The Problem With Overly Protective Mothers

The Problem With Overly Protective Mothers

A Chapter by world gone mad

I just stood there with my mouth open and stared at the door. Sam laughed and i came to my senses.

"Come on wonder mouth and close your mouth before you have a nest of bugs in it," Sam smiled. I closed my mouth and followed him out into the graveyard. It was late evening but I didn't know what day it was.

"Sam do you think my mom is okay?"

"Of course!" I hated how happy he was being. It was like he didn't know how badly I was worried. I was thinking to hard because I didn't notice when Sam stopped walking.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"SHHH," he waved. We were quite and I heard it. A low growle coming from behind me. I turned slowly and...

"AAAHHHH!!" I screamed. Because right in front of me there was a beast with large pointy teeth and bloodshot eyes.

"RUN!" Sam yelled. We started to run and he, or an it, chased after us. We ran past gravestone after gravestone but that thing was still behind us.

"WHERE"S THE GATE!!" I yelled to Sam. He looked behind him then back at me.


When he said that I groaned. I don't remeber much after that but I do remember that last scream and roar. Either the scream was from me or Sam but it was horrible. Like it was being murderd.



"Tristan, wake up,"

"Nnng, Sam," I groaned as I began to open my eyes.

"No baby its mom," I finaly had my eyes open all the way and I saw her face. Her pretty but worried face. She smiled at me and gave me a drink of water.

"Where's Sam?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"You mean that boy that carried you here," she said, "he's sleeping on the couch."

I got up and looked over my moms shoulder and saw Sam sleeping. He had some scratches and bruises but other than that he seemed okay.

"What happened last night?" I asked my mom.

"I was upstairs in your room worried to death that you were hurt some where then I heard a knock on the door and I answerd it," she sighed " when i saw you unconscious in Sam's arms I was so worried."

"Well I'm here now and I'm safe," I sighed, " but I won't be able to stay."

Mom looked at me with surprise.

"What do you mean you can't stay?"

i looked at her with a sad expression. I didn't want to break her heart. She is my hero and now i was leaving her in the dark alone and with the evil basterd i call dad.I didnt want to leave her but i got caught up with all this weirdness that i figured i should stay away from her for a while. To keep her safe. And after last night I learned that I made the right choice as to not stay here. Who knows if that thing could come back and what if I was here and it killed my mom... but I couldn't think about that. I had to stay positive or I would break down and cry in front of her. I didn't want to worry her any more that she is.

"I just need to help Sam and a couple more people.." I started to mumble.

"You mean the Counclil of Evolution," she said. I was surprised when she said this and it must have shown because my mom smiled.

"Yes I know about the Council of Evolution," she sighed, " your grandfather was in the Council before he died. He was an honored member." She said this with a sad but happy expression on her face. I felt tears coming but i held them back.

"Mom I'm sorry I fight with Dad and I'm sorry I make you cry,"

"Oh baby you never make me cry," Mom pulled me into her arms and squeezed me. I will miss her bear hugs.

"You and Sam better stay here for a little while to rest before you head back."


"Yes dear,"

"I'm happy to be your son." I said finally letting go of all the tears. The sadness that i was battling to keep at bay came surging through me. I wouldn't be able to see my mom and hug her again. I would have to be with the Council like my grandfather before me. I didn't want that but I guess I don't have a choice. And last night proved it. like I said I don't want any of my loved ones to get hurt.

"Honey I'm going to get you a cup of tea and we can talk while we wait for Sam to wake up." Mom said as she got up off of the couch. I watched her go into the kitchen around the corner and I got off the couch to wake Sam up.

"Sam you need to wake up," I said as I shook Sam's shoulder.

"Just a couple more minutes." He mumbled. I sighed and thought YOU MADE ME DO THIS as I jumped on Sam. He woke up with a gasp.

"What was that for," he wheezed. I smiled at him.

"We have to go before....."

"Tea is ready," Mom said as she came in with two mugs of tea "and I see our guest has woken."  I was about to say we have to go before my mom comes back but it was to late. I had to drink my tea and listin while Sam told her more of our little adventure. I didn't want to see my Moms face when I tell her that we have to leave.

"And then Tristan passed out so I had to carry him to the door," Sam explained. Mom looked at me and then Sam and back again.

"How did you excape," Mom wondered, " No one can run away from that thing."

"And what exactly is that thing" I asked.

"Its a horrible creature with no heart." Sam said. Mom nodded and looked me right in the eye.

"Don't let it touch you or it will steal your heart right from you with no regrets."

"You mean rip it out of me?" I asked. She nodded. And we escaped this creature with only miner scars? I was impressed.

"Dont get cocky," Sam said with a smile.

"Did you just.."

"Read your mind, yes" He laughed as I blushed from embarresment.




© 2011 world gone mad

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Added on June 28, 2010
Last Updated on April 28, 2011


world gone mad
world gone mad

johnson , VT

I love to write! its always been my dream to get one of my stories published and this website might help me to become a better writer so that dream can come true. more..
