The secret discoverd

The secret discoverd

A Story by world gone mad

this story doesn't really have a title. i just started writing it when i was finished with my homework.




     Hello my name is... well I don't know what my name is. But people call me Phillip.

     I'm ten years old and I just figured something very important that could change   my

     life forever. It's supposed to stay secret but I took a very dangerous risk of getting

      in trouble with the Elders by telling you this tale. So please promise me you won't

     tell anybody. Cause if you do you better sleep with one eye open. But even that

      might not save you. Heed my warning and be careful of what you speak.



               Chapter one

               the discovery



          It was a cold and rainy night when Aria was risking her life for a baby boy.

          Aria knew about the boy and why the Elders wanted him dead. But she

          couldn't allow it. So with great courage she ran with the baby in her

           arms to the nearest orphanage and looked down at him.

           "May hope live on in your soul young one."  Then she put the boy on the

             porch and rang the door bell.  


               10 years later:


             "Phillip time for breakfast!"

             "One minute Ms. Wilson,"  I was up in my room drawing the same picture

              I always draw. I don't know why but it feels like I know her some how

              As if from long ago. But that couldn't be because as long as I've

              lived I've always been here. In the orphanage.

              "Phillip now everyone is waiting for you!"

              "Okay!" So I put my sketch book under my bed and ran to the dinning


             "Were you working on that drawing again?"

             "That's all he ever does!"

             "Shut up," I said as I sat down next to my best friend out of the whole

               orphanage. His name is Nathan and I trust him with my whole life.

             But the two people I can't trust are Emmerson and Quin. They love to

             joke around. And their favorite target was always me. Emmerson is

             thirteen and Quin is twelve. Emmerson is a chunkey thirteen year old.

             He reminds me of a pig that is ready to be slaughtered. While Quin is quite

              the opposite of Emmerson. He is as thin a a stick. As i got ready to eat I

              saw a young girl staring at me. She must be one of the new commers, I

             thought. But there was something odd about her. I mean every thing on

              the outside looked normal. Normal red curly hair, normal nose, and

              normal mouth. But what wasn't normal about this girl were her eyes. They

              looked as if she had cried. Red and puffy.

              "Kids I would like you to welcome our new family member. Maria would

                you please stand up so everyone can see your beutiful face." Ms. Wilson

              announced. Then the girl I saw staring at me stood up. She didn't say

               hello or hi. She just stood up the sat back down again.

                 "I would like you all to be nice to her and show her around."

                 " How about Phillip shows her the place?" Emmerson smirked.

                 "Well Phillip would you be so kind and do that for her?"  Ms. Wilson

                 asked me. I didn't want to say yes but I didn't want to come off as a

                 rude kid and make a complete fool out of myself. So of course I said

                 "Yeah sure follow me,"  She got up and we walked out of the dinning

                 room and

© 2010 world gone mad

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Added on May 26, 2010
Last Updated on May 28, 2010


world gone mad
world gone mad

johnson , VT

I love to write! its always been my dream to get one of my stories published and this website might help me to become a better writer so that dream can come true. more..
