The last few days seem better now
I'm feeling calmer
coming out of the darkness of hell
Thru~ Time, yes, I suppose that's how.
Each day speaks to me
of things I never knew
and as years taught many lessons
I began to have a clearer view
But, 'twas not always the case
in youth being wild and free
throwing much caution to the wind
careless and reckless attitudes
'twas cause for much disgrace
committing every sin.
Then my friend depression set in
A most assured outcome for pain and strife
I've ever known
thinking the cure would be
to settle down.
become a wife
For my evil oats, surely had been sown.
Marriage, a house and kids, had been my
dream come true
Got through some mean lean years
doing all I was suppose to do
then the black pit,hit
again right out of the blue.
Years of pills and coping skills
is what was needed
to deal with all the stress
Self-help books, so many which I heeded
yet I could not cope and failed the test
But after all, theres's no one to blame
I found the answer lies within time's frame
and the skies are blue and bright today
and happiness my heart has claimed
For all my troubles and woes are gone
'Tis what time has washed away.