Council of Evolution

Council of Evolution

A Chapter by world gone mad


Samuel smiled and said “Okay then, lets go!”

I followed him across the park lawn and into town.

“Where are we going?”

“To the cementary. Thats where the door to the Council is.”

Have you ever been to the cementary at night? Don't. Its really creepy.

You feel like theres some one watching your every move, your every step.

I hated the silence so I broke it by asking a few questions that I wanted answered.

“Whats the Council of Evolution?”

“Its a place for all talented people meet to help others and the town around us.”

“You mean, like a super hero?”

Sam laughed and stopped “Yes like a hero”

“So how long have you been in the Council?”

“All of these questions will be answered when we get inside.”

“You mean we're here?”

“Yes, but you have to close your eyes and take my hand because only council members

can see the entrance.”

So I took Sam's hand and let him lead me to the door. I really wanted to see where I was

going but I was afraid that if I did then I probably would have my eyes gouged out.

“We're here now, you may open your eyes.”

When I opened my eyes I was amazed at what I saw. There was a lot, and I mean a lot,

of gold and a lot of people. A lot of weird looking people that is. Sam took me to the

nearest member of the Council and introduced us.

“Tristan this is Mr.Green and he is the oldest member of the Council.”

Mr.Green shook my hand and smiled.

“Well hello young Norrowmore. Did you know that your ....”

“Umm, Tristan lets meet the others and then I'll take you to see the head of the Council.”

Sam broke in. Then he took my hand and dragged me toward the next person. Her name

was Mrs.Porter and she was forty years old. The next one was Samuel's twin brother

Octavius. He was very different from his brother. He was very into black and Sam was

into white. It was like they were light and dark. Evil and good.

“Sam what else are we doing?” I asked as I followed Sam over to the head table.

“I'm taking you to see Hector the head of the Council of Evolution.” He said. Sam was

very into introducing me to the Council members. I tried to be excited like my new

friend but it was hard. When we got to the table I saw a very young looking man. He looked

about the same age as my mom and dad. He had black hair and blue eyes like I do. I look

more like him than I do my dad. Which was weird considering that I've never met the guy.

“Well Samuel welcome back.” Hector chuckled.

“Thank you and I have brought Tristan sir.”

Hector looked at me with the same curiosity Sam had when he met me. I felt my cheeks

burning and I tried to stay calm.

“Well young Tristan nice to see you, “ Hector smiled. I suddenly became very shy in front

of this man. He was the nicest grown up I've been around other than my mom and Garrets

parents. Sam went over to Hector and whispered in his ear and Hector nodded.

“Sam tells me that you might have a special power.”

“I don't know sir,” I mumbled. Hector and Sam looked at each other. Just briefly but I noticed.

That was when Hector stood up and beckoned for Sam and I to follow him behind the table.

“Come,boys, follow me into my office,” He said. So Sam and I followed him into his office

behind the table in a hidden doorway. The next scene was also awe inspiring . A huge oak

desk stood in the middle of the room and a chandelier was hanging above it. Hector went over

to his desk and sat in a comfortable looking desk chair. Sam went to sit on the couch in the

corner of the room and I followed.

“Samuel will you go get the bottle of cider from Mr.Green's room?”

“Yes sir,” Sam said as he jumped off of the couch. It was already to late to notice that I was

alone with Hector. I was trembling and very shy at this point. I don't know why that I was

so shy around this man but he had that affect on me.

“So Tristan, will you tell me what you have been feeling for the past month.”

“Umm, a little weird,” I mumbled. Hector nodded his head and looked at his hands. I wanted

to go find Sam but I was tired and my eyes were getting droopy. And I was about to fall

asleep but that was when I heard Sam gasp and Hector lose breath.

“Whats happening to him sir?” Sam whined. Sam must've been in the room when I fell


“I don't think I'm right but I think Tristan has gotten his power,” Hector said proudly. That

was when I woke up fully and found that there were two of me and that I was floating to the

ceiling. That was when I panicked and I fell back down onto the couch and onto my other


“OW that hurt!” We both said. Then I looked at me and gasped. What was happening to me?

That was when I , meaning the real me, fainted.

“Oooops guess that didn't go well,” Tristan two said. Sam and Hector came over to the real

me and Hector picked me up and brought me over to the infirmary and Tristan two looked at

Hector and Sam.

“Whats going on?”

“It seems like the real Tristan has grown into his full power.” Hector explained. Sam looked

down into Tristan's face.

“He looks so pale.”

“Thats because it was his first time using his full power and that can drain you.”

“It didn't with me,” Sam said. Hector laughed and looked at Sam.

“Um I think I remember a young Sam and Octavius falling asleep in the middle of a speech.”

“That was because we didn't get much sleep,” Sam said defensively.

“Mmm... what happened,” I groaned.

“He's awake!” Sam yelled. Tristan two walked over to me and was sucked back into my own

body. That made me want to retch but I was just to weak to heave my lunch. Hector smiled

and stared down at me.

“You fell asleep while I was explaining what The Council of Evolution does.”

I was so confused and weirded out by all of this. I just wanted to go back home and sleep

in my own bed but it was to late because I didn't know the way back home. My brain was all

foggy and I was still sleepy.

“Could I just go to bed if theres a room with a bed in it that doesn't smell like rubbing alcohol.”

“Sure, you'll need the rest we have a lot to do tomorrow,” Hector explained. Sam and Hector

help me out off of the lumpy infirmary bed and down the hall to a room with two beds. They

helped me onto the bed and when my head hit the pillow I was instantly asleep.

“You should probably sleep in here with him tonight just in case this happens again,” Hector

told Sam and Sam nodded.

The next morning I woke up in an unfamiliar place and in an unfamiliar bed. When I got up

off the bed I saw Sam on the other side of the room snoring on the other bed.

“Uggg.. I have a huge headache.”

“Me too.”

I jumped and turned toward the voice. It was another me! Tristan two was looking out the

window and rubbing his temples. I walked over to him and looked Tristan two up and down.

He was like my twin. We had the same hair, eyes, and were the same height. I was totally

freaking out. What was going on here? It was like an episode of The Twilight Zone, Garrets

favorite show.

“Who are you?” I asked dumbly.

“Thats a dumb question but I'll answer anyway. I'm you! Duh!”

Sam mumbled and shifted to his back. Tristan two and I looked at him.

“Maybe we should go exploring,” Tristan two suggested. I nodded and we walked out of the

room and into the long hallway. I was amazed at how big this place seemed to be. I mean I've

never seen this place in the cementary. It was huge! We turned a corner and saw a wooden

door with a weird engraving on it in a weird language.

“I think thats an old language. Either Latin or Russian,” Tristan two said. Wow Tristan two was

smart. I've never heard of Latin or Russian. But hey like I said I'm thirteen I don't know

anything. I went to open the door but Tristan two stopped me. I looked at him and he shook his


“It might be booby trapped,” he whispered.

“I doubt it,” I said.

“Fine don't say I didn't warn you,” he mumbled. I took a step toward the door and turned the knob.

Nothing happened. No poof or boom. But the door did creak loudly and we froze in fear. What

if someone heard it and we or I , got in trouble. But no one came running toward the creaking

sound so Tristan two and I went through the door and found a room with no windows and the

walls were concrete.

“This looks like a prison cell,” I whispered. I went in a little bit farther and Tristan two leaned

against the wall. All of a sudden he jumped and the wall spun halfway to reveal a hidden


“I wounder where this leads to?” I wondered out loud.

“I don't know lets find out.” So I followed Tristan two and turned a corner to reveal another

passage. So I opened the door and ....

“Mr.Norrowmore what are you doing in here,” Hector asked “shouldn't you be in bed and Tristan

two nice to see you again.”

“Umm we just wanted to explore,” I mumbled.

“Well why don't you come with me, and Tristan two why don't you go get Sam.”

“Yes sir.” Tristan two said. But as he was leaving I got dizzy and before I knew it I was in Hector's


“Whoa, you okay Tristan?”

“I don't think I'm supposed to be far from Tristan two,” I groaned. Hector helped me into a chair and

ran out of the room to get Sam and Tristan two. It felt like a huge part of me was missing. And its

not a good feeling. Trust me. Then the dizziness was going away and I could hear Sam running

down the hallway practically dragging Tristan two along in his wake. Then that emptiness went

away and Sam flung Tristan two into the room and he landed right beside me.

“Why did you sneak out of the room,” Sam whined “I was freaking out!”

“Sorry,” we both said.

Sam sighed and dropped into a chair.

“Tristan two I think you should return to Tristan,” Hector said. So Tristan two got up from

the floor and walked in front of me and leaned forward then was sucked into my body. I

then started to vomit. I know, gross right. Well anyway Hector and Sam came over to me

and started to pound my back.

“Is he going to do that every time Tristan two enters back into his body?” Sam asked.

“Ugg.. I hate when that happens,” I grunted. Hector just smiled at me and Sam walked over to the

door and closed it.

“Tristan, do you now where you got your power from?” Hector asked. I just shook my head, to

sick to answer.

“You got it from your past life,” was all Hector said. Sam stood up and was talking to himself.

“Does he always do that?” I whispered to Hector. He just smiled and looked toward Sam.

Sam was walking back and forth muttering to himself.

“Is Octavius sending you any messages?” Hector asked. Sam stopped walking and nodded.

“What is he saying?” Hector asked.

“Theres trouble,” Sam said seriously. I could feel the gravity of the situation. Hector and Sam

were serious so I felt like I had to be too even though I didn't know what was going on. It was

eerily quiet.

“What kind of trouble?” I asked breaking the odd silence. Hector and Sam just kept staring

at each other and I had to cough to get their attention.

“What kind of trouble?” I asked again. Sam let out a huge sigh and looked at me.

“It looks like your disappearance was discovered and now the police are looking for you,” he said

dryly. I was worried about what my mom was going through now that she thought that her only

son dropped off the face of the earth. I jumped up off the chair and ran toward the door but

before I could get the door opened I froze in mid step. I couldn't move and I didn't know why.

But then Hector came over to me with his hand on a marble that looked like an ice cube. Then I

put two and two together and found out who was keeping me in place.

“Sorry about that Tristan, but we don't want you worrying to much,” Hector sighed. Sam's eyes

were wide and looking at Hectors back. I was totally freaking out on the inside that I felt

some thing weird in the pit of my stomach. I tried to talk but no words were coming.

“But sir his mother should know where he is so she doesn't do anything drastic,” Sam said in

a whisper. Hector nodded then put the marble ice cube back in his pocket and instantly I was

able to move again.

“So can I go to my mom?” I asked after an awkward silence. Hector nodded.

“Sure you can,” Sam said. Hector moved toward the door and looked at Sam and me.

“As long as Sam comes with you,”

“Okay,” I sighed. I really didn't want Sam to tag along but I had to do as Hector said so Sam

showed me the way out of the council building and it was awesome. The walls were real gold

and the floor was covered in an elaborate carpet. This place looks more like a castle than a secret

head quarters.

“Sam, how long have you been here,” I asked.

“Not that long,” he said, “like maybe a couple years.” he sounded sad as he told me this and I got

the feeling he was holding back information. I studied his face and I could see that Sam was

worried. About what I didn't know, but I could tell he was worried about something.

As we came to a door it didn't look as elaborate as the other doors so I suspected it was the way

out. When Sam stopped in front of it I was expecting him turn the handle but he said

something in a weird language then the door banged open.

"You coming?" Sam asked.

© 2010 world gone mad

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Added on June 24, 2010
Last Updated on June 28, 2010


world gone mad
world gone mad

johnson , VT

I love to write! its always been my dream to get one of my stories published and this website might help me to become a better writer so that dream can come true. more..
