![]() Tempted episode 104A Screenplay by Danielle![]() Episode info: Claire finds out who Riley really is. Josh tells Claire about her brother Riley's death and about Eli killing Riley. Tea is rushed to the hospital and and falls into a coma.![]()
At Claire and James's house.
Claire and James are laying in their bed together. Riley knocks on the door. Claire: I wonder who that is honey? James: Its probally your brother Riley. Claire: Im going downstairs to talk to him. James: ok honey have fun with your brother. Claire: I will. James pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing. Claire gets out of bed and she goes downstairs and she opens the door. Claire: Hey Brother. Riley: Claire I have to tell you something it's very important. Claire: What is it brother are you ok? Riley: Please sit down Claire. Claire: What is going on with you Riley? Riley: I'm not who you think I am. My name is Josh Claire: Oh my god. Josh/Riley: I'm sorry Claire I didn't mean to lie to you. Claire: Where is my brother what did you do to him? Josh/Riley: he was murdered by Eli Thompson. Eli shot Riley to death and I tried to help Riley but it was too late he died. Claire: No, No, No my brother is dead. Josh/Riley: I had to take over his idenity and his life so I did. If Eli found me he would have killed me for watching Riley get killed. He didn't know that I witnessed Riley's murder. Claire pulls out a gun and she points it at Josh's chest. Claire: Get out of here before I shoot you. Josh/Riley: please No don't shoot me. I'm still your brother. Claire: No your not. My brother Riley is dead and your not him. Josh/Riley: please put the gun down Claire. Claire begins to cry. Josh/Riley: Claire listen to the whole story. I took over your brother's life because Eli would have shot me and you. I couldn't let him kill you because I love you. Claire looks into Josh's eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Ford's apartment. Ford is sitting on the couch watching Tv. James knocks on the door. Ford gets off of the couch and he opens the door. Ford: Hey brother. James: Brother have you heard what happend to Todd Gregory? Ford: no I haven't what happend? James: He was shot and killed by Kevin williamson. Ford: Oh No Is he dead? James: Yes he is. Ford: Does Claire know? James: Yes and she's not taking it well at all. Ford: I can't believe that Todd is dead. Poor Claire she lost her father. She loved him James: I know she did and he loved her. Ford: we should have a funeral for him. James: good idea brother I'll help you plan it. Ford: how's your head? James: Im still getting headaches. Ford: No brother I don't want you to die. James: I know you don't. Claire is scared that she might lose me. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Blair and Kevin's house. Tea walks into Blair and kevin's house Tea is looking for Blair. Tea: Blair are you here? We need to talk. Kevin hears Tea's voice. Kevin: Blair kill Tea Right Now. Blair: No I would never kill anyone. Tea finds Kevin's study and she sees Blair pointing a gun at Kevin. Kevin gets behind Tea and he grabs her and he puts a knife to her throat. Blair: No Tea. Leave her alone please don't Hurt her. Tea: blair help me please I'm scared. Blair lifts up the gun and she c***s the trigger. Tea and Kevin are fighting. Kevin grabs Tea's hair and he starts pulling it. Blair fires the gun. Kevin lets go of Tea. Tea falls to the floor of the house. Blair: Oh my god Tea. Tea lays there bleeding from her chest. Tea goes unconcious. Blair: Tea, Tea, can you hear me. Tea doesn't answer Blair. Blair turns Tea to the side and she sees the gunshot wound in Tea's chest. Blair: Oh my god this is really bad. Kevin: I hope she's dead. Blair: This is all your fault Kevin You attacked her. I'm calling her son Brandon. Kevin: You do that. Blair calls Brandon. Blair: Brandon something bad happend. Brandon: what's wrong Blair? Blair: I shot your mother Tea by accident. Brandon: oh my god How could you. Blair: Kevin was trying to hurt me and Tea came to my house and she was looking for me because she wanted to tell me something. Brandon: what did my mom want to tell you? Blair: she wanted to tell me about Todd's death. Brandon: im sorry for your loss Blair. Blair: thank you Brandon. Kevin williamson killed him and he lied to me about it Claire came over here to tell me what Kevin did to her father. Claire gave me the Gun that Kevin used I planned to confront him after she left. So I did and your mother came into the house and Kevin heard her voice. So I got the gun and I was pointing it at Kevin. When Tea walked into the room where me and Kevin were. Kevin went up behind Tea and he started pulling her hair and he was hurting her. I meant to shoot him not her. He put her in the way. Brandon: oh my god. Blair where's my mother now? Blair: she's going to the hospital. Bring your brothers and Linda to the hospital. Brandon: I will. Blair: Bye Brandon I'm really sorry. Brandon: it's not your fault Blair. Bye. Blair hangs up the phone and she calls a ambulance. The ambulance arrives and it rushes Tea to the hospital. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Claire and James's house. Claire keeps looking at Josh/Riley. Josh/Riley: what is it Claire? Claire: I love you Josh. Josh/Riley: why do you love me Claire? I lied to you about being Riley your brother. Claire: I'm not angry with you I couldn't be You were only trying to protect yourself from Eli. I would have done the same thing. Josh/Riley: Claire could you do something for me? Claire: what is it Josh? Josh/Riley: I want you to put your gun to my stomach and pull the trigger and kill me. If you do that Eli won't be able to figure out what I've told you. Claire: No I can't, I can't kill you please don't make me do this. Josh please I can't shoot you Josh/Riley: You have to do this Claire it's the only way that I'll be safe from Eli. Claire begins to cry she has tears rolling down her cheeks. She puts the loaded Gun into Josh's stomach. Claire: Please don't make me do this I don't want to I don't want you to die. Josh/Riley: Pull the trigger Claire please. I know that you don't want to hurt me I know that you don't want to kill me but it's the only way that I'm safe from Eli is if I'm dead. Claire keeps crying. Josh pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing. *Gunshot* Josh/Riley slowly collapse into Claire's arms. Claire: No Josh. Josh/Riley: C l a i r e Claire: Josh stay with me don't die. Josh/Riley: I'm sorry Claire. Claire: no Josh it's not your fault. I understand what you did. I get why you pretended to be my brother because you wanted to be safe from Eli. Josh/Riley: I love you Claire don't ever forget that. Claire keeps crying. Josh/Riley: shh don't cry Claire please don't. Claire: I shot you Josh your dying because of me. Josh: Claire it's not your fault. Claire: please don't close your eyes Josh. Josh/Riley: goodbye Claire. Claire: Noooo. Josh closes his eyes and he dies in Claire's arms. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Danielle and Cutter's house Danielle is sitting on the couch watching Tv. Cutter walks into the room and he sits next to her. Danielle: I wonder if My uncle Riley told my mother Claire that he's not who he says he is. Cutter: He probally is telling her right now. Danielle: I'm scared that after she tells him Eli will come after him and kill him. Cutter: I won't let that happen to him. Danielle: Im glad that you care about Riley/Josh's life. Cutter: Danielle you want to know something? Danielle: what is it honey? Cutter: even though Josh isn't Riley I still think of Josh as family I still think of him as my brother. I don't hate him I love him even though he's not Riley. Danielle: aw honey. Cutter: i will do whatever it takes to help him. ------------------------------------------------------------ In the Park Trevor is sitting on a park bench. A blonde girl named Elizabeth wentworth Gregory is walking up to him and she sits down. Trevor: Hello who are you? Elizabeth: my name is Elizabeth wentworth Gregory. Trevor: I'm Trevor porcaro. Are you Danielle and Cutter's daughter? Elizabeth: Yes I am. Nice to meet you Trevor. Trevor: your pretty do you have a boyfriend? Elizabeth: no im single what about you? Trevor: I'm single too. Elizabeth pulls Trevor into a kiss they keep kissing. Trevor: would you like to be my girlfriend? Elizabeth: Sure I would. Trevor smiles at Elizabeth. Elizabeth pulls Trevor back into a kiss. ------------------------------------------------------------ At the hospital. The ambulance pulls up to the hospital. Landon and Carlos and Logan open the back doors of the ambulance. Landon sees that the person on the strecher is his mother Tea. Landon: No mom. Logan and Carlos rush Tea into the hospital. Landon runs after them. Tea slowly wakes up. Landon: Mom what happend are you ok? Tea: What happend where am I? Landon: mom your were shot your at the hospital. Tea: who shot me Landon honey? Blair: Tea. Tea: Blair what are you doing here? Blair: I came because I had to. Your my best friend I'm sorry that I blamed you for kissing my ex husband when he was in a coma. Tea: Where's Todd? Is he coming to the hospital? Blair: Tea he's dead. Kevin williamson my new husband killed him. Tea: Oh no Todd's dead. I was supposed to marry him tonight. Blair: I'm so sorry Tea. Tea: I know why I came to your house Blair. It was to tell you that Todd was killed. Blair: Tea I was the one who shot you. Tea: you shot me, I can't believe that you would do that to me. Blair: it was a accident. I was trying to shoot Kevin williamson because he had a knife to your throat and he was pulling your hair. Tea: oh my god Blair your right about all of that. He grabbed me and he tried to kill me. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Claire and James's house. Claire keeps crying on Josh/Riley's body. Claire: Im sorry brother I shouldn't have listened to you. You told me to shoot you and now your gone your dead. James comes into the room and he sees Claire crying and holding Josh/Riley's body in her arms. James: oh my god Claire what happend? Claire: James thankgod your here. James: what is going on honey? Claire: Riley isn't who he said he was. My real brother Riley Gregory is dead. This guy named Josh Gregory was pretending to be Riley because Eli Thompson would have killed him if he found out who this fake Riley really was so Josh told me to shoot him. I didn't want to because it would Hurt me it would break my heart to do it. Josh felt like a part of my family he took care of me and he protected you. Josh is dead Now because of me. James: Claire this is not your fault. This isn't Josh's fault either it's eli Thompson's fault. Claire: Josh told me that Eli Thompson murdered my real brother Riley. Josh tried to save Riley but it was already too late. James: poor Josh. He was trying to be a hero but it was too late to save Riley. That's so sad honey. Claire: I know it is. So Josh told me to kill him and I said No I can't kill you. Please don't make me I love you brother. Then he gave me a gun and he told me to put it to his chest and pull the trigger and send a bullet into his chest. James: this is horrible Claire. Claire: I know it is. I wish that he was alive he was so good to me and our kids. James: I know he was it's so sad that he died. He doesn't blame you Claire he told you to kill him because Eli would be after him as soon as he found out that Riley was somebody else. Claire looks at a paper in Josh's back pocket. She pulls it out and she reads it. Claire: Oh my god Josh is really my brother and not Riley. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at the park. Trevor and Elizabeth are still kissing. Cutter walks into the park and he sees Trevor kissing Elizabeth. Cutter walks up to them. Cutter: Get away from my daughter Now. Trevor: No I'm falling in love with her. Cutter: Trevor I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. Trevor: it's ok cutter I understand that your a protective father. Cutter: Yes I am Trevor: Can me and Elizabeth date? Cutter: Sure Trevor go ahead. Trevor: I'll protect her. Cutter: I know you will. Elizabeth: Thank you Dad. Cutter: Of course honey. I like the porcaro family I'm best friends with them. Elizabeth: that's Good Dad. Cutter: I'll see you later honey. Cutter leaves the park. Elizabeth pulls Trevor into another kiss they keep kissing. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at the hospital. Landon and Brandon and Randy rush Their mother Tea into surgey. Brandon: I found the bullet it's in her side. Landon grabs a scapel and Landon cuts the Bullet out of Tea's side. Landon: I got it out let's Clean the wound. Brandon and Landon clean Tea's wound they put antispectic on the wound they stitch the wound up. Tea falls into a coma. The moniter on her is starting to flatline. Landon: No mom. Brandon: Oh my god she's flatlining. Randy: Mom no please don't leave us we love you. Brandon does Cpr on Tea. Tea doesn't respond to Brandon. Brandon: She's in a coma guys. I couldn't get her to stop flatlining. Randy: I'm scared of losing our mom. Brandon: she's not going to die brother I got the bullet out remember. Randy: I know brother but I don't know why she's in a coma. Brandon: Because she lost alot of blood. Randy: Oh my god. Brandon: i'm taking her to a hospital room. Randy and Brandon and Landon take Tea to a hospital room Brandon lays Tea down in the bed. Brandon: Mom I love you please don't leave me. Brandon begins to cry. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Claire and James's house. James: Let me see that paper honey. Claire hands the paper to James. Claire is crying she is still holding Josh's body. James: it says here that Josh is really your brother Not Riley. Riley was never your brother but Josh Gregory was. Claire: Oh my god I killed my own brother. James: you didn't know that he was going to turn out to be your brother. Claire: No I didn't. James: Check your brother's pulse he could be in a coma. Claire checks Josh's pulse He has no pulse. Claire: He's Dead James he has no pulse. Claire keeps crying. James: honey I'm so sorry. Claire: this is all my fault. ------------------------------------------------------------ stay Tuned for the next scenes on Tempted. © 2011 Danielle |
Added on April 30, 2011 Last Updated on April 30, 2011 Author