America is FIRED!

America is FIRED!

A by Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)

    To quote Abraham Lincoln: “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

    I guess my question lately is: which people?

   If “We the People” are in charge, then maybe we should make some layoffs. I’ve got a few ideas about some people who need a good old fashioned firing! My outrage is not uncommon. It’s commonality is a product of it’s obvious justification. The average American did not land us in this mess. It was our leaders. Leaders of government, special interests and corporate affairs. Yet, even in the wreckage of their gross misuse of authority and ignorance to prima facie moral obligations, these people are thriving. Meanwhile, the average American is taking a spanking for the evil and irrevocable deeds of his/her leaders.

   Predatory lending sounds like the action of a backstreet lone shark, not a ‘well-respected’ company. These mortgage loan companies gave money to people they knew could not pay them back, then leaned on those people until they broke. After they broke too many, the housing market collapsed on itself. Again, the borrower is NOT at fault. If he/she had been vetted properly, then the company would have turned them down. Instead, they played on the dreams of those people, and made them believe that they could ‘make it happen.’ The Student loan corporations followed suit. Now they’re preying on the naiveté of our children. It’s swindle, scams and robbery all around! Therefore the mortgage loan and student loan companies are FIRED!

   The government that allowed the mortgage loan companies by deregulating governmental control on corporate activity is at fault as well. We elect these people to govern and protect us. They have failed at all turns. There is poison in our food. Criminals are running amok in our streets. Our elderly and afflicted can’t afford medical attention and the medications that are forced down their throats by doctors and corporate drug pushers. Our children are not receiving proper educations. Our water is not clean. When tragedy strikes, we are left in frigid darkness or sweltering heat to fend for ourselves until these buffoons that we pay taxes to get around to rescuing us. We have no faith in our courts. Some Americans are even denied the right to marry based on an antiquated set of values. These laws being passed by congress are a joke. The people representing us are criminals and hoodwinks. Therefore, all members of all three branches of government, all drug companies, all police agencies, and all doctors are hereby FIRED!

    Now, let’s talk about local government. The leaders on a local level have failed us, too. State after state is declaring bankruptcy. More local leaders are having their corruption revealed everyday. They are simply not meeting the requirements we set out for them. Therefore, all mayors, governors, and all other stations of state government are hereby FIRED!

    Union leaders have become even more corrupt. Lining their pockets and climbing social ladders built of the broken backs of the workers who pay dues every year only to see that their not going to work enough to feed their families and keep their homes. All union reps and leaders are FIRED!

    Finally, those average Americans that blindly bought the poisonous and overpriced products, took out loans they couldn’t pay back. Ran up credit cards they couldn’t pay for, elected these horrible leaders and follow wherever the neon arrow points. I’m sorry, but we’ll have to let you go as well. The average American is FIRED!

    And let’s just do it right! All ministers are FIRED! All Banks are FIRED! All special interest group lobbyists are FIRED! All media and entertainment people are FIRED! Everyone is FIRED! America, you are FIRED. It’s nothing personal; just business. You have failed to use your common sense, your problem solving skills, and your hard work to better yourself. You have become criminals with no morals or connections to your common citizens. You are a cesspool of filth and rot. You have let us all down and you are FIRED! Good luck in the future!

(And don’t try filing for unemployment. Those who run it have also been FIRED!)


“Society is produced by our wants and government by our wickedness.”

Thomas Paine

"Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely."

Jesus Christ

© 2009 Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)

Author's Note

Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)
The reviewers are not fired.

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Wow Freder...tell us how you REALLY feel!

Well articulated what many of us feel but never dare to say!

I've read this several times...and I wouldn't change a thing!
Thanks for saying it for us!

Beatrice Boyle (Grandma Bea)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It is said we live in a survaillance world were everything we do is being watched, like for instance they observe or calls n know our every move. we are coded like that of a bar code which is sad if you really think about it. a governed world & state we live in.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on February 4, 2009


Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)
Freder Fredersen (aka Grady)

Cleveland, TX

I'm as wired as a Kamikaze train wreck dance off in downtown Screamerville! When I write I try to leave this world behind and create a new dimension of words and other fresh organic ingredients. In ot.. more..
