Oh,joy to the world
I haven't seen a fruitcake
yet this year.
I still have nightmares
from last Christmas eve
from the one I received
yes, oh, my
it brought me to tears
It came by way of mail
It was quite heavy and ugly
and most definitely Stale!
So in spirit of the holiday season
being the nice vicious person I am
I gave it to my neighbors next door
now, gee wilkers whiz!
I don't understand
why they won't talk to me anymore?
I suppose it was the fruitcake,yep
they will turn your friends into foes
Why, what they're good for?
No one knows!
With all that goop spread
right on top
and filled with stuff
to make your heart stop
Oozing running down the side
to make you sick
Heavy enough I surmise
to sink a ship!
Maybe just maybe
one day, and gosh i hope soon,
we'll send that gawd-awful fruitcake
to the other side the moon
and by some magical power unclear
for the benefit of all mankind here
we'll make that dreadful fruitcake
forever disappear