Sininster shapes shall cast shadows of doom
Clusters of corpses crowd corners
A most gory sight of gloom
Grotesque ghosts grin
with sullen grim faces
While vampires savor life's blood
in dark secret places
Werewolves reap destruction
beneath a dreary demon moon
and the unholy dead celebrate resurrection
as their grey zombie bodies
walk to satan's evil tune
Skeletons reach out with fleshless fingers to grab
and the unsavory creature lurkingly lingers
'til all the delights of horror have been had
Wild wicked winds whip the night's air
with the stench of decay
and everywhere eyes stalkingly stare
Okay Fran you've unloaded with the heavy artillary. This is a fantastic, fun, creep show quality little diddy. I really really like this one and will be adding it to my favorites. I've read all your more recent pieces so I can only assume this one was burried back in Frannies archives. What else you got burried back there?
Hey what did I tell you about reading my dreams. LOL This is a great image packed piece. I loved the wonderful descriptives that you used to paint this wonderful vision of Halloween night. I really thought you captured the spooky nature of the night.