeling the smooth sensation of her flames. Frixell clasps her hands together in a prayer position focusing and tuning her flames. The demands from her soon take action healing all of the bruises she bared with and received.

Frixell continues with her prayers then form a bright red light that shines in the room. The flames slider down from her neck down to her legs finally surrounding her a warm red light throughout her body. Although she is continuously healing and keeping warm Frixell slowly grows tired.

The kind light that surrounds her soon dies out eradication the foul smell of her cell. Her eyelid grows heavier by the minute as she slams herself on the cold stone ground. The impact of her fall forces her to sleep knocking her out in the bitter cold.

“Mother... I'm coming...”

Unable to move she feels strong hands lifting her from the ground. Too tired to prepare a counter attack Frixell lets the figure carry her. She tries to open her eyes to see the one carrying her, however, it's too dark to make out the face of her rescuer.

Darkness eludes her mind clouding her thoughts and dreams. Frixell tosses and turns in a storm of darkness trying to call upon her flames. However, no one comes to her aid which teaches her to fear her vulnerability.

“STOP! PLEASE AHH!!!! HELP!” Frixell waves her hands up above screaming for help until a kind hand takes hold on her.

“HUH?!” She opens her eyes finding herself in silk sheets as her right hand is being held by the Great Prince himself.

His beautiful short blond hair shining in her eyes. She gasps staring directly at his mysterious gray eyes. She then sees that Xill is half-naked and panics.

“W-what... N-no! Give my hand back! Get away from me!”

“Woah! Easy there! I'm not here to hurt you, madam.”

“Then what DO YOU want from ME?!”

Frixell's face turns bright like a tomato as she slaps Xill's face. She then realizes what she just did and moves away from him. Due to her panic and struggle from Xill she ends up falling off the bed hitting her head on the red carpet floor.

“Son of a b***h! Ouch!”

“Hahahahaha!!! I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you! I'm only here to listen to your side of the story. I didn't mean to have my beauty startle you. I am a gorgeous creature after all.”

“Yeah... I use to think that same way too... Until now... Would it kill you to put a shirt or armor on?!”

Frixell holds her head in pain as she holds back her tears. Xill gets closer to Frixell which forces to shut her eyes. She turns her head away from him then waits.

Not feeling or hearing anything from Xill she opens her face to turn to him. Their faces five inches a part from each other causing Frixell to blush further.

“P-please... Get away from me!”

Xill continues his direct eye contact with Frixell eyeing her up and down. She tries to move away backing herself into a corner. Yet he only pursues her continuing his gaze.

“W-what is it?!” Frixell burst her emotions out.

“You're eyes... Have they always been heterochromia? I know you have ruby eyes, but they're not rubies anymore... I can't be wrong I'm Xillian the Third after all! Hahahaha!”

“R-right... Well... I-I don't know... I think my eyes turn red when I'm frustrated...”

Xill nods in agreement placing his hand on his chin. He then stands sighing from Frixell as she watches him closely. He then grabs a piece of wood throwing it into the fireplace.

“So... You understand the traditions our my Kingdom correct?”

“Yes... women are nothing more than mere objects... But why are you listening to me? I mean... I'm glad finally is someone lending an ear to hear my side of the story...”

“Don't say anymore, anything you say will count at court”

“B-but! You are the one asking me so many questions!”

“I only took you out of the prison because you didn't scream “MERCY”. You lasted four hours in that dungeon!”

“I did...?”

“Yes. It's quite impressive actually since most men die in an hour.”

“Well... I am a woman!”

“I guess so. You're so tomboyish I can't tell besides that you are wearing a dress.”

“Ugh, enough! Why did you bring me here? Why did you... why did you save me...?”

Xill leans close to Frixell's face moving slowly closer to her. For a few moments, the man and woman challenge each other into a staring contest. Neither side refusing to blink, Frixell, however, ends the match by squinting.


“What?! You still haven't answered my question!”

“I took you away from the scary chamber so that I can partake in further listening on your side of the story.”


Xill leans an inch closer quickly nibbles on her left ear. Frixell's face turns bright red as she screams loudly. The Prince then laughs backing away to give her space.

Xill grabs Frixell by her wrists together slamming her onto the floor. She squirms and turns shifting her body weight against him only to fail. Frixell flashes her teeth as she gnaws on his hand piercing deep into his flesh.

“Ack! B***h!”

“You started it!”

“You're a country girl raised in a f*****g barn! I'm protecting you, moron!”

“What? How is this helping me exactly?!”

Suddenly a girl in provocative clothing enters the rooms. The woman with golden curls with fair skin with freckles runs inside. Her pink frilly dress matching with from top to bottom.

“Xillian! My Darling-”

“Hello, Princess Chelsea. I see you're not very familiar with respect still.”

“Oh, Seles! C'mon where I'm from we have no need to knock on someone's door to enter!”

“Well as you can see I am EXTREMELY BUSY”

“Is that so..?”

“I'm afraid it is.”

The girl walks towards the two seeing Frixell's white skin expose to Xill making direct skin contact with his. The maiden's face turns red as the blood flows extremely to the face. She begins to clench her fist as adrenaline flows throughout her system, focusing her attention of Frixell.

T-this is... What a barbaric manner! Get off of that woman right this instant Xill!”

I will do no such thing... Princess Chelsea.”

P-Princess Chelsea..? Of the Oiorpata?!”

You are correct peasant! I am also Prince Xillian's fiancee!”


More like blackmailed into marrying her...”


Princess Chelsea a delicate flower then punches Xill in the face. Xill flinching from the pain still refusing to get off Frixell as she watches in confusion. The young Princess starts pulling Xill from Frixell as she slaps his face.

What manner of respect is this!?”


You will do no such thing!”

Xill gets from his position then slaps Princess Chelsea. She then stands there frozen surprise by the Great Prince's actions. Xill stands his ground protecting Frixell like a lion protecting his meal from wild animals.

I will marry you. However, you will not touch Frixell! You got that?!”


Wordless she keeps her mouth shut as tears of pearls shine of the Princess' face. She holds her hand placing it onto her bosom nodding in response. The tension in the room only seems to grow darker by the minute as Frixell looks away in regret.

Princess Chelsea excuses herself quietly remaining silent as Xill closes the door. The Great Prince bonks his head onto his bed then waves his finger to Frixell to come to him. Frixell holding her hands together to keep them from shaking.

Her body trembling in fear as she gazes into his silver eyes. Frixell's hope dieing as she forces herself to sit besides him. Unaware of his intentions Xill places his arms around Frixell's waist as she backs away, however, Xill refuse to let go.

W-what are you doing?!”

Princess Chelsea believes I proposed to you.”

WHAT?! But no! You're engaged! CLEARLY! Why would a Prince like you get involve with a Zest?!”

You're an idiot. Clearly you need more education in your life.”

Well excuse me! There is a law forbidding women to learn and your father had us subjected into other means of work!”

Frixell then realizes that a man is embracing her. Her eyes grow big from the thought as her heart skips a beat. She raises her arms then holds onto him to try to break from him.

You know... Most women, especially Chelsea, would die to be in my arms. Yet you seem to be uncomfortable.”

That's because I barely know you!”

Heh. What a virgin response!”

C-call me what you like! But I'm not going to fall in love with a womanizer!”

Ahh... So my “reputation” is known to even peasants like you.”


Frixell is use to hearing the torment of her birth and the status she was born into. Yet, somehow, the pain of loneliness never once fazed her. She sighs shaking her head surrendering to the Prince's arms.

What are you doing now?”

Well if you LIKE me so much I might as well just stay put then. What else can I do? I can't burn you off of me”

Xill laughs feeling his rib cage expanding from joy. He closes his eyes then drifts to sleep as Frixell pokes his forehead. She then notices the symbol on his forehead; a white sun.

Are... you a Zest?”


Is this why you're so kind to me?”


Then why?!”

Because you're the first girl I met who doesn't get easily seduced by a man's appearance.”

Man you're a cheeky b*****d”

You're pretty bitchy yourself. Frixell... right?”

Yes... Frixell Logix to be exact.”

Your father sold you to me.”


Doesn't that bother you?”

No... I mean.. I-I don't know.. This isn't the first time...”



You said you didn't burn the village down. But your the Essence of Spade; the Guardian to the element: Fire.”

I swear on my Essence all I can do is heal... I find my magic to be quite pathetic that I can't burn the simplest of all metals.”

I... see...”

Xill snoring loudly from exhaustion comfortably snuggles with Frixell. The gentle and soft touch of her body comforts him. Everything around her makes her feel insecure, unsafe, and confused.

Unsure of what to do she scratches her head hoping that the Prince will help her from the charges. Frixell's body shifts back and forth as she tries to wiggle her way out. Having the urges to punch the Prince she holds her desires back as she too falls back to sleep.

Hours pass as the two wake up in each others arms, Frixell screams pushing Xill away from her. Birds singing in the background as a maid knocks on the door. Frixell feeling alert hides underneath the blanket as Xill welcomes the worker inside.

You're going to need new clothes if you want to present yourself in court today.”


Xill laughs as he throws clothes at Frixell, astonish by the generous gift she glares at him. Xill sighs leaving the room as he instructs the maid to help her get dressed. Frixell gets up from the bed as the maid forces her to sit on a chair.

W-what are you doing?”

One must first be bathed before putting clothes on.”

Isn't that... a waste of water?”

No, it is a tradition here in the Light Kingdom. For you to think that way shows your status immediately.”

Well... I rather DRINK water then soak in it!”

The maid couldn't help but laugh at Frixell's statement, she holds onto Frixell's hand as she begins to harshly scrub her back. The young maid grabs a bucket of cold water dropping a gallon of it top of Frixell to clean off the dirt. Frixell seems unfazed by the sudden temperature which makes the maid question if she was sick.

Uh... Wasn't that too cold for you?”

No. I'm fine, please continue”

The maid stares at Frixell is awe as her upbraided hair touches her shoulders. The maid covers her mouth to prevent complimenting the Zest. The maid picks up the clothes and begins to dress Frixell.

The maid then ties around a white top with golden linen along with a fire orange cloak to best represent Frixell. Short black skirt to compliment the outfit along with a black spade pin to put on her shirt. The young Zest twirls around feeling happy to receive a gift.

Xill walks in all dress up in his usual armor and clothing. He smiles to Frixell handing her a feather ornament to place on her hair. She hesitates to take it from him so Xill takes initiative action pinning the barrette onto her hair.

I wasn't going to make you wear that white... uhh outfit to the court.”

Well as long I don't have to pay for this...”

Who said you weren't?”

I-I thought-”

Hahaha! We'll discuss that later. Right now I have to present you to the Counsel of Light.”

The Counsel of Light?”

Xill nods beckoning Frixell following him down the hallway. Many Maids and butlers watch and greet them both loyal to the Crown. She holds onto her skirt as a defense mechanism for her fear, only to continue trembling.

The Counsel of Light is a traditional justice system to see the guilty party. Base on their words and actions in court will the counsel decide the fate of the accused.”

Actions? Like what?”

Xill stops in his tracks sighing in disbelief. He rubs his temples feeling concern and anger for Frixell's stupidity. Wanting to raise his voice he turns around to see the girl trembling in fear.


Actions such as you will have to fight against one of the Councilmen of Light”


Frixell holds onto her skirt tightly as she tightly closes her eyes. With her left hand she begins twirling and pulling her hair. Xill quickly stops her by grabbing her hand, however, the trembling only seems to increase.

I-I... I'm not a soldier... I only know how to fish... H-heal also... I-I'm really going to die... All because I was born as a Zest...”

Xill who remains silent keeps holding Frixell's hand. He shakes his head at her then kisses her forehead which seems to shock and calm her down. She then slaps him off of her as he laughs with his hand tied to hers.

You'll be fine... Okay?”

How do you know?”

Because I am the Great Prince Xill himself!”

Frixell snicks bursting into laughter feeling her heart flutter with joy as a bright smile spreads across her face. Confusion rises in her heart causing her to clench on his hand. Xill only keeps walking as they head to the throne room.

He then releases his grip on Frixell's hand to press a button underneath the corner of his chair. The stone wall behind the throne room then opens a secret layer where no sound enters. She takes one giant step behind him as she keeps following.

Once inside the stone walls behind them close only to rely on Xill she holds onto his purple cloak for support. Unaware of the entire situation befalling onto her all she can do is put her trust to Xill and hope that she does not get betrayed once again.

© 2016 Alyssa B. Long

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Well written! I enjoyed reading this...a few grammatical errors, but nothing you can't fix if you just read through it aloud! You've developed some interesting characters, and I can't wait to read more! I will do a long, full review when more chapters are posted. Could you review my book, called "Burn." Thanks.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Alyssa B. Long

9 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the review! Also have chapter two and four!~ I'll read your book and give you a f.. read more

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1 Review
Added on January 5, 2016
Last Updated on February 24, 2016
Tags: Adventure, Mature, Fantasy, Romance, Comedy


Alyssa B. Long
Alyssa B. Long

Just a girl dreaming to write for a JRPG game one day. Please keep in mind all of the characters in my stories are mine! I will sue, if taken for credit. All of my characters are designed by me an.. more..
