

A Chapter by Foxres

Winter of the Fairy Witch
      chapter one part two
             ah school, how I hated it. The only good part was Brad, he was the blond hottie I sat next to in class, he completely ignores my existence but I still want him. His brown eyes could make my heart melt in an instant. Yup Brad was the one I was saving my virginity for because one day i'm gonna find him alone and drunk at a party... if you know what I mean. I began to let my mind wander off in all directions at the thought of me being with brad. He was your not so typical blond jock so I at least had SOME chance. Also as rumors had it he has done almost every girl in school (but its probably not true).
      "ummm so how long are you going to stare at me like that?" I was jerked back into reality as I started to panic. Brad had caught me looking at him.
      "oh um sorry there is something in your hair and its bugging me" oh wow is that really ALL I could come up with. I felt stupid but then a wonderful idea popped into my head that would give me the chance to talk to him a little more AND touch his hair.
      "here let me get it for you..." I reached over and plucked the imaginary item out of his hair then smoothed his hair down again. It was so soft and shiny.
      "umm thanks I guess" Brad combed through his hair with his fingers. Alex snorted and turned to glare at Brad and fortunately brad was already doing his school work again. He looked up and looked at me again, my heart raced as he began to smile.
      "your name is Christina right?" OH MY GOD!!!! he actually knew my name. My heart did a back flip as I nodded. He smiled again ad he wrote something down on a piece of paper. And handed it to me.
      "call me later so we can talk about something." I took the paper and looked down at the phone number scribbled on the paper. I thought I was going to faint. I heard a low faint rumble from the desk being me. I turned to look at Alex. HE WAS PISSED. I could see it all over his face, him and brad never got along ever since something happened in the 8th grade. He was looking at me like he was going to kill me. His green eyes flashed dangerously. He turned to look out the window, the last thing he wanted was to look at me. I looked back down at the piece of paper then crammed it into my pocket.
      "MISS CHRISTINA ANNE PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE" my named wailed over the school intercom. Why in the world did they need me in the office? Did I do something to get a referral or something?.  I got up from my desk and began to trek towards the office. I stopped in front of the door and grabbed the door handle but stopped to listen.
      "ya i'm her brother she hasn't been feeling well lately so I came to pick her up." whoever that was his voice told me he was lieng.
      "OK sir may I have your name and age? I need it to make sure your eligible to take her."
      "um my name is Robin and I'm..." he paused "im nineteen "
      "OK let me check our data here... ah there you are... it seams you are the only one on her list?"
      "yeah i'm her legal guardian... our mother died."
      I opened the door wondering who in the world this guy was talking about. I knew instantly he was a fey his bright red hair and light blue eyes gave him away. I couldn't see his ears but I could tell just by the way he was standing that he was from the summer realm But I had to admit was was RALLY good looking. He had on a pure black shirt and camo cargo pants. There was a large scar that went half way across his neck and I wondered how he got it. Fey most the time heal their wounds before they can scar. He looked like your average teen bad boy. He had a look that mixed between f**k with me and ill kill you and trouble maker.
      "well princesses your comein?" his eyes told me that if I didnt say yes I would regret it later.
      "um yeah let me get my things" I picked up my bags and began to follow him out the door. He pulled a set oaf car keys out of his pocket.
      "um why do you have a car?? fey don't drive" he laughed and looked at me. The look he gave made me want to melt. His eyes had to be the prettiest I had ever seen.
      "so whats your real name?" I looked at him intently if I was going to be kidnapped by fey then I sure as hell wanted to know the name of my kidnaper.
      "i know your heard what I said you where at the door the entire time." we walked up to a black mustang with white racing stripes. Yeah he was fey AND he had a nice car..... who was this guy anyway and why did he come and get me.
      "so your name really is Robin?" he nodded and cracked a smile.
      "but I do have a nickname... if you can figure it out then kudos to you" he grinned and opened the door for me. So he was playing games with me huh... oh how I hated when people played mind games with me. We got into the car and I looked at him.
      "is it a*****e?" he laughed
      "no but I did change someone into an a*s once." I looked at him... oh god NO WAY!!! could this extremely attractive boy be...no there was no way. Puck was in Shakespeare's play he should be dead.... I thought Azure was kidding when he talked about puck. I decided I would go out on a limb
      "puck?..." he looked over at me.
      "was that a question... or a statement oh and don't look so disappointed because i'm not middle aged and bald..." Oh wow I WAS NOT disappointed I was so shocked I could have turned into stone...
      "but only royalty can keep themselves from aging...you should be dead anyway."
      "i didn't have a choice in the matter lets just say that." he sighed and turned the corner. He parked under a tree next to an abandoned train track. A red flag shot up in my head... a boy and a girl ALONE in a place where no ones goes. I was getting nervous.
      "relax babe were here to get something i'm not going to do anything to you... unless of course you want me to..." he grinned again and I was halfway tempted to say yes...
      "not even in your dreams puck..." I smiled back at him with a sort of slyness to it. He got out of the car and walked to the tracks. I took note of how tall he was. He was maby around six feet. He was like an entire foot taller than me. He picked something shiny up and walked back over to the car and got in.
      "what is that." I looked at the object. It was a blue ring, the stone was the same color as the boys eyes.
      "youll find out later" he was apparently not the most conversational person in the world.
      "so what do you want me to call you, Robin or puck?" he paused a bit as if he was contemplating what he wanted.
      "i don't know, whatever floats your boat generally people don't ask me what I want." he started the car again.
      "and how is it you have a black mustang when you are not even from the human realm?" he laughed again and looked over at me with those eyes.
      "lets just say I wasn't kidding when I said I was your legal guardian just more in a fey sort of way ..." he backed the car up and got back on the paved street. I looked at him like he just grew two heads.
      "what do you mean????" there was a slightly scared tone in my voice.
      "i have been protecting you since you turned 15 a d it was my job to make sure you never saw me." ok now I was confused. "and now its my job to drag your a*s to the summer realm, and don't fight me princess you wont like the outcome... oh and my brother wanted me to do something to you I wasn't going to because what he wanted me to do to you was a bit extreme but if your a good girl I wont."
      "one question oh and stop calling me princess..." he turned on the radio and numb by linkin park began to play. He tapped his finger on the steering wheel
      "well you gonna ask or what?" he turned a corner onto a dirt road...
      "why summer... I mean i'm related to the king of spring right?" he stayed quiet for about two minutes.
      "guess you'll just have to find out when we get there." he smirked and I growled
      "im not going...." his smile widened.
      "oh really now? I don't think you want to get into a power struggle with me baby you will regret it." the look on his face looked down right... evil.
      "and what are YOU going to do about stopping me?" I tried to look intimidating. He slammed on the brakes and looked at me.
      "i was hoping you would say that" he got out of the car and waled over to my side and opened the door.
      "lets play a game... I will give you half an hour to hide somewhere in this forest and after that half an hour is up I will look for you and if I cant find you and give up then you win and you will never have to see me again.... BUT if I do find you and I win.... then you become my little slave for the rest of your life and you have to make a blood promise for it...... you do know what that is don't you?" of course I did it was what a master and servant did in the fey world to be sure the servant did not run away. No matter what they did they could not disobey either.
      "so if you cant find me I win and you go away?" he nodded.
      "question is do you want to risk it.... i'm not they kind if guy who would go easy on you just letting you know... but I do take good care of my pets." he got the same down right evil smirk he did before.
      "ill risk it." he looked like he was amused.
      "you have half an hour.... now run" and with that I ran into the woods. I ran past a waterfall and slid behind it. There was a cave with four tunnels. Perfect! Puck would never find me here. I waled into one of the tunnels and sat down waiting for the time to be up. I pulled out the slip of paper and my cell phone. I dialed the number on it and waited. When he didn't answer I put down the phone disappointed.
       "dont worry my queen I will get the boy for you.... all I need is the right time...." the hooded figure bowed before the block of ice. Her face caught in a frozen scream her arms reaching out to an enemy that was long since gone. "yes my queen I have gotten all I need to free you we will be together once more in due time." the figure placed a hand on the shoulder of the frozen ice. He leaned in and kissed the screaming figure on the neck. The coldness of the frozen woman made his lips turn blue and his hand was chapped...... then the figure walked out of the room with one final bow to the frozen woman.

      Ok now was the moment of truth it had been half and hour and all I needed was for puck to give up. I waited patiently. Feeling a bit drowsy I layed my head down on a rock. There was no way he was going to find me here so why not fall asleep to kill some time. Then I drifted off to sleep.....
       Soooo how was that plz plz plz tell meh cuz I still have no idea if i'm doing a good job

© 2011 Foxres

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Oh my goodness. I think I'm in love with this story! Hehe. Just work a little on the grammar, and you'd get a 95.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 15, 2011
Last Updated on August 15, 2011



joplin, MO

im insane and a romance junky :3 check out my deviant art account for pics of my charters, bios, and story updates because they are sure to be there before they are here :D user is Foxress more..

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A Chapter by Foxres

I lost the game I lost the game

A Chapter by Foxres