Winds Pass Through

Winds Pass Through

A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)

nature poem



winds pass through branches; ghost music, arms and stalks 
rock and wave as if to an unheard rhythm, unseen forces
interacting with life,
perhaps as angels and demons sway humans at times
each blossom, a dream bursting and blooming, coming
to fruition; transforming in frail hands, sunlight seeps
woody fingers; gently spreading illumination, opening petals
and secrets in a colorful explosion of passion, sky lending
it‘s majesty to it’s earthbound children, then water is sent to
stir the earth and split seed casings—
birthing new children to love, as the eldest siblings become
the earth, wind and water with which to nourish the newest;
never truly dying as eternal cycles bring old and new
together in constant marriages that are moved only
by the sun’s loving and condoning energy—warm flowing
caresses that glue all living things together;
their wedding dances driven by wind,
their knowledge fed from the earth,
their wisdom: the water that flows forever
as they all reach skyward to be closer to the god that
originates and maintains
the processes that make finite and infinite lives possible,
and when those lives become lonely for their ancestors,
winds pass through branches;
Here dances with Beyond

© 2009 Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)

Author's Note

Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)
Happy Mardi Gras!

My Review

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Well.. this just comes alive on the page. So many times I have read poems on a similar vein that come out all smarmy and sachacarine sweet...but this is written with both elegance and eloquence. Beautifully expressed and deeply spiritual. No nit-picks from me!!

I'm so glad I stopped by. : )

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 24, 2009


Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)
Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)

Cleveland, TX

I'm as wired as a Kamikaze train wreck dance off in downtown Screamerville! When I write I try to leave this world behind and create a new dimension of words and other fresh organic ingredients. In ot.. more..
