It was really interesting. Believe it or not, I like to read this type of writing a lot. It's like you are reading a short scene with two characters, and they behave funny.
This poem is very intense...though provoking and well written.
The contrast between both, the scholar and the saint is shown in a very philosophical manner.
Both were good friends-- This line adds a lot to this poem.
One can conclude a lot from your poem.
What I concluded is that we all have our difference...race, color, cast, geographical differences but we can live together just like these both did. For peace one needs to understand other's feeling too. If one thinks of only himself then peace vanishes away. Whatever our aims are, we should respect each other when it matters most and try our best to help them when they need us.
I'll be looking forward to read your other writings as your writings help me explore new aspects of life.
Stay blessed
Damn. I wish I could pay back the great effort you put into my review.
But honestly I don't know enough about poetry. I wish I did.
So I'll just go by hunches and instincts.
There's something very sweet in this.
They disagree, they have a conflict, yet they are still friends.
I wish the world was like this. My reality is that of conflict. Stories like yours give me hope. Well, Poems.