When you are in need of strong stiff drinks like liquor of whiskey in the way you are describing the character of your poem, you are not only far gone, but using drink as an anaesthetic to ease your pain or a way to slowly commit suicide. In the end, he will indeed have drowned himself not only in liquor but also as a means of suicide.
A friend of my dad once said to me never to drink when you are sad, because alcohal tends to enhance your feelings. Very wise advise. If you do like a drink occasionally, drink wise and in order to enjoy, drink slowly, so you can let the taste be taken up by your palate. Do not go on a binge. It will kill you brain and in the end yourself.
When you are in need of strong stiff drinks like liquor of whiskey in the way you are describing the character of your poem, you are not only far gone, but using drink as an anaesthetic to ease your pain or a way to slowly commit suicide. In the end, he will indeed have drowned himself not only in liquor but also as a means of suicide.
A friend of my dad once said to me never to drink when you are sad, because alcohal tends to enhance your feelings. Very wise advise. If you do like a drink occasionally, drink wise and in order to enjoy, drink slowly, so you can let the taste be taken up by your palate. Do not go on a binge. It will kill you brain and in the end yourself.
I think I need a drink. lol "But give strong drink to him who is ready to perish and wine to those who have heavy hearts, let them drink and ease their suffering and remember their poverty no more." Proverbs 31 6-7
Anything that takes us away from reality is dangerous but reality can be just as deadly in its own right, many a sober suicide can attest to that. It is not the alcohol which defiles a man's body but the actions of the man, whether drunk or sober, and he must be held accountable in either state. All addiction has the same source...pain. That is important to remember. This was a great shot at the whiskey bottle though.