![]() Tempted episode 75A Screenplay by Danielle![]() episode info: James is shot. Claire finds out about Brandon's death. The cops Gun Danielle down. Danielle dies in the shooting with the cops. James dies in claire's arms![]()
At Claire And James's house.
In the basement. Claire: James I'm scared James: shh honey it's ok calm down I'm here I'll protect you. Claire: Where's Brandon? James: You don't want to know honey. Claire: What happend to him. James: He's dead. Claire: No, No, No he can't be. James: I'm sorry honey. Claire: Oh my god he was the one that got shot. James: He was. Claire begins to cry. James: I know he was your best friend. Claire: He's gone because of me. James: you didn't kill him Claire. Claire: I should have saved him. James: Claire honey listen to me. Brandon's death wasn't your fault. Claire: He got shot because of me. James: No he didn't. He got shot because he made a move on Danielle to get her gun so she couldn't shoot anybody. She shot him to death. Claire: Where is that little b***h. Danielle: I'm right here b***h. Claire: You killed Brandon he was my best friend. Danielle: I don't care he was trying to get my gun that's why I shot him and I'm glad I did. Claire begins to cry. Claire: He didn't do anything to you. He was a good friend to me. Danielle: He wasn't just a friend to you. He was your half brother. Claire: what how could he be my half brother? Danielle: he told me before I killed him. Claire: You b***h he was my half Brother and you murdered him. Claire smacks Danielle across the face. ------------------------------------------------------------ In another room in the basement. Brandon is laying on the floor lifeless. Blair runs over to see if he's ok. Blair: Brandon wake up. Brandon doesn't respond. Todd: Blair what's going on? Blair: He's been shot He's dead. Todd: Oh no Brandon. Blair craddles Brandon to her and she starts crying. Blair: Brandon please don't leave us. Your Claire's best friend She needs you Brandon. Todd hears footsteps coming. Todd: Blair I heard something let's hide. Blair: I'm coming. Todd takes Blair by the hand and they run out of the room. Blair: Tea don't go in there. Tea: why not Blair what's wrong? Blair: Your son Brandon he's dead. Tea: Oh my god No he can't be dead. Blair: He is. I'm so sorry Tea. Tea begins to cry. Tea opens the door to the room. Blair: Don't go in there Tea. Tea: I need to see my son. Blair: it's not safe in there. Danielle is going crazy and she will shoot you. Tea: my son is dead What don't you get. Blair: Tea I can't let you go in there. Your my best friend and I don't want to see anything bad happen to you. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Kelly's apartment. Logan knocks on the door. Kelly opens the door. Logan: Hello. Kelly: hey Logan Logan: I have something that you need to know. Kelly: what is it? Logan: your boyfriend Brandon porcaro is dead. Kelly: oh my god. What happend? Logan: He died from gunshot wounds. Kelly: No. Logan: Danielle Gregory killed him. She has her mother Claire and her stepfather James and everybody else hostage in the basement. Kelly: Oh my god this isn't good. I'm calling the police. Logan: Do it. I'm scared for Claire and everybody else. Kelly takes out her cellphone she dials the police. Kelly: I need a cop to go over to my friend Claire Gregory's house. She's being held hostage with her husband James Ford and all her friends and family. Cop: were on it. Were sending tons of cops. Kelly: Thank you so much. Cop: your welcome Thank you for calling. Kelly hangs up the phone she starts crying. Logan: Kelly don't cry. Kelly: my boyfriend is dead. Logan: I'm sorry Kelly. Kelly: I loved him we just started dating too. Logan: you did? Kelly: yes we did. I really fell in love with him. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Claire and James's house. Randy is sitting on the floor of the basement James comes up to him. Randy looks up at James. Randy: James where's my brother? James: Randy it's really bad. Randy: What do you mean James? James: Your brother Brandon was shot and killed. Randy: No. James: Danielle shot him because he went after her Gun. He tried to get it away from her. Randy begins to cry. Randy: My brother is dead because of that little b***h Damn it. I'm calling the police. James hands Randy the phone. Danielle: What do you think your doing dad? James: Im calling the police. Danielle: Oh no your not. Danielle lifts her gun and shoots James in the chest with a bullet. Claire hears the Gunshot. Claire: Noooo. James collapses to the floor. Claire: James honey. James: she shot me. Claire: Im going to save you honey don't worry. James: I love you Claire. Claire: I love you too James. Claire gets her medical bag and she does surgey on James. She removes the bullet from his chest she cleans his wound and she stitches his wound and then she Bandges it up. ------------------------------------------------------------ In a room in the basement. Ford: What have you done to Brandon. Danielle: I shot him. Ford: how could you Danielle? Brandon didn't do anything to you. Danielle points the gun at Ford. Danielle: shut up Dad. Ford: Please don't shoot me. Danielle: im going to kill everyone you care about. Ford: No please you can't do that. Danielle: Too late. I killed your friend Brandon. Now I'm going to kill my mother. Ford: you have gone too Far. Danielle: I don't care. Danielle knocks Ford out with the gun. David: No what have you done to your father. Danielle: Shut up David or I'll kill you. David: No please don't shoot me. Danielle shoots David in the chest with bullets. ------------------------------------------------------------ Outside of Claire and James's house. Cop cars surround the house. The cops get out of their cars and they stand outside waiting for Danielle to come out. Mark gets a bullhorn and he talks into it. Mark: Alright Danielle come out with your hands up. It's over. Danielle: Never. Cops: we have you surrounded you have no where to go. Danielle: I'm not coming out. Mark: Come out now. Surrender. Danielle: shut up Mark. Mark: I will shoot the door down. Danielle: I'm never coming out. Mark: You have 4 chances to come out with your hands up. Danielle: No I'm not going to surrender. Danielle sneaks out the back door of the house. Mark comes around the corner. He aims his Gun at her Mark: Put your hands up and the Gun down now. Danielle: No. The other cops come around the corner and they aim their guns at Danielle. Danielle lifts up her gun. Mark: Drop it now or we will shoot. Danielle fires her gun. Mark and the cops open fire With bullets The bullets fly out of the guns. The bullets make contact With Danielle's chest. Danielle fires her gun back Mark fires 4 bullets at Danielle's chest The 4 bullets hit her chest. ------------------------------------------------------------ In the basement. Claire goes to find Ford to see if he's ok. Claire finds David and Ford. David: Claire help me Danielle shot me. Claire: Im going to help you David your going to be ok. Ford: Claire is James ok? Claire: He's fine he's with Randy. Ford: thank god. Claire: Ford your bleeding. Ford touches his chest he sees blood on his hand. Ford collapses to the floor. Claire: No Ford. Ford: she must have shot me when she shot David. Claire: Hold still Ford I'm going to help you. David: Claire ahh I'm in pain. Claire holds a blanket on David's bleeding chest. She gets out a scapel and she gets the bullet out of David's chest. Then she cleans his bullet wound and she stitches it up She bandges his wound up. Claire holds a blanket on Ford's bleeding chest. She stops the bleeding. She gets the bullet out of his chest. She cleans his wound and she stitches his chest up She bandges his wound. Ford: you saved my life Claire. Claire: I had to you mean alot to me Ford. David: thank you for saving me Claire. Claire: your welcome David. I have something that I want you to do for me. David: what is it? Claire: Take Ford and run. Go somewhere safe where Danielle can't find you David: I'll do it. Ford: let's go back to your apartment. She doesn't know where it is. David: Good plan. Claire: Take good care of Ford. David: I will. Take care of yourself Claire. Claire: I will. Claire and David hug. Ford: please be careful Claire I love you. Claire: I'll be careful Ford. I love you too. Ford pulls Claire into a kiss They keep kissing. Ford: well I have to go now. Claire: bye Ford. Ford and David leave the basement and they get into his car. David drives away. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Claire and James's house In the living room. Claire is standing in the living room. Claire hears gunshots outside Claire comes running outside. Danielle fires back at Mark. The cops fire bullets at her chest. The bullets hit her chest. Claire finds a Gun and she loads it with bullets She fires bullets at Danielle's chest. Claire: this is for Brandon. Claire fires bullets at Danielle's chest. Mark fires bullets at Danielle's chest. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's chest. Danielle: More bullets come on. The cops fire bullets at her chest. Gunshots gunshots gunshots. Claire fires a bullet at Danielle's chest. The bullet hits her chest. Mark fires bullets at Danielle's chest. The bullets hit her chest. Cops: Hold your fire. Danielle: I killed your half brother mom and I loved every minute of it and now your going to join him. Danielle lifts the gun up. Cops: Fire. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's chest The bullets hit her chest. Claire: Take her down. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's chest The bullets explode through her chest. Danielle fires bullets. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's chest. Danielle: Nooooo. The cops fire hails of bullets at Danielle's chest The bullets explode through her chest. Claire: You deserve to die for everything you've done to the people I love. Claire fires 3 bullets at Danielle's chest The 3 bullets make contact with her chest. Danielle fires hails of bullets at the cops. Cops: Get down Were under fire. Sniper: Drop your Gun. Danielle: Never. Sniper: Then prepare to take my bullets. The sniper fires a bullet at Danielle's chest The bullet makes contact with the middle of her chest The sniper fires another bullet at Danielle's chest. The bullet hits the middle of her chest. Danielle: Come on you stupid sniper shoot me. The sniper fires a third bullet at Danielle's chest The bullet hits her chest. Claire: Kill her now. The cops raise their guns They all fire bullets at Danielle's chest all at once. Bullets hit Danielle's chest in hails. ------------------------------------------------------------ Inside Claire and James's basement. James: Randy are you ok? Randy: No I'm not ok James I lost my brother. James: i'm sorry Randy. Randy: i'm so upset that Brandon is dead. James: i'm upset too he was my friend. Randy: I'm going to kill Danielle for shooting my brother. James: No Randy don't go near her she will kill you. Randy looks out the window and he sees the cops shooting Danielle. Randy: she's getting shot. James: how do you know that? Randy: look out the window. James looks out the window and he sees bullets flying into Danielle's chest. James: I hope she gets gunned down. She's nothing but a murderer. Randy: I want her dead too. James keeps looking out the window and he sees Claire. James: Oh No Claire is out there. Randy: I hope she doesn't get shot. James: I'm going out there. ------------------------------------------------------------ Outside Claire and James's house. The cops keep shooting bullets at Danielle's chest all at once The bullets shake her body. The bullets jerk her around. Claire: Good shot. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's chest all at once The bullets explode through her. Danielle: Noooooooooo not bullets. The guns fire bullets at her chest. Cops: Give up or get pumped full of bullets. Danielle fires her gun. Cops: READY AIM FIRE. Bullets fly out of the guns. The bullets hit Danielle in the chest. Danielle fires bullets at the cops. The sniper targets the middle of Danielle's heart The sniper has his finger on the trigger. Cops: Hold your bullets. Danielle keeps firing bullets. Cops: Now. The sniper pulls his trigger A hard bullet flies out of the gun. The bullet hits the middle of Danielle's heart. Danielle hears the gunshot hit her heart. Danielle: Noooo not a bullet in my heart. Cop: Fire again until she surrenders to the bullets. The sniper fires another bullet at the middle of Danielle's heart The bullet explodes through her heart. Danielle: Noooooo. Cops: Shoot her again. We like hearing the gunshot hit her heart. The sniper fires a third bullet at the middle of Danielle's heart A loud gunshot blasts through her heart. Danielle: I surrender. Don't fire. Cops: Keep firing it's a trick. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's chest. The sniper fires a bullet at the middle of Danielle's heart Danielle fires her gun The cops keep shooting bullets at her chest. The sniper fires a bullet at the middle of her heart The bullet hits her heart. Claire: Die Danielle you b***h. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's chest The bullets hit her chest. The sniper fires two bullets at Danielle's heart. Claire: How could you take your own family hostage you son of a b***h. How can you take my friends hostage along with me and your stepfather and your father. You killed my half brother. Danielle: also I killed Riley. Claire: My brother. You killed Riley too you son of a b***h. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's chest. Danielle fires a bullet at Claire. Claire takes the bullet in the chest. Claire collapses to the ground. Mark: Nooo. The cops fire bullets at Danielle's stomach. Cops: kill her now take this b***h down. The sniper fires 4 bullets at Danielle's heart. ------------------------------------------------------------ Outside of Claire and James's house. James comes running out of the house and he sees Claire laying on the ground shot. James: No Claire. He rushes over to her. Claire: James I love you so much. James: stay with me honey. Claire: I'm not dying my bullet wound isn't that bad. James: I love you too Claire. A cop presses his gun to James's back. Cop: Sir get Back in the house. James: she's my wife Don't shoot me. Claire: Please don't hurt my husband. Cop: Do what I say James. James: I'm not leaving my wife's side. The cop has his finger on the trigger of his gun. Claire hears the gun c**k. Claire: James go back in the house. James: No Claire I'm protecting you. The cop fires a bullet into James's back Claire hears the gunshot. Claire: No. James falls forward onto his chest. Claire: You shot my husband how could you. He was just trying to help me. Danielle comes running over. She points her gun down at James's chest. Claire looks up at Danielle. Claire: No please Don't pull the trigger. Danielle has her finger on the trigger. She shoots a bullet into his chest. Claire hears the gunshot. Claire: No. Claire starts crying. James dies in Claire's arms. Claire: James wake up please don't do this. You can't be dead. ------------------------------------------------------------ Outside of Claire and James's house. The cops reload their gun chambers with hollow point bullets. Danielle reloads her gun with bullets. Danielle: Come on cops I'll give you a shootout that you'll never forget. Danielle has her finger on the trigger. The cops have their fingers on their triggers. Danielle fires bullets at the cops. The cops fire hollow point bullets at Danielle's stomach The hollow point bullets hit her stomach. Danielle: Noooo not hollow point bullets. Danielle fires bullets at the cops. The cops fire hollow point bullets at Danielle's stomach The hollow point bullets spin through her stomach They get stuck in her stomach they shrink. Claire: Kill her she murdered James. My husband is dead because of this b***h. The cops fire hollow point bullets at Danielle's stomach. The hollow point bullets explode through her stomach and they find a part of her stomach and they attack it The bullets shrink inside her stomach. Cops: get ready to go down Danielle your going to get more hollow point bullets shot through you. Danielle fires her gun. The cops pull their triggers. Hollow point bullets fly out of the guns. The bullets hit Danielle in the chest. Claire is crying and holding James. Claire: I didn't want you to die James this isn't fair. I lost you Like I lost Brandon. Danielle keeps firing bullets. The cops fire hollow point bullets into her chest. Claire: I know what I'm going to do. Claire lifts up her gun and she points it at the sniper. Cop: No Claire don't shoot. Claire: this b*****d killed James. My husband is dead because of your sniper. Cop: is that true? Sniper: Yes it is I didn't mean to kill him. Claire c***s the gun. The sniper points his Gun at Claire. Sniper: Drop your gun Claire. Claire: No. Sniper. do what I say. Claire: You killed my husband how can you live with yourself? You shot an innocent man in the back. Sniper: Danielle is the one who killed him. Claire shoots a bullet at the sniper. Another cop fires his gun at Claire. Riley comes out of nowhere and he throws himself infront of the bullet. Claire: Noooooo. The bullet hits Riley's heart. The cop fires two bullets into Riley's heart. Riley collapses into Claire's arms like a rag doll Claire craddles him to her. Claire: No Riley. Riley: Claire I love you. Claire: Dont die Riley I love you too. Riley: Uh uh uh uh Claire i'm dying. Claire: No Riley please. Riley: my heart is shutting down. A hollow point bullet hit an artery. I'm bleeding to death I'm going to die. Goodbye Claire. Claire: No Riley you can't do this. Riley shuts his eyes and he dies in Claire's arms. Claire: Riley wake up. No you can't be dead. ------------------------------------------------------------ Outside of Claire and James's house. The cops keep shooting Bullets at Danielle's chest. Danielle fires bullets at the cops. The cops fire hollow point bullets at Danielle's chest The bullets rip through her chest. Cops: How many bullets do you want in your chest Danielle? Danielle: I want all the big bullets. I want them to explode into my chest. Give me hollow point bullets. Cops: Take her down in shots of hollow point bullets. Danielle: Im ready to get shot. The cops fire hollow point bullets at Danielle's chest. The hollow point bullets hit her chest. The cops keep firing hollow point bullets at Danielle's chest. All the cops fire hollow point bullets all at once at Danielle's chest. The bullets explode through her whole chest. One of the cop's fires a bullet at Danielle's heart Her heart beats fast as the bullet makes perfect contact with it. Danielle feels the concaved compression of the bullet enter her heart. Danielle: Noooooo. The cops fire hollow point bullets at Danielle's heart The bullets explode into Danielle's heart. Danielle falls backwards in slow motion. Cops: Hold your fire she's going down we got her. Danielle fires one more bullet. Cops: Keep holding your fire she's had enough bullets. Danielle fires hails of bullets. Cops: Fire now take her all the way down. Ready aim fire put your bullets in her chest. The cops open fire on Danielle's chest with hails of hollow point bullets The bullets blast through her chest. Danielle: Nooooooo not hollow point bullets those will take me down in 50 shots. Cops: Surrender Now or keep getting shot. Danielle: I rather get shot. The bullets feel so good keep shooting me. The cops fire hollow point bullets at Danielle's chest Bullets make contact with Danielle's chest. The cops fire hails of hollow point bullets at Danielle's chest. Cops: Give her more bullets. The cops fire 30 hollow point bullets at Danielle's chest. Danielle falls backwards as the 30 hollow point bullets hit her chest. Gunshots Gunshots Gunshots. Danielle: I surrender stop shooting. Snipers: Get ready to have your heart shot full of bullets. Danielle: Noooo I surrender don't shoot. Cops: Kill her now shoot her heart down with bullets. The snipers target the middle of Danielle's heart. Her heart beats fast as she lifts up her gun. Cops: Fire. The snipers and the cops open fire on Danielle's heart with hollow point bullets. Danielle feels the hardness of the bullets hit her heart She fires her gun. 3 cops fire hollow point bullets at her heart as she fires her gun. The hollow point bullets stop her from firing her gun. Bullet holes are everywhere in her chest. The snipers fire bullets at the middle of Danielle's chest. Danielle: Noooooo you got me. Cops: Keep firing pump her full of lead. The cops fire hails of hollow point bullets at Danielle's heart Her heart beats faster as the bullets hit her heart. Danielle's gun drops to the ground. 3 cops fire bullets into her chest. Cops: Walk up to the guns now. Danielle walks up to the cop's guns. Cops: Prepare to get shot in the chest at close range. The bullets are really going to fly Now. Take your last breath. Danielle takes her last breath. Cops: Fire The cops fire hollow point bullets into Danielle's chest Bullets go through her chest. Cops: Keep shooting boys. The cops keep shooting hails of hollow point bullets through Danielle's chest. Gunshots go through her chest. Danielle falls backwards as the bullets go through her She collapses to the ground The cops stop firing bullets. Cops: We got her she's down Suspect is down. Danielle grabs her gun and she aims it. A Cop sees her get the gun. The cop yells Noooo. The cop sends a hollow point bullet into Danielle's heart The bullet makes contact with her heart. Gunshot. Danielle: You got me You did some good shooting. But now I'm going to shoot you all. Cops: Hold your fire. She's still going to shoot. Danielle fires bullets. The cops fire bullets into Danielle's chest. Danielle takes the bullets. Danielle: Uh uh uh the bullets got me uh uh uh. The cops fire hails of bullets into Danielle's chest. Cops: Good shot. The cops fire 24 hollow point bullets through Danielle's chest. Gunfire hits Danielle's chest. The cops fire hollow point bullets into Danielle's chest. The snipers fire hails of bullets at the middle of Danielle's heart Danielle falls to the ground and dies. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Claire and James's house. Todd comes outside and he sees Claire crying on James. Claire: James I loved you so much. Todd: honey what happend? Claire: James is dead Danielle shot him. Todd: Oh my god honey. Claire: he died in my arms dad. Todd: I'm so sorry honey. Claire: I'm pregnant and now my unborn baby doesn't have a father anymore. Todd: Oh No. Claire keeps crying on James. Todd looks down at James's lifeless body. Claire: I love you James I'll never forget you. Todd begins to cry. Claire: Dad don't cry. Todd: Its not fair. James didn't deserve to die. Claire: I hope Danielle dies. Todd: It looks that way. Claire: what do you mean? Todd: The cops killed her she's dead. All this bad stuff is over. Claire: Im so glad that she's dead. ------------------------------------------------------------ Stay tuned for the next scenes on Tempted © 2010 Danielle |
Added on December 1, 2010 Last Updated on December 1, 2010 Author