Chapter 2 My Punishment Mission Part I

Chapter 2 My Punishment Mission Part I

A Chapter by ALittleBitOfEverything

I walked to the front of the dorm building, my clan gathering on a round table.
               Clans are numbered and my clan was 41 and contained seven people, eight, including me.
The eldest was Daniel Kheel. Even though all our birthdays were in the same year, his was  early January. Danny had long blonde hair, always in a ponytail. He had a beach tan constantly and peaceful blue eyes, he towered over all of us being 6 ft 5 inches. He was more in control with cross bows and sniper shots, he loved guns almost as much as his girlfriend.
              Then there was Sarah Cotton. She was beautiful and very graceful. But it all vanished when she fights. Her bottom length dark brown hair is straight, shadowy hazel eyes and pouty lips define her facial features. Her coffee coloured skin got everyones attention when she walked into a room. Yet when shes in combat, which is her specialty, her graceful moves soon turn sharp and agile, her eyes that are soft and sweet become fierce and full of power. Her pouty lips that always wears a smile ends up arched, she bears her teeth at attcking demons and could kick a*s for hours. Shes going out with Danny Kheel, and they make a perfect couple since she was 6ft 3 inches.
              Next was Nathan Grund, the highlight of my days... Not. He had face length black hair thats normally fluffy, but recently going out on missions it's always damp from showers or the rain. He was 6ft and lean, muscled, but lean. He always had a grim look on his face, but it bursts into life when he's striking a demon in the heart, his smile could split his face when he's fighting. He was powerful at fighting, he was also a geek about potion making, and climbing. In battle, we'd always see him fighting in a tree with a demon.
               Next along was Amy Hard. She had viking blonde hair that was mid length of her back. She wore it down, mostly, and in battle, it was in a ponytail or plait. She was the sweetest girl in our clan, other than a bubbly me and sarcastic Clair. But Sarah was uptight and stern while Alyson was snobby and bitchy. Amy had gentle green eyes and soft freckles across her face. Her pink lips constantly glossy and an eye catcher for boys. Her skill was pistols, a quick reflex to reload while kicking her opponent to the dirt. She was 5ft 6 inches, but when not on missions, she wore her highest high heels.
              Then Nathan's future girlfriend, Alyson Dames was next. Her long strawberry blonde hair was never crimped or curled, just pencil straight. It bugged me how its always straight. Her blue eyes glued to having one emotion in them, and thats showing anger, it scared kids. But everyone in our clan has caught her look longingly at Nathan and her eyes apparently go all droopy as if she's watching chocolate drip off a spoon. She was 5ft 7 inches, but strong. Combat and weaponary was her strong point. She had never been beaten by a demon, actually, no one in my clan has. Except me, of course.
                Then came Mike Thirton, the 5th youngest in our clan. He had spiked brown hair and slight freckles that dotted his cute face. He was a ladies man, a girlfriend almost every week. He seemed to dump them. He was way too cool with computers, getting rid of unstoppable viruses within minutes, he was a whizz. His light green eyes were piercing and turned like steel in battle, he also loved to kill demons.
                 Sixth youngest is my bestfriend Clair DeBonn, she was best at free running, dodging obstacles and jumping high and escaping. She never stopped running, even when she thought her lungs would explode. She was 5ft 5 inches, the same as me. Her shoulder length black hair was either curled or straight, up or down. She loved her hair black hair that was going past her shoulers. Her dark brown eyes never stopped having a sparkle in them, her tan always glowed and she got a few stares from boys of any age.
                 Then there was me, the youngest, my birthday in December ruled me the runt of the clan. I have dark brown hair reaching well down my back. It's natural curls were becoming weaker as I straightened my locks almost every day, my brown eyes were huge with normal pupils. But my clan members, or shall I say friends, say my eyes dialate when I'm in battle, that they seem to go wild. I was also lean with strong legs, and I've recently realised what I'm good at. And it's running away or combat. I wasn't good at anything, but was wicked at fighting demon a*s and ran for miles if I had no where else to go.

The late afternoon blue sky looked dark, the sunset slipping through the floor to ceiling window. I could smell stale toast or bread and dank water. The large ceiling covered in dust, my boots clomped on the concrete floor.
                 I had my hair in a ponytail with tendrils at either side of my temples, even though one tenril was lost in my side fringe. I had my long black cargo pants on, tightened on the bottom and a belt with a dagger and pistol. I never used my pistol often since I didn't get round to practise, but I used it once for an emergency, and I just barely missed Sarah's thigh. My belt was well hidden under my long black t shirt that stuck to my body, a leather jacket to keep me warm.
                 I walked alongside Clair who wore a black t shirt and black shorts. She had a long velvet black cloak on to hide her weapons on her thigh and ankle. She also wore boots, but they were custom red with little spikes on the top, also more lethal with the hidden blades at the back and front of her boots.
                 "I feel like I belong in The Matrix." She tossed her head to the side, her long dark brown hair hung in curls down her back . She carried a shotgun in her left hand and her phone in the other. She was also wicked with a gun, she shot anything she could. She smiled and threw her arm up, the shotgun resting on her shoulder. She looked like something out of Van Helsing. "Do I look awesome, or do I look awesome?" Her teeth gleamed. She slotted the big gun on her back cradle, under the cloak.
                   I smile back at her, my own teeth showing. "You're awesome." I stated.
We walked over to the round table (Ironic, isn't it?) and seen five members here. Sarah was the first since she sat on the table, her long leg dangled over the side as she rested her elbow on her knee, foot perched on a chair. Her long brown hair was in a plait, she also wore a cloak, but hers was a navy colour and smelt like mint. Danny sat on the chair in nfront of her, rubbing her leg. It was a bit to intimate, I had to look away. But he had a leather floor cloak on, a crossbow attatched to his back, his long blonde hair in a ponytail.
                    Mike leaned on the otherside of the table, staring out the window, the orange glow made him look angelic. He had black cargo pants on with boots, but his steel toe cap was on the front. His hair spiked and full, I could smell the musky gel off his hair. He wore a blue bomber jacket with a hand pistol in a slinger on his right hip, I couldn't even tell he had it.
                     Alyson and Amy were deep in conversation by the table. Amy was in a turqoise jumper with a bandoiler over her chest, a shiny black machine gun on her back, she held har long black coat in her hands. She also wore black shorts, her pockets stuffed with what I thought was dodgy ammo when it was potion vials. Her blonde hair in a bun at the back of her scalp, I winced, it looked painful. Alyson had a button down black shirt with the school logo on the right breast, black cargo three quaters and a blade on her back. The sun caught the ball on the handle of her blade, the brown sheath glowed orange. Her hair was also up, the long waves swayed as she flicked her head to me.
                      "Why, Ammie?" Alyson stopped chatting, and  turned her body to me, I could smell her perfume drift over. I felt like I was in the electric chair as everyone's head turned to me. "You got us all in this, again." She huffed, her eyes narrowing on me, I felt like shrinking.
                       "It's not her fault, Alyson." Amy smiled at me. "Besides, I don't mind missions, they're fun." She patted her machine gun like a pet.
                       "Amy, Alyson always singles Ammie out," Mike taunted, moving behind Amy like a snake, a smile on his lips. "It's in her nature." He grinned.
                       "I wanted to relax, tonight," She ignored Mike and stared behind me, as if waiting for someone.
"You mean stalk Nathan all night?" Danny chirped in, everyone giggled, even Sarah as she leaped off the table like a cat. Danny stood next to her, looping his muscled arm around her.
                      "Shut up, Danny." Alyson hissed while Amy put a hand over her mouth, stifling a chuckle. Clair beside me still laughed, her eyes shining.
                      "Talk about a dead weight," Clair looked around, glowering at Alyson. "Where is your husband? Getting sick of you already?" Everyone laughed, I felt my side begin to stitch and forced myself to stop. Mike leaned on Amy in stitchem his eyes watering. Amy's eyes bulged and cheeks turned pink, I realised she wore a thin layer of mascara.
                      "Hardy-ha-ha," Nathan sung dully behind Clair, I seen Alyson's sour face brighten. I was envious, she did shine when the person she loved was around. I felt a stone in the pit of my stomach drag me down, I frowned at myself. "Lets just get this over with." He pushed through the doors, Alyson on his heels, bouncing like a little girl that had been given a balloon. Amy and Mike followed suit, then Sarah and Danny. Then me and Clair at the end, she linked her arm through mine and jogged happily by my side, I was a little jealous of Alyson's shine.


We all ducked out the black Jeep that smelt like strawberry air freshener. Only Danny could drive in our clan, so he was a great advantage.
                       The ride took half and hour, the constant irritation of Clair and Alyson bickering. Nathan looked unfazed as he rubbed his gun, the dirty green Galil, in his hands, the blacked out windows hardly letting any light in. Sarah sat at the front next to Danny, she squeezed his hand every few seconds when his palm settled on her thigh. It was really awkward to be around them sometimes. I sat inbetween Nathan and Mike, he just watched them two bicker, eyes darting from Clair to Alyson like a tennis match. Amy sat inbetween Clair and Alyson, just filing down her perfect nails, sighing every few seconds.
                        After climbing out, we were welcomed to the black night of the Clayton village. We were assigned here by Mr. Lockwood. He said a nest of demons had settled in this quite little village, reporting to us that the peace was being disturbed and gangs were kidnapping people.
                        The way the demon worked was complicated.
A nest began hundreds of years ago by a demon Lord named Zeste. He was brought to Earth after being banished from Hell by his own father. Then Zeste roamed countries and created his own demon cult.
                        Demons are created quite easily. The main ingrediant was a human being, and that person, no matter how old or young, being lost. They had to have black souls, either by misery or crime, years of destruction and neglect to themselves. Then Demons feast on their blackened souls like a tender, juicy chicken leg. Then there's nothing left of the human being, but emptiness, and the demons make sure a demon spawn from Hell is transported into the human body like a vessel. It was sick work, and when a human was turned, the person within them die as they're sucked out.
                       There was some advantages to picking out demons. They're skin is a tinge of yellow, but we had to be careful, some could be demons, on the other hand they could be alcoholics with damaged livers. Sometimes when they attack, their hiss is like a battle cry of a crocodile. The most indicated demon sign is their eyes and smell. They smell like a garbage dump, like a rotting corpse. They cover it up well, though. But their eyes can glow like cat eyes, yellow eyes with a fine, black slit down the middle. When one has been feasting, their eyes become blood red.
                       I stalked beside Clair, keeping my eyes on kids on street corners on bikes with cigarettes or bottles of booze in their hands. I heard laughter and coughing from them and thought best  to ignore them.
Nathan lead the group into a cafe called Cafe Mambo. The cream walls were welcoming as the warmth that wafted over us as we approached a table.
                      We got stares of old people or the waiters and waitresses. The brown tint of the ceiling was warming, the thick wood tables stable enough to jump on if we were attacked. Thank God our specialised clothing masked our weapons from the human eyes around us. I felt self-conscious about my outfit, as if someone could see everything I was bearing. The air was thick with coffee and food, I was instantly hungry and licked my lips which were coated with melon lip balm. It satisfied me...for now. I smiled to myself while sliding in next to Clair.
                       "Ammie," Nathan spoke up, eyeing me, his hair falling in his eyes. "You get the waitress over here."
                       "Why me?" I pouted, crossing my arms and feeling a tad childish.
"Because you're the reason we're here." Alyson chimed in, beaming next to Nathan while giving me a scary galre.
                        "Nathan," Clair uttered, staring at Alyson while Nathan peered at her. "Your parrot just s**t." Mike snickered while Alyson did a sarcastic laugh, her killer stare on Clair.
                        I sighed and clicked my fingers, feeling singled out... Again. I was good at nothing and I was always getting my clan in trouble for it, and Alyson bit my head off for it. I was getting stuffy but knew I couldn't take off my jacket if I didn't want my pistol on show. "Waiter!" I bellowed, getting a look from a pair of teens a bit younger than me, I just looked back, not bothered. "What?" I hissed at them. They gave me a dirty look.
                        "Stupid b***h." One of them said. I seen Clair's head whip round and suprisingly, Nathan's. Clair stood abruptly, making the teens stare at her. They had an eyeful of her outfit and burst out laughing.
                         "What did you call my bestfriend, punk?" She raised her voice a little. I pulled at her arm, but her skin burned as she grew angry. She didn't budge and the girl in the teen group behind us stood, her polished hands on her hips.
                          "A stupid b***h," Her bubblegum pink lips twinkled under the fluorescent lighting, bleach blonde hair looked like hay from the constant dying of her hair. Her face was slapped with make-up and her bottom lip was peirced. She wore leather short shorts and a low cut white top, thick ugly bracelets dangled from her wrists and her heels made her at least 4 inches taller. I could smell her hooker perfume from here. "What you gunna do about it, Batgirl?" She pouted and narrowed her blue eyes at Clair, she just returned it. Her friends laughing at the girls petty insult.
                           "Clair," Nathan mumbled while reading the Cafe Mambo menu. "If you want to blow your cover, be my guest, but it's your a*s on the line." He underestimated Clair, when you feel the anger radiate off of her, you know she's ready to kick someone to death. But she had great resistance, I could see her muscles relax in her arms and fists unclench.
                           "I'll let you off this time, idiot." She hissed at the girl. The girl just looked shocked, but a boy next to her made her sit. Clair let out a shaky breath. I felt useless seeing my bestfriend do this, I felt like drop kicking that b***h behind us.
                            A waitress that smelled like coffee drifted over to us, giving every single one of us a scrutinized look over. Her fair hair in a ponytail and light face appeared young. She held the notepad in her left hand, a little shaky. She had dark eyes and small lips, she looked a little older than us.
                            "What can I get you?" She asked softly.
We all gave our orders in. I glanced at the clock.
                            09:45 pm
"Nearly quater to ten." I whispered to the group. Sarah, Mike, Amy, Danny and Clair nodded gratefully, Sarah smiled at me.
After fifteen minutes, we got out order. I sipped hot chocolate that was way to watery and took small bites of a chocolate cookie. Clair had the same as me, the rest drank coffee to keep them awake.
                          "I'm taking this back," I stood, lifting my hot cup of hot chocolate and shifted around the table so I stood in front of it, everyone watched me. "I wanna new one, this is just water." I complained. But it was true, it was watery and minging, I wanted to claw at my tongue.
                          Everyone excpet Alyson was nice to me, it was frustrating, but at least her future boyfriend doesn't hate me.
What? I asked my stupid brain. You're glad he doesn't hate you? Why would you care? He's Nathan Grund. I scolded my mind.
                          I shuffled over to the counter where a bald man stood in front of a touch screen computer. He looked up at me with soft brown eyes, his face wrinkled at the side of his eyes and mouth. He looked about forty odd and wore an ugly red button down shity with faded jeans, he smelled like tuna salad.
                          "Can I get another one?" I asked, smiling sadly. "This takes like watered down hot chocolate." I handed it to him.
                          "I'm sorry," He sighed.  "I'll get you a refill right away." He walked into the back where I heard clangs and thuds of metal pots and pans.
                          I felt sorry for the old guy, making a sad face to myself. I tucked a tendril behind my ear.
All of a sudden, acid bile rised in my throat, causing me to wince and cough a little. A sick feeling in the back of my mind took affect and I didn't feel right, my blood rushed through my veins. I wanted to throw up and stay still, I hated this feeling, and I knew what it meant.
                          Then a slim arm was around my waist and a hot body behind me, burning my back. Mike whispered in my ear. "A few are here."

© 2012 ALittleBitOfEverything

My Review

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First thing, the ending is great for getting me to read onto the next chapter. The last two paragraphs are intense enough to rise my curiosity.

This chapter was a little slow to start with activity. Bare in mind, I'm a junky for everything other than description. I think it would work better if some of the character descriptions were molded into the story. f/e I stalked beside Clair... Insert complete description. I don't know if that makes sense to you or for your story. That's just my thoughts. Take it for what it's worth.

A lot of your descriptions a perfect for the moment. The second to last paragraph is a good example of that.

I avoiding noting any grammatical errors. For two reasons, 1) Grammar is a secondary concern. 2) I'm only so good with it. I have a tendency for errors myself. I normally just glance over things that I think aren't right. Let me know if you want me to try and note those too though. But I'm definitely not a pro.

and dialog. I like your ability to make dialog seem completely natural.

I think I hit all my points.

I'm curious to see what happens next.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Oooooooo thank you :D


First thing, the ending is great for getting me to read onto the next chapter. The last two paragraphs are intense enough to rise my curiosity.

This chapter was a little slow to start with activity. Bare in mind, I'm a junky for everything other than description. I think it would work better if some of the character descriptions were molded into the story. f/e I stalked beside Clair... Insert complete description. I don't know if that makes sense to you or for your story. That's just my thoughts. Take it for what it's worth.

A lot of your descriptions a perfect for the moment. The second to last paragraph is a good example of that.

I avoiding noting any grammatical errors. For two reasons, 1) Grammar is a secondary concern. 2) I'm only so good with it. I have a tendency for errors myself. I normally just glance over things that I think aren't right. Let me know if you want me to try and note those too though. But I'm definitely not a pro.

and dialog. I like your ability to make dialog seem completely natural.

I think I hit all my points.

I'm curious to see what happens next.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Oooooooo thank you :D
please leave a review for critisicm !

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 2, 2012
Last Updated on July 16, 2012



United Kingdom

Right, I'm back after months! (return 09/12/2014) and I am no longer a wannabe goth kid weirdo. I no longer listen to bands that make me depressed a little and on my (maybe) last course of college of .. more..
