Mr. Sickle

Mr. Sickle

A Poem by CinderBows

Was Mr. Sickle a funny man? I'll leave you to decide. Before you read, please take the 'Author's Note' into account.

Mr. Sickle, a funny man? Maybe.

 He was only about as tall as a tree
One arm was rather short, the other the length of a basketball court

His eyes were where his ears were, his big toe had a large tuft of fur

His nostrils were on top of his nose, by his teen years he had 47,000 toes

He only had four fingers on his left hand, and his head was in the shape of a can

He had blue hair, in which he took of very good care!

His two front teeth were as big as your head, and they each  weighed as much as a chunk of lead.

His eyebrows were green, and people fainted whenever they were seen!

His skin was purple, purple as plums, and dirty black was the colour of his gums

His face, oh his face was so deformed his mother ran away screaming when he was born!

His face was like a vulture they used to say, but he is much, much uglier today

The stench of his breath actually killed someone in Montana for it smelled worse then a rotten, brown banana

He had flies for breakfast and fish eyes for lunch, and he always put spiders in his rotten fruit punch.

There never seemed to be a place for Mr. Sickle, but each day after he started looking more like a hog he would look in the mirror and say:

"Mr. Sickle you're one handsome dog!"

© 2010 CinderBows

Author's Note

I wrote this when I was 8, so there is hardly any flow, because at the time I mainly focused on rhymes... I know this does not have any poetic value, so just enjoy it for its humorous value.

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Well even if you did write this poem at eight, I find this poem funny, still. That's quite good, to say you made this at eight. Normally, people like eight and younger would lack these skills. Anyways, I like this and it is possibly one of the best poems I have ever read and this, I'm not exaggerated. You have quite some talent, obviously, ever since this poem was made. This poem may be silly, but it is hilarious for me to read. You've clearly got a lot of imagination in this poetry. I love this poem. It's immature yet wonderful to read at the same time, and only a limited amount of people can master that talent. By uploading this poem to the internet, I think you are one of those people. Makes me smile. You've made my day. :)

Posted 6 Years Ago

i loove it

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Ha ha! The poem is great, and the "punchline" is a killer! I think this is very good considering you were only 8 when you wrote it. I just love nonsense poems like this. Thanks for making me smile today!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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I really liked this poem. Its rhyming gives it a nice steady flow for me and the rhythm is really nice.

As funny and cute as it is, it also has a sense of creepiness to it, which makes me like it a heckuva lot more.

Great job! Keep it up!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very creative and silly.
Nice write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on February 20, 2010
Last Updated on February 20, 2010
Tags: kid, monster, humour, funny, child, poem, ugly, sarcasm




BIO: I'm a young writer who feels at ease with a pen and paper, I feel I can express my feelings and opinions much better through what is written, than spoken. Music is my passion, and I aspire to tur.. more..


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