![]() Tempted episode 105A Screenplay by Danielle![]() Elizabeth and Trevor have sex Josh and Todd return Claire tells Blair about Josh being her brother instead of Riley. James and Cutter surprize Claire and Danielle. cutter is shot by a sniper![]()
Tempted episode 105
At Claire and James's house. Claire is sitting on the couch drinking coffee and eating a everything bagel. Blair knocks on the door. Claire sets her coffee down and she puts her plate down on the table she gets off the couch and she opens the door. Blair: Hi honey. Claire: Hi mom. Blair: where's your brother honey? I was planning on taking you and James and Riley to lunch. Claire looks at her mother Blair. Blair: Honey what's going on? You look like your about to cry. Claire: Mom I need to talk to you. Blair: About what honey Is everything ok? Claire: What I'm about to tell you is very shocking. Blair: what happend? Claire: Riley isn't my brother Josh Gregory is. Blair: Oh my god. Claire: Josh told me the truth last night he told me everything. Blair: what did he tell you? Claire: He saw Riley get killed a year ago by Eli thompson. Josh and Riley were best friends Josh tried to help Riley when he was shot but it was too late. Blair: Oh my god I can't believe this. Claire: I couldn't believe it either mom. Then Josh told me that Riley told him to take over his life Riley wanted Josh to love our family. Josh did love our family I loved him too he was a great brother. Blair: why did you just say was honey? Claire: Because Josh is dead. Claire begins to cry. Blair: Oh my god No what happend? Claire: Josh told me that Eli would find out about what he told me and Josh told me to shoot him. Blair: Claire honey please tell me that you didn't shoot your own brother. Please tell me that you didn't do what Josh had asked you to do. Claire: I shot him mom. Blair: Noooo. ------------------------------------------------------------ At the hospital. Todd walks into the hospital and he sees Brandon crying in a chair. Todd walks over to Brandon and he sits down next to him Brandon looks at him. Brandon: Oh my god Stepfather your alive. Todd: Yes I am where's your mother? Brandon: I have some bad news dad. Todd: what is it son? Brandon: My mom was Shot and she's in a coma. Todd: Oh my god how did that happen? Brandon: Blair shot her by accident. Todd: How dare she do that. Brandon: This isn't Blair's fault Dad. Todd: Then tell me who's fault it is. Brandon: It's Kevin williamson's fault. He was trying to kill my mother. Todd: That son of a b***h. Can I see your mom? Brandon: Sure Dad. Brandon and Todd hug. Todd is crying. ------------------------------------------------------------ At James's office. James is sitting at his desk looking at a picture of Claire and Josh and him James starts to Cry. A guy with brown hair and Brown eyes walks into his office James looks up. James: Josh oh my god your alive. Josh: yes I am I told you I would be back. James: I thought you were dead You died in Claire's arms. Josh: I was but I was rushed to the hospital and somebody operated on me. James: who saved your life Josh? Josh: Tara Porcaro. James: Isnt she Tea porcaro's daughter? Josh: They don't know about her. James: Oh my god she's Tea's long lost daughter. Josh: Yes she is. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Danielle and Cutter's house. Elizabeth and Trevor are upstairs in her bedroom Elizabeth looks at Trevor and she smiles at him. Trevor: Your so beautiful I want you forever. Elizabeth: I want to be with you forever too. Trevor: Do you want to have sex? Elizabeth: Yes I do. I don't think anybody's home. How about we go downstairs and do it? Trevor: Great idea let's go. Elizabeth and Trevor go downstairs and they go into the living room Trevor takes his shirt off Elizabeth takes her dress off. Trevor pulls Elizabeth into a passionate kiss they keep kissing. Trevor: I love you elizabeth. Elizabeth: I love you too Trevor. Trevor and Elizabeth have sex. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Claire and James's house. Blair: How could you do that to your own brother. Claire: Mom listen to me it was hard for me to shoot him. I didn't want to do it I didn't want to hurt him but he told me that If I didn't shoot him Eli would kill him or me or James. Blair: Its not your fault honey. Claire: Im going to talk to Eli about everything Josh told me. Blair: No honey you are not going anywhere near that killer. Claire's phone rings Claire: Hello? Brandon: Claire there is something that you should know. Claire: what is it Brandon is everything ok? Brandon: Our stepmother Tea is in a coma she was shot. Claire: Oh my god who shot her? Brandon: your mother Blair. It was an accident though Kevin is to blame for this. Claire: what does that b*****d have to do with It? Brandon: your mother confronted him with the Gun that he shot and killed your father with. Your mother and Kevin were in his study she asked him if He killed your father Todd Gregory. Our stepmother Tea came over to tell Blair that Todd was dead. Blair and Kevin kept yelling at eachother. Tea walked into the study and Kevin got behind her with a knife and he held it to her throat He pulled her hair. Blair was telling Kevin to stop. your mother didn't want him to hurt Tea so your mom fired the gun but the bullet got My mom instead. Claire begins to cry. Brandon: Can you come to the hospital? Claire: Sure I'll be there Brandon. Brandon: I love you sis. Claire: I love you too brother. Claire hangs up the phone. Blair: who was that sweetie? Claire: Brandon porcaro. Blair: what happend? Claire: His mother Tea fell into a coma. Blair: Oh No. Claire: You shot her by accident mom you didn't mean it. Blair: I'm coming to the hospital with you. Claire: Ok mom. Claire and Blair leave the house. ------------------------------------------------------------ At the hospital. Claire and Blair walk into the hospital. Todd is sitting in a chair crying. Claire: Dad your alive? Todd: Yes I am honey come here. Claire begins to cry and she hugs her father. Todd: aw sweetie don't cry I'm here. Claire: Dad do you know about Tea? Todd: Yes Brandon your stepbrother told me that she's in a coma. Claire: I'm scared that she might die. I don't want my stepmother to die I love her. Todd: I know you do sweetie. Where's your brother Riley? Claire: Dad there is something that you should know. Todd: what is it honey? Claire: Riley isn't my brother Josh Gregory is my brother. Riley is dead Eli Thompson murdered him a year ago and Josh watched Riley die. Josh tried to save Riley's life but it was too late. Riley told Josh to take over his idenity so Josh did. Josh told me the truth the other night Josh wanted me to shoot him so Eli couldn't find him. Todd: Did you shoot him honey? Claire: Yes I did he made me. He didn't want Eli to come and hurt me because now I knew the truth. Josh is dead Dad. Todd: No he can't be dead. Claire: He's gone dad. Todd: Honey this is not your fault. It's not your brother Josh's fault. Claire: I loved my brother Josh so much. Todd: he'll come back honey I know he will. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at James's office. Josh: I have to find Claire. James: I'm glad that your not dead. Josh: Thanks James. You make Claire happy I've always liked you. James: I've always liked you too Josh. Josh: I better get going. Cutter walks into James's office. Cutter: James I need to talk to you. James: What is it Cutter what's wrong? Cutter: I need help picking out a gift for Danielle. James: I'll help you find something. Cutter: thank you James. I just want to give her something special. James: Aw. Josh: Im going to visit Claire at the hospital. She's probally working James: Tell her that I love her and I'll see her at home tonight. Josh: I will. Bye James. James hugs Josh. James: Bye Josh. Cutter: Bye brother. Josh: Bye Josh leaves James's office. ----------------------------------------------------------- Back at the hospital. Claire is standing behind the desk. Josh walks into the hospital and he sees Claire. He walks up to her Claire: Brother your alive. Josh: Yes I am I came back for you. Claire: I missed you so much brother. Josh: I missed you too sis. Claire: Josh there is something that you should know. Josh: what is it sis? Claire: Our Father Todd is alive. Josh: Oh my god. Claire: I'm happy that he's alive. I missed him too. Josh: I missed our Dad too. Claire: Have you heard about our stepmother Tea? Josh: No i haven't heard. What happend sis? Claire: Tea was shot and she's in a coma. Josh: who shot her? Claire: Our mother Blair shot Tea by accident because of Kevin williamson. Josh: This is bad sis. ------------------------------------------------------------ In Tea's hospital room. Todd walks into Tea's hospital room. Todd: Tea it's Todd Im alive I don't know if you can hear me but I want you to know that I love you Please don't leave me I need you Please wake up. Blair: Todd oh my god your alive. Todd: Blair what are you doing here? Blair: I came here to see Tea I didn't expect to find you here alive. You died Todd it hurt Claire so much. It hurt me too and it hurt Tea. Todd: you shot my fiancé. She's in a coma because of you. Blair: I didn't mean to shoot her Todd. Todd: Yes you did You were so angry with her for kissing me when I was in a coma from being shot. I fell in love with Tea and you hated that I wanted her. Blair: No Todd I don't hate Tea. She's my best friend. Todd: I don't want to hear it. Get out of here Blair. Blair smacks Todd across the face and she walks out of Tea's hospital room. ------------------------------------------------------------ At a jewerly store. James and Cutter go to a jewerly store to pick out something for Danielle. James: Hi do you have any diamond necklaces? Clerk: I'll get some for you. Cutter: thank you. The clerk walks away and he brings back some necklaces with diamonds on them. Cutter looks at the necklaces. Cutter: I like the middle one with the heart. James: so do I. I'm getting a surprize for Claire. Clerk: who's Claire? James: My wife. Clerk: Aw. The clerk hands the heart necklace to Cutter. Clerk: what do you want to get for Claire? James: Can I get a necklace with blue diamonds on it? Clerk: Sure I'll get it for you. The clerk grabs the Necklace for James. The clerk hands the necklace to James. James: Thank you. Cutter and James pay for their jewelry. Cutter and James leave the store. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Danielle and Cutter's house. Elizabeth and Trevor are still having sex They are on the couch kissing. Trevor: Im so glad that i'm with you. Elizabeth: Nobody will ever take you away from me. Trevor: I want to marry you. Elizabeth: I want to marry you too Trevor. Trevor and Elizabeth keep kissing. Cutter is outside the house on the phone with Danielle. Cutter: Danielle honey I'm going to make you a special dinner tonight so Come home. Danielle: I will sweetie. Cutter: Im home now. Danielle: I'll see you soon honey. Cutter: I love you. Danielle: I love you too. Cutter hangs up the phone. Elizabeth and Trevor are having more sex on the couch. Cutter opens the door of the house. Cutter sees Elizabeth and Trevor. Cutter: What do you think your doing Elizabeth? Elizabeth: Dad I didn't know that you would be back. Trevor: i'm sorry mr Gregory. Cutter: You stay away from my daughter. Trevor: I can't do that I love her. Cutter: Get out of my house. Elizabeth: Dad please don't make him leave. Cutter: You are never going to see him again. If I find out that your with him behind my back I will kill him. Elizabeth: No please dad you can't do this. Cutter: I will not let you have sex at a young age. Elizabeth you are only 16 years old He's 17 years old it's not right. Elizabeth: I hate you Dad. Trevor: Im sorry Elizabeth. Elizabeth: it's not your fault. Trevor: I should leave. Elizabeth: I love you Trevor no matter what happens. Trevor: I love you too. Elizabeth and Trevor kiss for the last time. Trevor leaves the house. Elizabeth: I hope your happy Dad. Cutter: Your grounded go to your room now. Elizabeth: I hate you so much Dad. Elizabeth runs out of the room crying. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at the hospital Josh: Claire are you ok? Claire: I haven't been feeling well. Josh: what is it? Claire: I might be pregnant. Josh: Your having another baby with James? Claire: Yes I am. Josh: aw I'm so happy for you sis. Claire: thank you brother Your going to be a uncle. Josh and Claire hug. Josh: have you told James yet? Claire: I'm telling him tonight. Josh: he's going to be happy. He's a great father. Claire: Yes he is and I know he will be. Brother I'm going home now. Josh: I'll come with you sis. Claire: Im happy that your not dead. Josh: Me too sis. Claire: I love you Josh. Josh: I love you too Claire. Claire and Josh leave the hospital. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back in Tea's hospital room. A girl with blonde curly hair walks into the room Todd looks at her. Tara: hello who are you? Todd: I'm Todd Gregory and you are? Tara: I'm Tara porcaro I'm the long lost daughter of Tea porcaro. What happend to my mom mr Gregory? Todd: she was shot and she's in a coma. Tara: Oh No is my mom going to be ok? Todd: I don't know if she is. Tara: this is really bad. Todd: I'm her fiancé if your wondering. Tara: Your Claire Gregory's father. Todd: Yes. Tara: she's my best friend. Todd: Aw that's nice. Tara: Are you my father? Todd: No. I'm your stepfather. Tara: I hope my mom doesn't die I never got to know my mother. Todd: that's sad Tara. Tara: I know. Tara begins to cry. Todd hugs Tara as she's crying. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Claire and James's house. Claire walks into the house she goes into the dinning room and she sees a gift bag on the table and a boquet of red roses next to it in a vase. James walks into the dinning room. James: Surprize honey. Claire: Its beautiful James. James: I had to get you something special sweetheart. Claire smiles at James. James smiles back at her Claire takes the Box out of the gift bag and she opens the box the necklace with the blue diamond is in it. Claire: Oh my god James it's beautiful. I love it. James: I knew you would honey. Claire Pulls James into a passionate kiss they keep kissing. James opens up the clasp of the necklace and he puts it on Claire's neck. Claire pulls James back into a kiss. Claire: I have a surprize for you. James: Aw honey you Do? Claire: Yes I do. Honey I'm pregnant again. James: Oh my god were going to have another baby? Claire: Yes we are. James: I'm so happy You make me happy Claire your my life. Claire: I love you James. James: I love you too. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Danielle and Cutter's house. Danielle comes into the House and she sees something on the table from Cutter. Cutter: Hello honey surprize. Danielle opens up the box and she sees the heart necklace with diamonds on it. Danielle: Aww cutter it's beautiful I love you. Cutter: Im glad you like it honey. Danielle: where's Elizabeth? Cutter: She's upstairs. She's grounded honey. Danielle: what did she do? Cutter: She was having sex. Danielle: Oh my god. Who was she doing it with honey? Cutter: Trevor porcaro. Danielle: She's too young to have sex. You did the right thing in grounding her honey Cutter: She hates me honey. I'm going out to get a drink at the bar with a friend I'll see you later ok honey. Danielle: I love you honey. Cutter pulls Danielle into a kiss They keep kissing. Cutter leaves the house and he goes to the bar. ------------------------------------------------------------ At the bar. Logan is sitting at the bar cutter walks into the bar and he sits Down next to Logan. Logan: Hey Cutter. Cutter: hello Logan how are you? Logan: I'm doing good. What about you? Cutter: my daughter Elizabeth was doing something that she wasn't supposed to do. Logan: what did she do? Cutter: when I came home this afternoon she was having sex with Her boyfriend Trevor porcaro. Logan: She shouldn't have been doing that. Cutter: I know. Logan hands Cutter a beer. Cutter: She hates me Now. Logan: She'll get over it. Cutter: I don't think she will. Logan: Your her father and she loves you. Cutter: she doesn't love me anymore because of last night. Logan: Im sorry cutter. Cutter: thanks Logan. Logan: Do you want to go get a snack? Cutter: sure let's go. Cutter and Logan go outside the bar. Logan walks to his car. Cutter is coming out of the bar too, The sniper targets him. Cutter takes out his car keys. The sniper starts shooting bullets at Logan and cutter. Cutter runs to his car The sniper sees him running the sniper fires bullets at Cutter. Cutter gets hit in the stomach by bullets. Cutter collapses to the ground. Logan sees cutter laying on the ground bleeding. Cutter: L o g a n .......... I G o t S h o t Logan; Im calling an ambulance right now. Cutter starts shaking. Logan: Hello I need a ambulance my friend Cutter Gregory wentworth was shot. Get here fast he's bleeding really bad. Cutter: D a n i e l l e Logan: Shh cutter the ambulance is coming. Cutter: h e l p Logan gets a blanket and he holds it on cutter's gunshot wounds. Cutter: I'm going to die. Call Danielle now. Logan calls Danielle. Danielle: Hello Logan. Logan: hi Danielle something happend. Danielle: what are you talking about? What happend Logan: Your husband Cutter was shot by a sniper. Danielle: Oh my god, No, No, No he can't be shot. Logan: He is I'm sorry Danielle. Danielle: I'll be at the hospital soon. Logan: Bye Danielle and I'm sorry. Danielle: thank you logan. Bye Danielle hangs up the phone. The ambulance for Cutter arrives at the bar. Brandon and Randy carefully lift Cutter up onto the strecher. Cutter: Uh uh uh uh. Randy: Cutter stay with us don't die. Cutter: Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh. Cutter is rushed to the hospital. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Claire and James's house. Claire's phone rings. Claire: Hello Brandon. Brandon: Hi Claire we need you down at the hospital. Claire: Brandon what happend? Brandon: it's your brother. Claire: Which brother? Brandon: Cutter. Claire: what happend to him? Brandon: He was Shot. Claire: Oh No. How bad is it? Brandon: it's pretty bad he's losing blood. Claire: I'll be right there. Brandon: I'll see you soon Claire. Claire: Bye Brandon. Brandon: bye Claire. Claire Hangs up her phone. James: Honey what was that about? Claire: Cutter. James: What about him? Claire: He was Shot. It's really bad he's losing a lot of blood. James: Oh My God. Claire: Im going into work now honey I'll be home later. James: I'll come with you. Claire: ok honey. Claire and James leave the house. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Danielle and Cutter's house. Elizabeth comes downstairs to find her mother sitting on the couch. Elizabeth: hi mom where's Dad? Danielle: Elizabeth honey please sit down. I need to tell you something. Elizabeth: Mom what is it? Danielle: Your father was Shot He's been taken to the hospital. Elizabeth: Oh No. Danielle: He's lost alot of blood honey. He might not make it. Elizabeth: This is all my fault. I should have never told him that I hated him. Danielle: no honey him getting shot isn't your fault. Elizabeth: Mom can you take me to the hospital? Danielle: Sure come on honey. Elizabeth and Danielle leave the house. ------------------------------------------------------------ At the hospital. The ambulance with Cutter in it pulls up to the emergancy side of the hospital. Brandon and Randy open the backs of the ambulance and they get cutter out of the ambulance. Brandon and Randy rush Cutter into the hospital. Blood is gushing from his stomach. Claire and James Show up and Josh shows up too. Claire: Cutter it's your sister Claire stay with me. Cutter: C l a i r e .......... U h U h U h Claire: Shh I'm here brother I'm here I'm not going to let you die. James: Cutter don't die on us. Cutter: J a m e s ................. James: Im here son in law. Cutter: I love you father in law. Danielle and Elizabeth arrive at the hospital. Elizabeth sees her father laying on the strecher bleeding. Elizabeth: Daddy No, Daddy. I'm sorry Cutter: e l i z a b e t h Elizabeth: Daddy I didn't mean to say that I hated you. This is all my fault. Cutter: N o I t 's N o t......... Danielle: sweetheart I'm here don't you dare leave me. I love you so much. Cutter closes his eyes and he bleeds to death and he slowly falls into a coma. Claire rushes cutter into surgey. Claire gets the bullets out of his stomach. She stops his bleeding and she cleans his wounds with antispectic. She stitches the wounds up and she bandages them up. Cutter lays on the operating table lifeless and in a coma. Brandon: How is he Claire? Claire: he's in a coma from the loss of blood. Brandon: I'm going out there to tell Elizabeth and your daughter Danielle what his conditon is. Claire: Thank you Brandon. Brandon: your welcome Claire. Brandon walks out of the operating room ------------------------------------------------------------ In the waiting room. Elizabeth is crying in a chair. Danielle is crying too. Brandon walks up to Danielle. Danielle: Brandon how's my husband? Brandon: I have bad news Danielle. Danielle: what happend is he dead? Brandon: No he's not dead He's in a coma. Elizabeth cries. Elizabeth: No my Dad can't be in a coma he just can't be. Brandon: I'm sorry but he is. Your aunt Claire got the bullets out of his stomach though and she was able to stop the bleeding but after the surgry was over he didn't open his eyes. Danielle: Im glad that my mom saved him. Him falling into a coma isn't my mother's fault. Brandon: Your right Danielle it isn't. Elizabeth: this is all my fault. If I didn't tell dad that I hated him he wouldn't have gotten shot. Brandon: Elizabeth you didn't mean to say that to him. He loves you Elizabeth: I hurt my own father's feelings by telling him that I hated him. Danielle: I'm going to go see him. ------------------------------------------------------------ Stay tuned for the scenes on Tempted © 2011 Danielle |
Added on May 9, 2011 Last Updated on May 9, 2011 Author