Azure you made a mess

Azure you made a mess

A Chapter by Foxres

   Winter of the Fairy Witch
      Chapter one part one
        Ah so you decided to read about the witch did you? Don't say i didn't warn you.... so how do you want to begin..... At the beginning you say? Are you sure about that? Well then my sweet angel we will start with when the realms still stood unfrozen and time was not a fading essence and the clock of life still ticked.......
      "AZURE GET YOUR FAIRY BUTT BACK HERE!" I chased my half brother down the hall. His thick brown hair covered his face making him look like a wild animal. His shirtlessness didn't help the fact that he looked the part of a cave mans son. He jumped over the couch as i tried to corner him causing it to tip over and break the glass table it was next to. The glass littered the floor causing the surface of the tile to have a glittery look about it.
      "I DONT WANNA GO BACK!" The ten year old screeched and ran up the red carpeted stairs and into my  not so girly bedroom. He dove under the bed as he conjured up a whirlwind of new bright green leaf sprouts. I moaned thinking of how long it took me to clean up the spring princes mess the LAST time he hid in the human realm. He never dosent break something or dosent make a mess of things.  He comes to hide from the king of summer knowing that he will be punished for something he did to screw up the spring. He tends to misuse his powers so to speak, Once he even put gummy bears as a substitute for cherry blossoms. Of course i was the ONLY human that saw the indecent considering im the ONLY human that has fey blood coursing threw my veins.... (bummer i know).  But i have to live with it whether i like it or not.
      " Princess PLEASE get the....."
      "DONT CALL ME PRINCESS DAMNIT!" i snapped at an unsuspecting browny who had no form of common sense. The last thing you want to do is call me princess. I may be half fey but im sure as hell not the freeking princess of girly little fairy people who s**t glitter and puke roses..... well actualy that dosent happen but you get my point right? I mean come on i listen to punk rock and am always whering some form of black, Yet they still insist on calling me princess... im 99% human due to me never stepping foot in ANY of the fairy relms and i never will ither. You would at least think i would have gotten my point across by now.
      "im s-sory mi-miss" the browny fumbled for words looking as iff he was atacked by wild lion.and in a way he kinda was. I sorta felt sorry for the ugly thing... i mean he was just doing his job trying to get Azure back to the spring relm and all. Azure suddenly sneezed and the pile of neon green leaves shook and some of the sprouts shifted to other places. I lauged as i walked to the pile of leaf sprouts that USED to be my full sized bed and yanked the not so well hidden fey out from under it. The suprissed  boy cried out and tryed to pull himself back under the bed. I pulled him out again and flicked him on the forehead. He growled at me and tryed to give me the same look you would give someone right before you carved thir heart out and fed it to a shark. He got on top of my bed and did some sort of funky robin hood pose. He ponted at me and snickerd.
      "MY KING OBERON SAID THAT I COULD MAKE PUCK DO WHATEVER I WANTED AND IM GONNA MAKE HIM BEAT YOU UP IF YOU DONT STOP!" I burst out into a gut busting laugh at the sorry attempt to thretten me.
      "i would like to see that fat old bald troubble maker try!" of corse ive never even seen puck before but i was sure he was at least bald and ugly as sin after how Azure describbed him.... i sure as hell wasent impressed.  I pulled him down and dusted the small boy off. He pouted and crossed his arms. I pointed to the front door and he mutterd under his breath. He slinked over closer to my bed again so i grabbed one of his pointed ears and pulled him along. The browny tryed to keep up as i drug the spring prince to the front door. He grabbed the door frame and helf on as tight as his little pale hands could posibaly hold. I bent down next to him and looked into his golden eyes.
      "your a prince Azure you need to go back its almost spring ang your people need you, dont worry im sure uncle Oberon will help you out... he is dads brother after all." i pated the boy on the head then got up and pushed him twards the woods. He shook his head and held onto my arm wimpering. I atempted to shake him off but failed. The browny gave up snached up his hand and began to trot out the door towards the dense woods.
      "i really am sending puck after you tho" Azure mutterd.
      "ok ok ok if i see a fat bald guy ill be sure to say hello now get out the door" i pointed twards the dense woods behind my house where to my own discust and horror spotted my brothers ride.
      "oh dear god you poor boy they sent a unicorn." DO NOT belive ANYTHING they say about unicorns they are vicous and blood thirsty and will eat anything thats not a virgin. Of corse i am still a virgin..... well i think i still am  mean come on we got close buth nothng actualy like uh....happend.  Still wasent gong to rist getiing close to the pure white monster with a bone sticking out of its hary forehead. I wached my brother closely as he trotted up to the ugly horned animal. It hissed at him but bent down obidiently to let him on. I waved at him and blew him a kiss. His eyes widdend as he tryed to avoid the imaganary kiss. He disapeard along with the browny and the unicorn with one final wave. I felt a tinge of regret at making him leave as fast as i did. I turned and headed twards the broom closit to find my handheld vacume cleaner. There was one hell of a mess in my room and i needed to clean it up ASAP. I turned to look at the clock and nearly had a heart attack.
      "OH MY GOD ITS MONDAY IM GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" i ran up the stairs and turned the conner to the bathroom only to hit the puke green carpet and slide across the checkard tile landing face first into the tub. I crawled out of the tub with a moan. I held my throbbing nose and looked in the mirror. Good there wasnt any blood. I searched the counter top for my hair brush and after finding nothing I yanked the drawr open i spotted the brush and pulled out my black spider print hair brush and began wipping it through my brown mess as fast as i could. I searched the mirror for any sign of improvement but found none. The lions main i called my hair laughed in my face at my sorry attempt to brush it. The only thing i saw was my own reflection. I hated it. The only part of me being a human fairy tale that i would have actualy liked is most fey  ... but not all (puck) where beautiful. But i have to admit there where some pretty dam ugly fey out there. I put the brush down and looked hard into the mirror looking strait into my own eyes. I tryed to imagine my self as a full blown fey with skin so lightly colord it glowed and eyes that had a shimer to them. I thought of my little brother and how i took him to the mall with me one day and 5 girls made him take a picture with him. I had to admit he would grow up to be quite the looker. At least the girls didnt noteace his ears where pointed.
      "trying the crack the mirror?" i sighed and looked at the reflection of my best friend alex in the mirror. He had his hands in his pockets looking at me intenetly with the "what the hell are you even thinking of" face he gets when he is around me. His sky blue eyes had that blank look to them again. It probebly ment hs mom was drunk again. He only came to my house this early in the morning to get away from his own crack adict family. His strat blond hair shadowed his eyes but i still knew something was up.
      "come on babe if we dont get goin were gonna be late" i growled at him and turned around.  HATED when he called me babe. It was almost as bad as the fey calling me princess.
      "what would you have done if i was naked? How many times do i have to tell you to knock" i stomped past him and went towards my bedroom. He winced as i brushed past his arm and a red flag shot up in my head. I stopped for a bit and began to reach for his arm but he stepped past me and stopped in my doorway.
      "A if you where naked i wouldn't have said anything and just stared at you tp enjoy the view and B Chrissy??? where the f**k did all the leaves come from?" he stepped into my room and looked around hands still in his pockets.
      "dont ask questions you dont want to know the answers to" I picked up my school bag and began to make my way down the stairs.....
      "is there something you request my queen?" A hooded figure steps out of the shadows and bows to the ice sculpture in front of him. "no? Are you sure my queen?......." he slinks ever closer to the cold menicing ice hands that reach out forever locked in the cold embrace of the winter relm. "the boy? Of spring?.... if that is wat you wish my dearest queen....." and without saying a word he vanishes leaving the cursed ice alone once more......

      "PUCCCKKKK!!!!!!!!" Azure raced down the hall screaming the summer feys name as he went. He raced into the thrown room and looked around. Seeing no Puck or Oberon the spring fey ran tawrds the king of the summer feys room. He turned the corner and halfway slid down the moss coverd halls racing twards his uncles door. He turned the corner to the room only to find himself with his nose between queen Titinas large breasts.
      "my goodness Azure where is the fire?" he peeked up from over the mounds and tryed to look as innocent as he could. Of core Titania had a soft spot for children so it worked 100% of the time.
      "miss queen... where is puck i need him pretty pretty pwease"  Titania patted the boy on the head
      "he will be back soon dont worry, he went out to cause troubble again" Azure looked up disapointed.
      "can you tell him to come and see me when he gets back pretty pretty please?"she nodded and the boy smiled at him. He pushed himself away from the summer queen and glded back down the hallway.
      "ah was he looking for meee? Puck enterd through the window and plopped down on the bed turnng the sheets into a rinkled mess.
      "yes actualy he was and puck get OFF!!!" the summer fey frowned and pulled himself off the bed. He trotted to the doorway and down the hall to greet the spring prince.
      "oy!!!! spring boy did ya want me?" Azure turned around and smiled at the summer fey.
      "yes i want you to do something for me" the prince smiled agan.
      "and what would that be kid?" puck looked amused.
      "i want you to bully my sister for a whole week!" Azure clapped and jumped up and down excited.
      "eh i need something to mess wth anyway.... consider it done kid" and with that puck disolved from sight.
       ok so i have like no idea if that was even good or not but its the first part of chapter one i tend to right in short bursts so doing chapters in parts are the best way to go for me it means faster updates for you all...... anyway tell me hoe i did what i need to improve on and if it flat out sucked go ahead and say it. Lol and dont laugh i got the summer sprng winter and fall thing from eh huhm.... tinkerbell

© 2011 Foxres

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Just work a little with spell check. Other than that, I completely adore it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 15, 2011
Last Updated on August 15, 2011



joplin, MO

im insane and a romance junky :3 check out my deviant art account for pics of my charters, bios, and story updates because they are sure to be there before they are here :D user is Foxress more..

Intro Intro

A Chapter by Foxres

Puck Puck

A Chapter by Foxres

I lost the game I lost the game

A Chapter by Foxres