I walked once in the shoes of a man
Who had never seen the sea
Though he himself dreamed of vastness.
Silence was an altercation
He would never dare
And communication was far from his reach.
He lived for fear
And feared to live.
To live was to release
And he did not believe in the sea.
Everlasting was forever never
And Greatness beyond finger tips
Soaked in scars of unknowing redemption.
I looked once through the eyes of a woman
Who had wished the know God
But when hands reached to brush
Tips of heavenly fingers
Unworthy thoughts crept in to
Heads tucked behind knees in prayer.
And the tome she threw at herself
Knocked her to a circle of hell
Not known by even Satan.
I lived once in the mind of a child
Who knew the world.
Silent dreams of never falling rain
Were cupped within the tender hands of
The mother he wanted to know.
Laughter reigned in colorless thoughts
Of a playground somewhere in Gods backyard.
On the sand bridge he knew the Sea
And played with me there in the waters
Waving edges.
He loved with a blindness to even the
Truest faults;
An embodied perfection from
A father who’d never seen the sea
And a mother who wished to
But could never bring herself to know God.