A classic subject, to be sure, reminisent of Tennyson's classic poem (there the "Lady of Shalott"). Nicely written and independent of the original themes, originally based on the Italian romance "Donna di Scalotta" (Lady of Scalott), and strongly woven into Arthurian legend.
"willows weep for thee in scanty breeze", wonderfully reflect the cursed life of Tennyson's "Lady of Shalott" without bowing to the original text. Finely woven.
Not being a fan of repetition, I read your poem a second time by skipping the first line of each verse & just seeing how it felt to go thru the rest all in a flow . . . I loved it! I am not a reader of much of this type of poetry, so I can't comment, except to say that your words have been chosen to have lyrically flowing sound & I love that part especially (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Thanks Margie
,I understand
whatever works
for the reader is
alright wit.. read moreThanks Margie
,I understand
whatever works
for the reader is
alright with me
I so appreciate ☺
kudos. such a powerful elegance. a gentle flow to a class conclusion. nothing greater than to stand up to fate in battle. outstanding and nourishing ... :)
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Awhh..thanks Pete ; so glad for your visit..I so appreciate your kind words on my poetry;
A wonderful poem dear Fran. I have many books of the classic writers. I need to read again. Lately Hemingway and Salinger, I have been reading. I liked the old fashion feel of the words. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.
thanks John for reading
I too need to re read many of the classics
I so appreciate y.. read morethanks John for reading
I too need to re read many of the classics
I so appreciate your kind words on my poetry;
5 Years Ago
You are welcome dear Fran. Donne and Dryden are my favorite.
5 Years Ago
I have 2 leatherbound gold leaf complete works on Poe and Shakespeare my faves ..
So many mor.. read moreI have 2 leatherbound gold leaf complete works on Poe and Shakespeare my faves ..
So many more I do love reading also..they re all good..the days go so fast trying to find time to just sit and read is a challenge..
To dare emulate (rather than copy) Tennyson is amazing, and, even more amazing is the fact that you've created the most beautiful phrasing and telling of this famous old tale, she who knew no bounds in reaching her admirer, Lancelot. There's something particularly special .. visual, about your third stanza..
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Awhh.. thank you dear Emmajoy..so glad
for your visit..I would never copy anyone
espec.. read moreAwhh.. thank you dear Emmajoy..so glad
for your visit..I would never copy anyone
especially the great Tennyson and other
greats of the past..rather I try to capture
the feeling I get when reading and the inspiration just comes with it..yes
such a sadness surrounds and yes
most reviewers liked the third verse
"Lady,oh fair lady of Shallot
the four winds have blown and shaken
the blue violets of forget-me- nots "
Breathtaking beauty in this verse...I love the classic elegance, the lovely composition and perfect rhyming scheme of this poem. Awesome poetry Fran...
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Thanks Divya..im so glad you enjoyed
and thankful for your reviews..yes the
*forget me.. read moreThanks Divya..im so glad you enjoyed
and thankful for your reviews..yes the
*forget me not* verse seems to be a
favorite ..☺
So wonderfully laid, Dear Fran, in your own quaintly beauteous hand. 🍂
"The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson; 1833 … a tale of Elaine of Astolat, a young noblewoman imprisoned in a tower on a river island near Camelot.
This four-part Lyrical Ballad was my favorite poem when but a callow lad (along with "IF" by Rudyard Kipling), and the first to truly open my heart and make me weep with tender sadness … still, I cannot read it without welling-up.
Fran, I think you've done and exemplary job of condensing the main essences of this twenty verse classical piece into a contemporary suite of Enclosed Tersets of beautifully creative "a,x,a" monorhymes. Then, skillfully presented in entertaining offset verses … simply brilliant!
My sole suggestion would be to display Waterhouse's painting above your poem, to allow its amazing ambiance to set the page aglow (typos: cap; Camelot, commas after Lady, and sp; Shalott). : )
You've no idea how thrilling it is to read the work of a poetess who can take poetry, make it her own, and express in such a way even the most discerning reader will have no choice but to sighhh! Love the title and deft use of King's Language, as-well.
I'm jealous, but completely sated … thank you, Fran! ⁓ Richard 🍃
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
good afternoon Richard..I'm so pleased
you stopped by to read and review my
poem...i s.. read moregood afternoon Richard..I'm so pleased
you stopped by to read and review my
poem...i see what you mean about the painting to enhance the poem and I would surely do so
if I still had my computer..I only have this little cell phone these days..I cannot get different fonts. photos or formats upon my page..I'm
rather limited to say the least..lol..
I will however fix those typos..i
Thanks again for your kind review
on my poetry..I so appreciate your
words and advice dear friend..
Your inspiration for this beautiful poem I note comes from Tennyson. His poem was one of the first I was introduced to and at one time I could recite off by heart many verses. Your posted image is a wonderful piece of artwork. Who could fail to be moved by the tragic tale of the Lady of Shalott and the curse that was placed on her. Floating down to Camelot in death in an open barge, I will always have a soft spot for this poem because my Grandad would recite it to me. Of course, she was much admired by Lancelot. I very much like your lines Fran-Marie. You have taken me on a nostalgia trip, back to my childhood and my Grandad. I thank you for that. I love your descriptive lines.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Awhh..yes love Tennyson and so many of the great poets of yesteryear...I'm so glad you liked my vers.. read moreAwhh..yes love Tennyson and so many of the great poets of yesteryear...I'm so glad you liked my version of his poem and that it brought back sweet memories for you..thanks dear Chris..always appreciate your kind reviews on my poetry☺