Hey you

Hey you

A Poem by Fran Marie

I love your little imperfections
the way you don't
cross you Ts
and then swing those 
off centered dots
on your little I s

spilling your earl grey
tea because your eyes
 are glued to the morning 
news paper ..darting back and forth
 like watching a tennis match.
.trying not to miss the small print

hey you

I love your little perfections
the way you
you see me 
love me ..
in everyway...
loving my little

your gentle touch
affection ..caring
so much.even when
our journey proves
rough and the road
we travel loses a tad 
more color

and we both lost
our rose colored glasses
along the way

But.. hey you

you're the one that remains true to my

we're so imperfectly
perfect for each other
because we're as one
synchronized beat 
in time.

© 2020 Fran Marie

My Review

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I pray to god and all that's holy that you never ever lose that wonderful feeling dear Fran! what a wonderful thing you just penned and it breathes so very honest to my ear in the lines unfolding beautiful beautiful beautiful poetry:) I must get back to work so this is a great way to exit my reading for the day:)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thank you 'thank you' thank you!
dear Robert..have a great day..;


Great...You could completely love a person only when u love their imperfections too. Loved the list.the spontaneity is nice.

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thanks so
vey much
for your words
on my poetry
I s o appreciate😀
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What a sweet poem! Not overdone. Honest.

I'm in love with the "hey you" refrain -- all the gentle adoration without the eye roll factor of a "babe, honey, dear, sweetie" etc.

Thank you for your words!

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

thanks CC .i
see what you
mean..i must
admit though
I use those sweeties.. read more
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And there is the recipe for a long term relationship, acceptance, understanding and a wanting to be with.
Really liked this. Tis me and my wife to a tee :))
Hope you are well Fran Marie

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thanks Gee
sorry to be
s o late in
with my reply
I do appreciate;
In my experience of longterm relationships around me (I haven't had one), I find that people nitpick in the worst ways about the dumbest stuff. That's why your poem seems to be the antidote to this human frailty, as you draw a word picture of how it looks when a person doesn't just ACCEPT your shortcomings, but actually ENJOYS them! This is what we all crave in a friend or lover (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

This has a lovely, gentle undercurrent. So sentimental and romantic, with so many subtle gestures of love well expressed. I particularly liked the emphasis of the fading of the rose tinted glasses and yet the love remains. True love left intact beyond the scars of time. Well done

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

thanks John
for your thoughts
and words on this
I s o appreciate;
This is the classic romance, that I miss in romantics, thank you for bringing back the nostalgia, Soft, and beautiful, flowing tapestry of poetic passion :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thanks Mike
so vey much
for Reading an
I s o appreciate
Such is true love, not the kind of novels and films, but of real life and a life lived together...

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

s o true.
thanks Tom
I appreciate the
visit dear friend
hope you are read more
What a lovely offering to read. The beauty of love portrayed as more than Valentine hearts and chubby cherubs shooting arrows and blowing kisses. Young love might think it's full of fire and passion but there's nothing so hot as the bed of embers after the flames die away. Young love might think it's full of passion but it's really full of uncertainty and fear. While older love is like fine wine, getting better all the time or a comfortable pair of jeans that can't be replaced, no matter how threadbare they may seem. Older love has comfort and security and peace and a love of the familiar. Many's the time I would have traded all the Yankee Know-How in my lovers for a bit of Southern comfort. But living with your best friend and soul mate and sharing your name and life with them has to be the best. I know it is for me. :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thanks Fabian
for your thoughts
and insightful review
finding your soulmate read more
This is a love poem. One with a difference because it's not slushy, mushy love. It's real love which takes on board the imperfections as well as the good points. It's love that comes over time and experience of being together and knowing each other so well. I loved this poem Fran Marie. It's my cuppa tea.


Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

I'll drink to that
Tea that is :)
no slushy mushy
stuff here ..haha
than.. read more
aww, this is such a wonderful sweet write. Nicely written and expressed

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

thanks Chosen K
glad you liked it😊

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17 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 2, 2020
Last Updated on September 23, 2020


  Fran Marie
Fran Marie

Paris, KY

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A Poem by Fran Marie

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