![]() Friends?A Chapter by Forevermore![]() the struggle of the 1rst day in a new school enviornment![]() I walked through the small isle of desk twards the front of the classroom.
"My name is Adrian Reese." I stated nervously.
"Would you mind telling the class your hometown and a hobby?" asked Ms.Martinez.
"Well I'm from Cincinatti, Ohio and soccers my thing." I said in a rush back to my seat.
Just before reaching my desk, a paper ball zoomed pass my face. I looked around with squinted eyes as I hear giggles across the small room. I was so nervous I felt sick to my stomach, I had to leave.
"Ms.Martinez is it possible I can see a nurse as of now?" I asked shyly waving my hand above my head.
"Sorry but she doesn't cure shyness." Ms.Martinez replied smiling softly.
"Oh you don't understand! I'm having a really bad tooth ache." I moaned in a begging tone.
"Go straight to the nurse." Ms.Martinez gave in with a suspectful look on her face.
It was early, no later than 9 a.m. From a distance down the hall was a sign above a office that read "Attendance." I figured sence I needed directions I could ask someone who knew. Before entering the office, I paused after noticing the restroom sign on the hall far down to the right. Backing out of the doorway I heard a soft voice ask
"May I help you? Excuse me? Sir?".
By this time I was already in the restroom mirror. Whiping the sweat from my forehead, I began to fan my self. I combed my dark brown hair, then rubbed the waves in it. Home sick never made more sence before now, I needed time to roam the halls and calm down. After exiting the restroom, I noticed a set of stairs going up at the end of the hall to my right. Creeping up the stairs I hear laughing from a distance, the further up I went, the closer the voices and laughter grew. Soon as I turned the first corner there stood a trio of teens down the hall.
Walking on my far right was a Latin girl with long wavey hair, in a grey and white school hoody. To her left walked a red haired girl with a gothy look to her. On my right came a averaged height buff guy in a plain t-shirt. Onced the two girls noticed me, they rushed twards me at full speed. They stomped like a stampeed down the hall.
"Be our friend." "Yeah, want to be our friend?" one said as the other followed.
"Um if you help me escape." I said smiling at the two.
They both giggled then introduced one another instead of themselves. Rosie was the beautiful latin girl whos hair reached down her back, and Amber was the girl who wore all black, just like a goth. Shortly afterwards the guy approached me.
" Whaaas up, I'm Moe."
"Whats up my names Adrian." I replied immediately giving him dap. "I hate first days." I said with a sigh.
"Where's you scheduel?" Moe asked looking confused.
"Right here, see." I said as I pulled it out of my back pocket then unfolded it.
"Cool bro I have you next then." he said calmly.
"What are you doing after school?" the girls asked with perfect timing.
"Um, nothing really." I replied thinking about how big of a change the new school was.
"Well we hang like everyday so you should come with." Amber replied as she headed down the stairs.
"Sounds fine with me I guess." I agreed.
There was alot of doubt about hanging and making friends so soon, but in a way I felt good about it and wasn't planning on letting my doubts ruin a good time.
Walking the halls at a steady pace, I wondered what would there be to do. Would they like soccer too? Could we have a good game on the regular? Would we all last as friends? So many worries, too many questions. I walked around another ten minutes until the bell rang loudly. Kids bgan rushing out of class at the sound of dismissal. Kids, kids, and more kids squez down the narrow hall. I could feel the shoulders bumping both sides of me, this was no small high school. Making my way through the crowd was very uncumfortable. After a minor walk to the cafeteria I felt tired and weak, so I set at the end of a lunch table. Me being nervous ruined my appetite, so I decided not to eat. I sat back and watched others gather and go get their lunch. Suddenly I feel hands placed on top of my shoulders and aggressively shake me.
"Sorry we if we scared you." Rosie and Amber said with laughter.
"I wasn't scared, no. You two didn't scare me." I claimed nervously.
"Suuure ... We never got your name." Amber said.
"I'm Adrian." I replied softly.
I followed then found an open seat with Rosie, Amber, and Moe.
"Aww, for me?" Rosie teased as I unpacked my lunch.
"How do you like Greenville?" Amber asked with a look of excitement on her face.
"It's pretty nice to be honest." I said before biting into my sandwich.
"So where'd you come from Adrian?" asked Rosie.
"Cincinattii, Ohio." I replied.
We all talked and laughed a bit, until it was time for class. We all seperated and walked to our destinations. As I entered room 308, the tardy bell rang. I walked to the back desk where set a brown skinned lady with a pretty face.
"You must be Ms. Harris." I said softly.
"New student?" She asked.
I nodded yes while handing over my schedule. I could hear my name being heavily whispered, so I looked around to find Moe and Amber sitting next to one another in the two middle rows. It was great to see them, because I was so tired of seeing strangers all day. The stress of the day had set in, and I quietly nodded into a deep sleep. Time passed hard and fast as I awoke to a constant tapping on my arm.
"Adrian, it's time to split." Moe said in a deep voice as he chuckled.
"Alright then dude." I mumbled in a low tone.
I barely understood slang, but Moe's spoke for itself. The bell rang and it was time to go, but go where? I still wondered. I followed Moe and Amber a good distance around the school before we found Rosie.
"Sooo, what are we doing?" I asked curiously.
"I don't knooow, but I'm super hungry." Moe said as his stomach growled at him.
"You guys want to go to Sonics?" Amber asked.
Moe and the rest starred me down and waited my approval.
"Sonic sounds great." I replied with a grin.
The four of us walked into the Sonics like any other group of teens. Laughing , playing , just enjoying ourselves. We came, ordered shakes, and left. Well, we did get to sit and watch Moe eat two burgers and some fries before leaving. We walked two blocks down from the Sonic and were in the field of the Greenville Park. As we approached it from a distance, there in the middle of the field was this huge water fountain. The girls sat on the edges of it, while I rested my feet in it's cold water.
"Boy you're crazy." Rosie said trying not to laugh.
Moe and Amber joined me while laughing up a storm. This was it, what I was waiting for. I felt close to this trio after the day was done. I felt like I belonged to the trio. I trusted them, and they were nice to me. They didn't judge, and they didn't pick on me for fun. We got into deep conversations for another hour or so.
"It's about time I get home." Amber said.
"Me too." Rosie followed.
Moe walked Amber home, so it was only fair that I walked Rosie.
"I'm glad you like it here." Rosie said softly.
"Even though I hardly know anyone, it's not too bad." I replied looking in her dark brown eyes.
"Be patient, you'll meet soo many people before you know it." Rosie said while hugging me.
She walked up her porch and waved to me with the cutest smile before closing the door. Around this time the sun had set and I needed to be getting to the house. About ten minutes later I arrived home. The day was pretty tough so I went straight up the stairs to my room. Before I could come out of my t-shirt I herd my mother in the door way.
"How was your day?" she asked in a tired voice.
"It was fine." I replied struggling with my shirt.
"I unpacked most of your boxes, mostly the clothes. You need to not be lazy and unpack the rest when you can." she started.
"Mom, I will. I've just had a long day and I'd like to just rest to night." I said as I leaped over my bed and opened my window.
"Well I was just letting you know." she replied.
"Ok, ok , ok. Uuuuuuuugh." I grunted with frustration.
I found the four boxes stacked in my corner by the window, then unpacked them. My soccer ball, my jersey, and my trophies were in one box. I left that alone, it made me miss home, my few friends I had. I shoved all the boxes in my closet top and lied in bed. I thaught, and thaught, what would the next day be like. Will it be as much fun? Will I meet any more people? Will the days get any easier? I lied there and herd my door creek open. I sat up to see my older brother. Shane was twenty-one.
"How'd it go champ?" he asked moving his hair out of his face.
"It sucked like hell, but I did meet some people, they seem just like my friends from home. Just a little bit more loud and proud if you know what I mean." I said with a smile.
"You still trying to adjust too huh?" shane asked grinning away.
"Any hot girls up there?" he asked anxiously.
"Well, not that I know of." I replied.
"Damn, you've got to be kidding bro. Sucks to be youuu." Shane teased while closing the door.
Shane was a ladies man, when I say he had girls in and out of the old house like a theme park, I'm not kidding. Almost every weekend a different girl was coming over, and I was getting none of that. Not then, and not now. I had girls that liked me, but soccer was my thing. All of my friends played soccer, so it was all I knew. I never knew that any girls liked me until the last day before I left Ohio. Better luck next time I told myself.
The next day wasn't bad at all, just long and kind of boring. Who wouldve thaught that Rosie, Amber and I would steal a small pad of hall passes. The passes were for one thing, we used them to walk around the school. Today was different, after first period, we all left the campus. About 10 a.m. we were walking twards Sonics as the sun beamed over our heads. We left Sonics hours later to go to the park til school was dismissed. It really didnt dawn on me that skipping class could get me in trouble, but it sure beat sitting in a small classroom of 25 to 30 students. The week passed on and Friday had every student by the throat. There was rumors of a party happening later that night, to me it wasn't a rumor, I was invited. A slim yellow girl handed it to me during lunch, it was a small card with directions and a map. I must have spent the whole day thinking about the party and who would be there.
As I walked off the campus after dismissal, I herd a group of voices calling my name. I turned around to the familiar faces of Amber, Rosie and Moe. "I know you're going to the party tonight." said Moe with a huge grin.
"You can bet your a*s I'll be there." I said with excited laughter.
"Well tough s**t, because I wont be there." said Amber.
"What? Why?" I asked with Rosie.
"Because I have wierder things to do tonight." followed Amber.
Even though Amber wore a smile, I almost knew she wasn't kidding. Moe and Amber began their walk home, as Rosie and I started ours.
"Since you two are going to be there, I may as well too." said Rosie breaking the long silence.
We stood at her door step talking for a couple of minutes. We shared what we were wearing, and every song we wanted to dance to.
"Maybe you'll meet more people tonight." Rosie said following with a sympathetic hug.
"Yeah ... maybe." I replied with a sigh.
It was just turning 4:30, I smiled and waved then began the rest of my walk home. I walked in the house about 4:55, i needed to get ready. I turned on the shower water and activated my speaker system to play my favorite song. I was ready and out of the shower by 5:40. I looked at my self in the mirror, something seemed to be off. my shirt, it had a hole in it, it wasnt a huge, but I wasnt going to look poor. So I hurried down the stairs and out the door. Running in the heat made me sweat, while I ran to the corner bazzar, I passed a group of older women walking. I didn't stop to look, I could hear them whistling and commenting on my appearance, I just kept running. I was pretty tired but I continued running. I ran infront of cars, trucks, even skaters. I arrived at the bazzar about 6:05. I looked and looked and nothing seemed to look good with the jeans I wore. I could not believe this was happening, I never had trouble finding a nice t-shirt.
"You dont have much time hun, we close in 10 minutes." said the lady at the register.
"Ok, umm I just can't find my style of shirt." I repied in a shaky voice.
"Well what are you looking for?" The lady asked with deep dark eyes of wonder.
"I usually wear a plain t-shirt with my jeans." I said whiping sweat from my face.
She ran passed me to the back of the store and rolled out a line of t-shirts. There must have been every color in those shirts.
"This is all you've got?" I asked.
"This is the best I can do for you darling, but this aqua blue will go great with those jeans." she said smiling at me.
"Aqua blue it is." I said returning the smile.
"10.50" she said with a texan accent.
"Heres 11 dollars, keep the change , and thank you!" I said running like I was on a mission.
So I ran, and ran, past more cars, trucks, and skaters. All of this on my way back home with ambitions to have a great time that night. I got home by 7, but it was time for another shower. After all the smoke cleared, I peeked out my window about 6:55 to see a huge crowd walking the streets. Teenagers, all around my age united and on their way to enjoy this night. I ran down the hall to tell shane that the party was on the move and just about to start.
© 2012 ForevermoreAuthor's Note
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7 Reviews Added on March 27, 2012 Last Updated on May 31, 2012 Author
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