Pale eyes hang on blue faces
with traces of blood
they fly in midnight dim
gaunt faces, which haunt
with a devilish grin
Something's amiss
with their bulging eyes so pale
a cried hatred,seldom seen
from within
Oh, they hunger
beneath their blue vail
spreading evil
they wail in sin
Roaming the earth
their presence means death
their power is poison
upon parlous stale breath
They come thru~night's mist
amid a thunder storm's rain
to covet your soul
they bare no shame
they take control
'tis their deadly game
Do you understand?
they may come for you,
Be Wise!
Pale eyes on blue faces
'tis only a disguise
behind lies, fiery red eyes
not at all pale blue
These blue face flyers
are ghostly white
yet,with souls blacker than
black,to haunt and fright
So beware~the vampires
flying at night!