![]() Devil eyeA Chapter by Forever true
It was a Autumn day like any other. I was sitting at my corner by "56th & Aberdale" street like usual and that's all there was to it. Normal day in a normal town everything was normal, and then it wasn't, because he showed up, then everything changed…
Every day those words came out of my mouth "Can you spare change, please? I'm starving" but no matter how desperate I got they always said the same thing. Giving me the same stare "Get a job kid!" They'd say. Yeah fat chance of that happening, What job can a 14-year-old boy get? Sorry but I'm not getting hired any time soon. They all got to me With their disgust filled gaze... like they took a sniff of yesterday's trash getting swarmed by disease carrying bugs, but then again trash is all I am to them. I don't understand, Why do they all hate me? I didn’t do anything to deserve this. They all act as if I'm some deadly disease or some new species but i'm not any of that! I'm just homeless that's all! Why can't they see that? Why can't they realize that I'm just like anyone of them? Just a normal teenager. All I've ever wanted was to be with them again… my family… their all dead now. My mother my father my two sisters… all except me and one other. They've been dead now for six years. Why did it have to be them? Why why why why why! I can't do anything about that now, all I can do now is wait and hope that someone would take me in. I don't really have a clue about what to do to survive. Especially since the winter time is approaching fast. I have to choose between buying food or clothe, but with the luck I've been having I'll be buying neither. I'll die by starvation or hypothermia and the little money I do have is running out. My death is as good as guaranteed. We all die at one point, but I can't die… not now at least… not until I've killed him. I'm unsure that I would live long enough to see that day, I'm not even sure I would last long enough to see the sun rise tomorrow. Every aspect of life is against me but I Don't care about that. All I care about is surviving just for him, but How would I survive this? Things aren't getting any better. I'm not giving up just facing reality, Yea right. "Hey kid, where's your parents?" asked a stranger passing by, out of all the questions he could have asked why that one god d****t… "Why do you care old man, just give me some money or go away" I barked back. I wasn't mad I just got caught by surprise. At least that's what I Told myself. "don't be smart with me boy” he said impatiently he seemed kind before he said that. Now he seems like he's just as rude as everyone else. Talk about bipolar. "They're dead old man." I Snapped back, This guy looks old enough to be my grandpa's grandpa "Is that so... Come with me child" he said, he said it as if we've actually known each other. "Hey who are you anyways?" I said confused, what could he want with me? I've never seen him before in my life "Oh my apologies how could I forget to introduce myself my name is Xavier and yours is?" He said cheerfully, how could he sound so cheerful after what I told him? I didn't want his pity but he should have at least been a little disturbed. "My name is Mike" I stated, I don't know why I told him my name but I did. "Nice to meet you, Mike how about this you come home with me and I'll fix you up a nice bowl of tomato soup?" the man said kindly. I didn't know what game he was playing but if I wanted to live, I would have to pick up a controller and play along. I had no other choice but to take him up on his offer, "lead the way Xavier". As we walked we passed by some places me and my parents used to go to together. The "Adventure time arcade" where we spent most of our weekends at and "Willy's dinner" where we always used to eat breakfast. Not to forget "Daisy park" where we would have picnics and feed the ducks when we weren't at the arcade. Then the memories of my parents flooded my mind. Their voices silent and their faces a blur. The memory of their deaths would always strike me like a sword to the heart. I could see it all over again, the floor drowning in their blood, the blade penetrating their backs, and the person holding that blade. it all came back to me, the memories I attempted so desperately to erase only come back stronger. Even though I was deep in my thoughts I still wasn't able to block out the people around me and their stares. At me, at Xavier for being near me, but now I'm not alone Xavier's with me now. "Wise decision little one" stated Xavier, I don't know what it was about him but there was something he wasn't telling me. He seemed like a gentle old man in about his sixties but i wasn't so sure. At last we made a stop "right there" Xavier said while pointing at a small brick house. It seemed fitting for grandpa Xavier "Come on in" he said walking into the house, I soon followed. it was small with a white carpet beneath a round table in the middle of the living room and a fireplace in the corner of the room. The flames swallowing the wood, drowning it. It's just as welcoming from the inside as it is from the out. "Make yourself comfortable while I cook your soup" said Xavier, I took my seat at the table and waited for him to finish cooking. I felt bad letting him cook for me and not helping him but I would've just got in the way. I looked around the kitchen, noticing how clean and vibrant the yellow paint was covering the wall. He seemed like that cool grandpa that would let you get more soda than anyone should be drinking. "Here ya go Mike eat up now" he said while passing me a bowl of tomato soup, "Thanks" I said cheerfully. Although I was thankful for the soup I still wasn't sure why he was doing this. "When did it happen" He said carefully, I wanted to just pretend I didn't hear him. Pretend they weren't gone. "When I was six years old" I stated trying to hold back my tears to no avail. "I see" he whispered, I put those thoughts to the side and ate. The soup was nothing less than splendid, it's taste exploded in my mouth like fireworks on 4th of July. "Hey are you a chief or something?!" I said startled, I couldn't help but scream out. "Of course not, it's just that my little boy did enjoyed his tomato soup so I had to make it for him all the time" he said. That's weird… He said "my little boy" but it doesn't look like anyone else lived here besides Xavier. "Hey you said you had a son didn't you. Well where is he?" I said uneasily, I must have struck a nerve because he tensed up even though he was still smiling. "Let's say he's with your parents, a matter of fact he's the reason you're here. You remind me a lot of him" he said calmly. How? How could he say something that deep so calmly? like it didn't matter it was his son after all! "How did he die" I whispered, I couldn't keep the fear out of my voice. I knew there was something up with the b*****d but I never thought he was this fucked up. "Well you see I'm a scientist and as a scientist I must experiment, he was to be my perfect little test subject. So I killed him, don't worry it was slow and painful just like how I'll kill you." he said so it coldly, it sounded as if he practiced that line repeatedly. He said it without even the slightest bit of guilt or mourning. The bloodlust and excitement in his eyes are clear. "Good soup isn't it. I added a extra little something in their for a bit more taste" he said with a chilling voice. My vision was blurry and my body numb. He drugged my soup when I was looking around. No amount of will power was strong enough to fight the drug. He was the last thing I saw for quite a while. © 2018 Forever true |
1 Review Added on February 19, 2018 Last Updated on February 19, 2018 |