War Ponders

War Ponders

A Poem by Celie Rose

A mighty warrior sits and ponders.


War Ponders

on no particular day,

the mighty warrior called war,

sat at his watch post throne,

on a high mountain top.

and he did ponder.

dressed in steel armor,

gladiator helmet that is rounded,

curved at the neck to protect,

with 18 gage spikes upright.

a durable and polished breastplate,

shoulder, arm and leg gear,

a combination of leather

and gold plated metal,

reinforced steel.

his weapon of mass destruction,

lay in check.

I have more than enough power,

I do agree.

over the kingdoms of the earth,

yes indeed.

but I do wonder.

my subjects are in a no-way win


an all-out-war will be complete

and total annihilation.

my mind is truly troubled.

war goes on to say,

why do we war and kill at will?

what do we really accomplish

or achieve here?

is it blatant glory?

we just cannot win,

war did reason within.

armed conflict and hostility,

warfare abilities, mass capabilities.

dominate and control other lands.

war monger, blood thirsty monster.

all this is for what?

he thought.

for centuries,

my selfish desire has compelled me,

to gain power fueled by greed and


to conquer, defeat and kill all enemies.


war beat his great chest in agony.

he shouted out with a deep outcry.

his armoured legs became weak,

he collapsed to his knees.

war no more he concluded.

I have forgotten God's love.

© 2016 Celie Rose

Author's Note

Celie Rose
Please read my poem. I am open to comments, suggestions and review.

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At the end of the day, God has the say. thanks for sharing this wonderful poem.

Posted 7 Years Ago

First step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.
We need more 'Solomon' minded world leaders - great write, very poignant giving today's politics ... :-)

Posted 7 Years Ago

This is a very interesting poem. I love your use of words and the genre itself. Love it, keep it up! ^_^

Posted 8 Years Ago

It is as plain as day,
The politicans have their say,
come what may?
When the troops are at their door?
What will they say?

Peace has to be heard
by all who desire war,
what is the use of war?
Why don't we sit down and break bread
and drink with our fellow man,

god put us here,
did he not?
We should plant our feilds
give t those who have not.

I agree, with you.w
GIve peace a chance.

Posted 8 Years Ago

This is a very interesting poem. I especially thought the description of the warrior's realization of how bad and all-out-war could be was very detailed as though he finally had a wake up call. I couldn't help to think the ending of this poem as a great example of how God brings all of the great kings of the Earth to their knees in repentance. I would like to commend you on your creativity. Keep up the good work and good luck in your future endeavors. I look forward to reading more writing by you in the future.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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I've always hated war, wholeheartedly...

But humanity is a big, old, dumb beast... It does a lot of wrong things...

Posted 8 Years Ago

'.. for centuries, -- my selfish desire has compelled me, -- to gain power fueled by greed and -- victory. -- to conquer, defeat and kill .. '

Though muffled, what an explosion of words! And, what's more, finely written, dramatic in a mythical manner yet for the now - truly applicable. Your words near form a barrier between reason and insanity, yet written with great care; freely but concisely placed as if needing to tell how it is. Your final line is perfect.

Posted 8 Years Ago

There is no love in war. We teach our children how to kill and murder. This is sad.
"for centuries,
my selfish desire has compelled me,
to gain power fueled by greed and
to conquer, defeat and kill all enemies.
war beat his great chest in agony.
he shouted out with a deep outcry.
his armoured legs became weak,
he collapsed to his knees.
war no more he concluded.
I have forgotten God's love."
The above lines. Honest and true. No winners in war. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 8 Years Ago

I love the descriptions of war, and his (?) inner questioning, particularly from the mountaintop where he can survey the effects. The ending is too abrupt for me- it's the last line only, really. Maybe the last two lines . . . Like a movie that wraps up too neatly when it's been very complex all the way through. Perhaps I cannot believe that he would suddenly have a thought of God out of the blue, without any mention that he thought there even was one before, above him, that is. I think there must be some other catalyst for this last line . . . Or it rings superficially, like he may forget again tomorrow. Otherwise, though, I think the poem is an interesting subject told from a distinct point of view that makes it more compelling and your walking him through his journey of realization is great.

Posted 8 Years Ago

great story, theme is for today,and yesterday as well
seems we`re always in a war

Posted 8 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on July 25, 2016
Last Updated on July 26, 2016
Tags: war, annihilation, glory, no win situation. dominate, kill, love.


Celie Rose
Celie Rose

Syracuse, NY

I am Celie Rose. I am a novice writer. My reason for being here is to learn. I want to write poetry, short stories, and, eventually, novels and screenplays. Put my ideas down in writing and be creativ.. more..

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A Poem by Celie Rose

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