Tempted episode 106

Tempted episode 106

A Screenplay by Danielle

Elizabeth blames herself for her father Cutter getting shot Danielle sits by Cutter's bedside while he's in a coma Xavier finds out that Josh is his father. Claire discovers that she has a sister

Prevously on Tempted
Claire: Riley isn't my brother Josh Gregory is.
Blair: Oh my god.
Claire: Josh told me the truth last night he told me everything.
Blair: what did he tell you?
Claire: He saw Riley get killed a year ago by Eli thompson. Josh and Riley were best friends Josh tried to help Riley when he was shot but it was too late.
Blair: Oh my god I can't believe this.
Claire: I couldn't believe it either mom. Then Josh told me that Riley told him to take over his life Riley wanted Josh to love our family. Josh did love our family I loved him too he was a great brother.
Blair: why did you just say was honey?
Claire: Because Josh is dead.
James: Josh oh my god your alive.
Josh: yes I am I told you I would be back.
James: I thought you were dead You died in Claire's arms.
Josh: I was but I was rushed to the hospital and somebody operated on me.
James: who saved your life Josh?
Josh: Tara Porcaro.
James: Isnt she Tea porcaro's daughter?
Josh: They don't know about her.
James: Oh my god she's Tea's long lost daughter.
Josh: Yes she is.
Trevor: Your so beautiful I want you forever.
Elizabeth: I want to be with you forever too.
Trevor: Do you want to have sex?
Elizabeth: Yes I do. I don't think anybody's home. How about we go downstairs and do it?
Trevor: Great idea let's go.
Elizabeth and Trevor go downstairs and they go into the living room Trevor takes his shirt off Elizabeth takes her dress off. Trevor pulls Elizabeth into a passionate kiss they keep kissing.
Trevor: I love you elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I love you too Trevor.
Trevor and Elizabeth have sex.
Blair: How could you do that to your own brother.
Claire: Mom listen to me it was hard for me to shoot him. I didn't want to do it I didn't want to hurt him but he told me that If I didn't shoot him Eli would kill him or me or James.
Blair: Its not your fault honey.
Claire: Dad your alive?
Todd: Yes I am honey come here.
Claire begins to cry and she hugs her father.
Todd: aw sweetie don't cry I'm here.
Claire: Dad do you know about Tea?
Todd: Yes Brandon your stepbrother told me that she's in a coma.
Claire: I'm scared that she might die. I don't want my stepmother to die I love her.
Todd: I know you do sweetie. Where's your brother Riley?
Claire: Dad there is something that you should know.
Todd: what is it honey?
Claire: Riley isn't my brother Josh Gregory is my brother. Riley is dead Eli Thompson murdered him a year ago and Josh watched Riley die. Josh tried to save Riley's life but it was too late. Riley told Josh to take over his idenity so Josh did. Josh told me the truth the other night Josh wanted me to shoot him so Eli couldn't find him.
Todd: Did you shoot him honey?
Claire: Yes I did he made me. He didn't want Eli to come and hurt me because now I knew the truth. Josh is dead Dad.
Todd: No he can't be dead.
Claire: He's gone dad.
Todd: Honey this is not your fault. It's not your brother Josh's fault.
Claire: I loved my brother Josh so much.
Todd: he'll come back honey I know he will.
Todd: Tea it's Todd Im alive I don't know if you can hear me but I want you to know that I love you Please don't leave me I need you Please wake up.
Blair: Todd oh my god your alive.
Todd: Blair what are you doing here?
Blair: I came here to see Tea I didn't expect to find you here alive. You died Todd it hurt Claire so much. It hurt me too and it hurt Tea.
Todd: you shot my fiancé. She's in a coma because of you.
Blair: I didn't mean to shoot her Todd.
Todd: Yes you did You were so angry with her for kissing me when I was in a coma from being shot. I fell in love with Tea and you hated that I wanted her.
Blair: No Todd I don't hate Tea. She's my best friend.
Todd: I don't want to hear it. Get out of here Blair.
Blair smacks Todd across the face
Elizabeth and Trevor are having more sex on the couch. Cutter opens the door of the house.
Cutter sees Elizabeth and Trevor.
Cutter: What do you think your doing Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Dad I didn't know that you would be back.
Trevor: i'm sorry mr Gregory.
Cutter: You stay away from my daughter.
Trevor: I can't do that I love her.
Cutter: Get out of my house.
Elizabeth: Dad please don't make him leave.
Cutter: You are never going to see him again. If I find out that your with him behind my back I will kill him.
Elizabeth: No please dad you can't do this.
Cutter: I will not let you have sex at a young age. Elizabeth you are only 16 years old He's 17 years old it's not right.
Elizabeth: I hate you Dad.
Trevor: Im sorry Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: it's not your fault.
Trevor: I should leave.
Elizabeth: I love you Trevor no matter what happens.
Trevor: I love you too.
Elizabeth and Trevor kiss for the last time.
Trevor leaves the house.
Elizabeth: I hope your happy Dad.
Cutter: Your grounded go to your room now.
Elizabeth: I hate you so much Dad.
The sniper starts shooting bullets at Logan and cutter.
Cutter runs to his car The sniper sees him running the sniper fires bullets at Cutter.
Cutter gets hit in the stomach by bullets.
Cutter collapses to the ground.
Logan sees cutter laying on the ground bleeding.
Cutter: L o g a n ..........    I    G o t  S h o t
Logan: Im calling an ambulance right now.
Cutter starts shaking.
Tempted opening theme
Tempted Episode 106
At the hospital
Elizabeth is sitting in a chair texting Trevor.
Danielle: Honey who are you texting?
Elizabeth: Trevor. I'm telling him to come to the hospital.
Danielle: I'll let him come see you. 
Elizabeth: thank you mom. 
Danielle: I'm going to go find your father's hospital room.
Elizabeth: I'm coming with you mom.
Danielle: sweetheart I want you to know that you have nothing to do with your father's shooting. You didn't shoot him do you know that honey?
Elizabeth: I know that I didn't shoot him. What I did was tell him that I hated him.
Trevor walks into the hospital and he spots Elizabeth with her mother. He walks over to her Trevor takes Elizabeth by the hand and he looks at her.
Trevor: Elizabeth what is going on?
Elizabeth: My Father he's been shot.
Trevor: Oh my god.
Elizabeth: it's all my fault I was the one who told him that I hated him.
Trevor: You weren't the one who shot him. You Didnt do this
Elizabeth: My father could die Trevor and if he does I'll never forgive myself.
Trevor: I'll be here for you I promise.
Elizabeth: thank you Trevor I love you.
Trevor: I love you too.
Elizabeth pulls Trevor into a kiss.
At Josh's apartment
Michelle knocks on the door Josh opens the door.
Michelle: Hello.
Josh: what are you doing here?
Michelle: I Just came over to say Hi.
Josh looks into Michelle's eyes and he smiles at her.
Michelle pulls Josh into a kiss.
Josh: do you love me?
Michelle: Now I do.
Josh pulls Michelle back into the kiss.
Josh: I love you so much.
Michelle: I'm sorry for hurting you.
Josh: I forgive you.
Michelle smiles and keeps kissing Josh's lips.
At the park.
Ford is going for a run in the park he spots a Blonde girl. She is sitting all alone Ford walks up to her Ford sits down next to her 
Ford: Hello who are you?
Serena: my name is Serena Gregory.
Ford: it's nice to meet you I'm Robert Ford. Are you related to Claire Gregory?
Serena: Yes I am I'm her long lost sister.
Ford: Oh my god. Does she know?
Serena: No she doesn't know that I'm her sister.
Ford: oh my god you have to tell her.
Serena looks at Ford and she pulls him into a kiss they keep kissing.
Serena: I like you Ford.
Ford: I like you too.
Serena: is my sister Claire married?
Ford: Yes she is married.
Serena: who is she married to?
Ford: my younger brother James Ford.
At Randy's apartment
Randy is laying in his bed asleep 
Kevin goes to Randy's apartment he sneaks into the apartment Kevin walks into Randy's bedroom he pulls out a knife and he pulls back the covers on Randy. Kevin stabs Randy in the middle of the chest with the knife Kevin thursts the knife deeper into Randy's chest blood starts coming out of his chest
Kevin: haha I hope your death is painful Randy.
Randy keeps bleeding.
Kevin leaves him to die in the bed.
Claire comes and she knocks on the door of Randy's apartment.
Claire: Randy open the door were going to lunch today remember?
Randy doesn't open the door for Claire.
Claire: Please Randy open the door I want to tell you something.
Randy still doesn't open the door.
Claire turns the doornob and she opens the door. She walks into the apartment and she goes upstairs to his bedroom Randy is laying in his bed sleeping.
Claire: Randy it's Claire wake up.
Randy doesn't wake up.
Claire: come on Randy I want to tell you something that is really important.
Claire touches Randy's hand.
Randy doesn't respond.
Claire sees blood pooling in the bed.
She pulls back the covers on Him.
She sees blood all over his chest and a knife in the middle of it.
Claire: No, No, No Randy.
Back at the hospital.
Danielle: Hello nurse do you know where my husband Cutter's hospital room is?
Nurse: His room is number 34 to the left.
Danielle: Thank you so much.
Nurse: Your very welcome.
Danielle goes to find room 34 she finds it.
She walks into the room she sees Cutter laying in the bed in a coma. Danielle covers her mouth and she begins to cry. She sits down in a chair next to his bed and she holds his hand.
Danielle: Cutter I don't know if you can hear me I want you to know that I love you so much Please don't leave me. You can't die you can't leave our daughter Elizabeth She's here in the waiting room crying and blaming herself for your shooting Please hold on for me I need you to live because I'm pregnant again Please wake up.
James walks into Cutter's hospital room.
Danielle turns around and she looks at her stepfather.
James: hi sweetie.
Danielle: Hi Dad I'm so scared of losing him I don't want Cutter to die.
James: I don't want him to die either honey I want him to live He's the one you love.
Danielle: Dad Im pregnant again.
James: aw you are? Is it a boy or a girl?
Danielle: it's a girl. I was thinking of naming her Bree.
James: I like that name. Your mother's pregnant again.
Danielle: Aw she is?
James: Yes she is. It's a boy.
Danielle: what are you going to name him?
James: Riley.
Danielle: I Like that name Dad. Does mom know about Josh not being uncle Riley?
James: She knows. Actually honey Josh is her brother Riley wasn't.
Danielle: oh my god.
Back at the park.
Serena: Did you ever date my sister?
Ford: Yes I did we were in love and we did get married but then she met my brother and she fell for him and she wanted him instead of me.
Serena: Im sorry Ford. She broke your heart didn't she?
Ford: Yes she did.
Serena: well I have a way to get rid of your brother.
Ford: how are you going to get rid of my brother?
Serena: I'm going to shoot him in the chest.
Ford: No you can't do that. He's my brother and I love him he loves Claire they belong together You can't shoot him please don't. If you shoot him Claire will never forgive you and she will think that I wanted my brother dead.
Serena: I don't care Ford. I want to get Claire back for you. You still love her you always will.
Ford: No Serena I won't let you do it. Claire has children with him They need their father to be alive to take care of them. His kids love him it will break their hearts if you kill him. It will break Claire's heart too James is her life Serena.
Serena: do you think I care? He needs to die Claire needs to be with you.
Ford: He's my brother I won't let you do this.
I'm not letting you murder my brother.
Serena: Then I'll do it when your not around.
Ford: No please don't.
Damon is in the park and he sees his uncle Ford. He walks up to Ford.
Damon: hi uncle Ford.
Ford: Hi Damon what are you doing in the park?
Damon: I came here for a run.
Ford: That's cool.
Damon: who is this?
Ford: her name is Serena Gregory.
Damon: Nice to meet you. Why do you have my mother Claire's last name?
Serena: I'm her long Lost sister.
Damon: I heard everything you were saying aunt Serena. You want to kill my father  I'm not going to let you He's my father and I love him.
Serena: your father will die.
Ford: Dont talk to my nephew like that.
Serena throws Ford to the ground.
Ford: Ow.
Serena: Shut up.
Damon pulls out a gun.
Ford: Damon what are you doing with that Gun?
Damon: I'm in the mafia Now. Uncle Johnny let me join. 
Damon points the gun at Serena.
Serena: please don't shoot.
Damon: I swear if you touch my father I will kill you. Do you understand me?
Serena: I understand Damon.
Damon: Good.
Damon leaves the park.  
Back at Randy's apartment 
Randy lays lifeless in Claire's arms.
Claire: No Randy you can't be dead. Your not gone please wake up please live.
Claire begins to cry she keeps crying.
Claire: Randy please don't leave me.
Randy doesn't respond or open his eyes.
Claire craddles his body to her and she starts crying.
Claire: Randy open your eyes.
Randy doesn't respond to Claire at all.
Claire keeps crying.
Claire checks for Randy's pulse He doesn't have one He's dead.
Claire: No you can't be dead. I'm going to call the police and I'm going to tell them that I found you like this.
A cop shows up at the apartment with his gun pointed.
Claire keeps crying and holding Randy.
Cop: Claire what's wrong?
Claire: Randy's dead I found him like this Somebody stabbed him to death.
Cop: oh No He was murdered.
Claire: Yes he was I came here to talk to him and to spend some time with him I didn't expect to find him dead.
Cop: I might know who did this.
Claire: who?
Cop: Brian cramer or Eddie Ford or Adam Ford or somebody who didn't like Randy.
Claire: You forgot one Kevin williamson Thompson.
Cop: you could be right.
Claire: I am right. Kevin williamson tried to kill me and James and my father Todd Gregory.
Cop: that's aweful Claire.
Claire: Kevin raped me too.
Cop: that b*****d I'm going to arrest him.
Claire: can you tell by the knife who stabbed Randy?
Cop: Yes I can but the knife is in Randy's dead body I can't get it out it killed him.
Claire: Randy was my best friend I didn't want this to happen to him.
Cop: I know you didn't. 
Claire: I'm going home I need to see my husband. 
Cop: Bye Claire. Make sure you lock your doors when you get home a killer is on the loose now.
Claire: I will. Bye Tommy.
Claire leaves Randy's apartment. 
Back at Josh's apartment.
Josh and Michelle keep kissing.
Xavier knocks on the door.
Josh: who is it?
Xavier: it's Xavier dad.
Josh: I'm coming son.
Josh gets off of the couch and he opens the door.
Xavier: Hi Dad.
Josh: Hey son.
Xavier: I wanted to see you.
Josh: Xavier I have something that I need to tell you.
Xavier: Dad what is it?
Josh: my name isn't Riley Gregory My name is Josh Gregory Riley isn't your father I am.
Xavier: Oh my god.
Josh: Riley is really dead he was killed by Eli Thompson a year ago. I tried to help Riley but it was too late he was dead. Riley told me before he died to take over his idenity and his life and live with his sister Claire.
Xavier: No I won't believe this. Riley is my father not you. 
Josh: I'm sorry son
Xavier: I don't even know you.
Josh: Im your father.
Xavier pulls out a Gun and he aims it at Josh.
Josh: No son please don't shoot me.
Xavier: Im going to kill you father for not telling me who you really are.
Josh: Please son don't do this. Don't kill your own father, Son I love you. 
Xavier begins to cry he has tears coming down his cheeks.
Xavier: why should I believe you? 
Josh: Because I told your mother. I told her everything.
Xavier: I can't believe that you aren't Riley.
Josh: I Already told you son that Riley isn't your father or your mother's brother. I am. 
Xavier: Say Goodbye Father.
Michelle: No don't shoot him he's your father and he loves you.
Josh: Please Son.
Xavier c***s the trigger and he fires bullets at Josh's chest Josh lifts up his shirt and he touches his chest  and he gets blood on his hand Josh's hand shakes he collapses to the floor.
Michelle: Nooooo.
Xavier: Haha die father die I hate you.
Josh:  x a v i e r    H o w   C o u l d   Y o u
I'm   Y o u r   F a t h e r   A n d   I  L o v e
Y o u   U h U h  U h  U h.
Josh coughs up blood
Michelle: I'm calling your sister Josh stay with me.
Michelle calls Claire.
Claire: Hello?
Michelle: Claire it's Michelle something bad has happend to your brother Josh.
Claire: what happend to Josh?
Michelle: Xavier your son shot him. It's pretty bad Josh is losing alot of blood he's coughing blood up too.
Claire: oh my god I'll be right over ok. Get something to hold on his wounds don't let him bleed out understand me. 
Michelle: I understand Claire.
Claire: Thank you Make sure you apply pressure to his wounds.
Michelle: I will. Bye Claire I'll see you soon.
Claire: Bye Michelle.
Michelle and Claire hang up their phones.
Back at the hospital in Cutter's room.
Danielle: I can't believe that Josh is really mom's brother and not Riley.
James: I know honey it's very shocking I can't believe it myself.
Danielle: How is mom handling it?
James: She loves her brother Josh he's a great guy. 
Danielle: I'm glad that mom isn't angry at him.
James: I'm glad too honey. 
Danielle: Elizabeth did something really bad last night.
James: what did she do?
Danielle: cutter found Elizabeth and Trevor porcaro having sex in the living room.
James: Oh my god Elizabeth is too young to have sex.
Danielle: She got really mad at Cutter. She told him that she hated him. Now look at him he's lying in a hospital bed in a coma.
James: Elizabeth didn't mean what she said to her father. She loves her Dad and she loves you.
Danielle: Cutter grounded Elizabeth and he told her that she could never see Trevor ever again.
James: cutter was right in doing that.
Danielle: Yes he was.
James: I'm sorry that your husband is in a coma. I wish this didn't happen to him.
Danielle: Dad what if Cutter never wakes up from this coma. What If he dies?
James: Honey he will wake up he's strong he loves you. You mean so much to him He will make it.
Danielle begins to cry she keeps crying.
James hugs Danielle as she's crying.
Back at the hospital waiting room.
Elizabeth: I'm so worried about my Dad.
Trevor: I know you are. I'm worried about my mother Tea she hasn't woken up yet.
Elizabeth: what happend to your mother?
Trevor: Well you know your aunt Claire's mother Blair Gregory?
Elizabeth: Yes what about her?
Trevor: Blair was fighting with her husband Kevin williamson and he was trying to hurt My mother Tea because she came to tell Blair that Kevin did something really bad to Claire's father. Kevin grabbed Tea by the hair and he was pulling her hair. Blair had a gun and she tried to shoot Kevin but my mom got shot instead.
Elizabeth: Oh my god Trevor that's aweful.
Trevor: Your aunt Claire's mother didn't mean it. It was a accident.
Elizabeth: I know that. My grandmother Blair would never hurt anybody on purpose.
Trevor: your right about that she would never hurt anybody.
Elizabeth: But I did hurt somebody I hurt my dad. He's in that hospital bed because of me.
Trevor: No he isn't. He is laying in that hospital bed because somebody shot him. Stop blaming yourself.
Back at Josh's apartment.
Claire opens the door of Josh's apartment.
Josh: c l a i r e   Y o u r   H e r e ....... U h
I m   D y i n g .
Claire: No brother I'm not letting you die.
Xavier: Die father I can't stand you.
Claire: Don't you dare talk to your father like that.
Xavier: Shut up Mom you b***h.
Claire: Why are you acting this way son?
Xavier: This is who I am I'm a killer. Guess what mom?
Claire: What?
Xavier: your precious James is next to Die.
Claire: I won't let you hurt him.
Xavier: I'll hurt him if I want to.
Claire: Xavier stop this you don't want to hurt anybody else. 
Claire calls an ambulance for Josh.
Josh: c l a i r e ...... U h   U h  U h  U h
Claire: hello I need a ambulance right now. My brother Josh Gregory has been Shot in the chest he's bleeding really badly get here quick. He's coughing up blood.
Josh coughs.
Michelle: Josh I want you to know that I love you.
Josh: I   L o v e   Y o u   T o o . . . . U h  u h
Josh slowly closes his eyes.
The ambulance arrives to take Josh to the hospital Josh is rushed to the hospital.
Claire and Michelle ride in the ambulance with him.
Back in Cutter's hospital room
Damon walks into the room
James: Hey son.
Damon: Hey dad. 
James: you look kind of upset.
Damon: I am Dad. There is a reason why I'm upset it's because of this Serena Gregory person.
James: why is her last name Gregory?
Damon: She's mom's long lost sister Serena is a real b***h.
James: oh my god your mother doesn't know that she has a sister.
Damon: No she doesn't know yet.
James: why was she a b***h son?
Damon: I'll tell you why she was a b***h. It's because mom is with you and not uncle Ford. Serena has a plan to kill you with a Gun.
James: She wants me dead so your mother could be With my brother Ford again.
Damon: Yes Dad.
James: oh my god.
Damon: Dad there is something that I have to tell you.
Danielle: what do you have to tell dad brother?
James: Yeah son what is it?
Damon: I'm in uncle Johnny's mafia.
James: Son are you crazy? Your going to get yourself killed or worse arrested.
Damon: No I'm not dad. Uncle Johnny will protect me.
James: You are my son Damon You were my little boy but now look at you. Your in the damn mafia with your uncle Johnny.
Damon: it's my choice dad and I like it.
James: How could you not tell me or your mother that you were joining your uncle Johnny's mafia?
Damon: I wanted to do something on my own for once You know I don't always have to listen to you or mom.
James: You will listen to me Damon. You have to get out of that mafia before you get yourself shot.
Damon: maybe aunt Serena was right. Maybe she should kill you.
Danielle: Brother you don't mean that. You don't want dad to die.
Damon: Yes I do because he's not being fair.
James: Fine Damon you stay in the mafia. Listen son I know that Johnny will protect you.
Damon: Your letting me stay in?
James: Yes son I am.
Damon: I take back what I said to you.
James and Damon hug.
At the hospital.
Josh is rushed into the hospital on a strecher.  
Claire: Gunshot wounds to the chest Massive bleeding.
Josh: c l a i r e    H e l p   M e 
Claire: Shh it's ok brother I'm going to save you. Brandon take him to the operating room.
Brandon: Ok Sis.
Brandon rushes Josh into the operating room.
Claire sees James coming out of Cutter's room James sees Claire standing by the desk.
James: Hi honey.
Claire: James honey something happend.
James: what is it?
Claire: Randy was murdered I found him stabbed to death at his apartment in his bed.
James: oh my god that's aweful I'm so sorry that you had to see that.
Claire: Somebody killed my best friend.
James: Randy didn't deserve to die.
Claire starts crying.
Claire: I can't believe that he's dead He was my best friend we grew up together.
James: I know honey.
Claire keeps crying
James hugs her
Claire: There is something else that happend.
James: what is it honey?
Claire: Josh.
James: what about him honey?
Claire: Josh has been shot.
James: Oh No by who?
Claire: Xavier.
James: Oh my god.
Claire begins to cry she keeps crying.
Claire: I have to get to the operating room right now.
James: I'll see you when you get back.
Claire: I love you James.
James: I love you too honey.
Claire touches James's cheek.
Claire goes to the operating room.
In the operating room.
Claire walks into the operating room.
Brandon: He has bullets in the middle of his chest I stopped his bleeding 
Claire: Good I'm glad that you stopped his bleeding. Did you give him the IV?
Brandon: all taken care of.
Claire: Hand me the scapel.
Brandon hands Claire the scapel.
Claire cuts the Bullets out of Josh's chest with the scapel. She cleans the wounds with antispetic. She stitches the wounds up and she bandges them up.
Josh wakes up.
Claire: Hey brother how are you feeling?
Josh: you saved my life Claire.
Claire: Yes I did brother.
Josh: I love you sis. 
Claire: I love you too brother.
Josh kisses Claire's cheek.
Claire smiles.
Brandon: I'm taking our brother to a hospital room so he can rest.
Claire: Good idea let's get him out of this operating room.
Claire and Brandon leave the operating room with Josh.
Josh: I'm in pain sis.
Claire: I know brother I'll get you some pain pills and morphine.
Josh: those will help me.
Claire: Yes they will.
Brandon takes Josh to a nice hospital room that is private.
Brandon helps Josh get into the bed.
Josh: Ow my chest hurts.
Brandon: Here take this pill.
Josh takes the clear pill from Brandon.
Josh puts it in his mouth and he swallows it.
Brandon: How are you feeling Now bro?
Josh: i'm feeling a little bit better.
Brandon: I'm glad.
Josh: Me Too.
Claire walks into the room.
Josh: hey sis.
Claire: Hey brother how are you feeling now?
Josh: a little bit better I'm not in too much pain.
Claire: Good. I'm going home call me if you need anything.
Josh: I will sis I love you.
Claire: I love you too brother.
Josh kisses Claire on the top of her head.
Claire leaves Josh's hospital room.
At Claire and James's house.
Claire and James walk into the House.
James: How is your brother Josh feeling?
Claire: He's feeling a little bit better. He's not in too much pain. 
James: That's good honey. I have something that I have to tell you It's very important. 
Claire: what is it sweetheart?
James: Our son Damon has joined his uncle Johnny zacchara's mafia.
Claire: Oh my god.
James: I didn't even know that he joined that.
Claire: He's going to get himself in trouble or killed.
James: No he won't. I know that Johnny will protect him.
Claire: Your right Johnny will protect Damon.
James: Johnny was great with him when Damon was little.
Claire: I remember that Johnny read to Damon.
James: aw that was sweet of Johnny to do that.
Claire: I know.
James pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing.
James: I missed you all day.
Claire: I missed you too.
Serena knocks on the door of the house.
Claire: I'll get the door honey.
James: Ok sweetheart.
Claire goes into the living room and she opens the door.
Serena: Hello I'm looking for Claire Gregory.
Claire: Your looking at her. Who are you?
Serena: I'm Serena Gregory.
Claire: why are you here Why do you have my last name?
Serena: I'm your long lost sister.
Claire: Oh my God.
Claire stands there looking at Serena shocked.
Serena: I have been looking for you.
Claire: you have?
Serena: Yes I have.
Claire: I didn't know that I had a sister.
Serena: I didn't know either. Where's your husband?
Claire: How did you know that I'm married?
Serena: I talked to Ford.
Claire: what did he tell you?
Serena: That you broke his heart and you left him for his loser brother James Ford.
Claire: James is not a loser I love him.
Serena: I'm going to find James and I'm going to kill him.
Claire: No you can't do that I love him.
James comes downstairs and he sees Claire talking to somebody.
James: who are you?
Serena: Hello James I'm Serena Gregory. Im Your wife's long lost sister
James: Nice to meet you.
Serena: I heard tons of stuff about you from your brother Ford.
James: I heard that you have a plan to kill me. 
Serena: Yes I do as a matter of fact why don't I kill you now?
Ford walks into the house.
Claire: Serena please don't do this.
Serena takes out a loaded gun and she aims it at James.
Claire: No please Serena I'm pregnant James is going to be a father again. My kids need him they love him. Leave him alone.
Serena c***s the gun.
Ford walks into the living room and he finds Claire and James being held at Gunpoint by Serena.
Ford: Serena I'm not letting you do this to my brother and your sister.
Serena: Im killing your brother so you can have Claire back.
Ford: I don't want Claire back. James and Claire belong together they love eachother. James and Claire would die for eachother.
Serena: Say Goodbye to James sis.
Claire: No please don't kill my husband.
James: Claire I love you so much your the best thing that has ever happend to me please Don't ever forget me.
Serena pulls the trigger a bullet flies out of the gun.
Ford: Nooooo.
Ford throws James out of the path of the Bullet The Bullet hits Ford in the chest.
Claire: Oh No Ford.
Ford slowly collapses to the floor shot.
James: Brother Noooo.
Claire: You shot him You shot Ford.
Ford: J a m e s . . . . .  I   D i d  T h i s  F o r 
Y o u   B r o t h e r . . . . .
Claire: James get my medical bag I'm going to save him         
James grabs Claire's medical bag she gets the scapel and she gets the bullet out of Ford's chest She cleans his wound with antispectic she stitches his wound up and she bandages it up.
Claire: Get out of here serena I never want to see you again.
Serena goes over to Claire and she pushes Claire to the floor.
Serena: Here you go sister have a miscarriage.
Claire is crying on the floor.
Claire: No my baby no.
Serena stands over Claire with the gun.
James: No.
Ford: don't you dare shoot her.
Claire: Please sis don't shoot me I'm begging you.
Serena: Shut up you b***h.
Claire keeps crying.
Serena shoots at Claire.
Damon comes into the house and he hears gunshots Damon pulls out his Gun and he goes into the living room he sees Serena trying to kill his mother Claire and her unborn baby that she is carrying inside of her.
Damon shoots bullets at Serena's back.
Serena falls to the floor and she is shaking and coughing.
Damon: Mom are you ok?
Claire: No Damon sweetie I'm not.
Damon: mom why not?
Claire is bleeding out of her chest James sees a bullet wound in her chest. Damon sees the wound too.
James: No Claire.
Damon: Mom No.
Claire begins shaking.
James rushes to Claire and he craddles her in his arms.
Claire: J a m e s . . . . . .  Its too late uh uh uh for me I love you with all of my heart  Don't ever forget that.
James: Claire no honey your not going to die Ford call a ambulance now she's been hit.
Ford calls a ambulance.
Ford: I need a ambulance Claire Gregory was shot in the chest she's pregnant please get here fast.
Claire slowly closes her eyes and she dies in James's arms.
James: Ford are they on their way?
Ford: yes.
James: Claire honey did you hear that? They are on their way. Claire?
Claire doesn't respond to James.
Ford: James is she ok?
James: Claire's dead brother she's dead. My wife is dead.
Ford: No.
Ford begins to cry.
James starts crying he keeps crying.
James craddles Claire's lifeless body in his arms He keeps crying. 
Stay tuned for the next scenes on Tempted.


© 2011 Danielle

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Added on May 16, 2011
Last Updated on May 16, 2011