Elusive Dream~DBL~Acrostic)
E nvisioning love with you Darling in my lif E
L eaves my soul feeling numb~i cannot fee L
U s, rather me alone~empty arms without yo U
S truggling, when the sunshine of my life fade S
I nto intense darkness,Yes,that is the time when I
V enture aimlessly into the night~ void of your~ lu V
E luding shadows dance, i cannot grasp,where you ar E
D eep clouds of despair in bleak hues tear my eyes now shade D
R endering a crying sun,now stripped of warmth and golden colo R
E ternity merely slips back to the eleventh hour~ It's simply too lat E
Alas~'Twas not meant to be for us, call it fate,or perhaps bad karm A
M y Darling,you are just my~~~~~ E L U S I V E ~~~~~D R E A M