Step into my lightness
amid angel's wings to fly
into a blinding brightness
Behold! heaven's crystal sky
Where yon spirit awaits your mortal soul
and earthly pain and sorrow cease to exist
Rejoice in love and light which consoles
rise to illumination,you cannot resist
Step into a golden realm
no misfortunes shall you reap
ascending to a glorious calm
envied by sinners who weep
When God's hand takes you up
peace and comfort shall suffice
Grace in abundance filleth your cup
Saved by the blood of Christ~He paid the price
Step into contentment of the day
'pon soothing streams of eternal waters glow
walk fearlessly in green pastures in coolness stay
washed, the spirit is refreshed to live and grow
Come try the wings of an angel, if you choose
where night is not,'tis only day
Wecome to my Angel's view
The brightest lght,the truth,the way